rules: # Bronze action-setup: status: exempt comment: | No custom actions are defined. appropriate-polling: done brands: done common-modules: done config-flow-test-coverage: done config-flow: done dependency-transparency: done docs-actions: status: exempt comment: | No custom actions are defined. docs-high-level-description: done docs-installation-instructions: done docs-removal-instructions: done entity-event-setup: status: exempt comment: | No explicit event subscriptions. entity-unique-id: done has-entity-name: done runtime-data: done test-before-configure: done test-before-setup: done unique-config-entry: done # Silver action-exceptions: status: exempt comment: | No custom actions are defined. config-entry-unloading: done docs-configuration-parameters: status: exempt comment: No configuration parameters docs-installation-parameters: status: done comment: Described in installation instructions entity-unavailable: done integration-owner: done log-when-unavailable: done parallel-updates: status: exempt comment: Handled by coordinator reauthentication-flow: done test-coverage: done # Gold devices: done diagnostics: done discovery-update-info: status: exempt comment: | Not possible to discover these devices. discovery: status: exempt comment: | Not possible to discover these devices. docs-data-update: done docs-examples: done docs-known-limitations: done docs-supported-devices: done docs-supported-functions: todo docs-troubleshooting: done docs-use-cases: done dynamic-devices: todo entity-category: done entity-device-class: done entity-disabled-by-default: done entity-translations: status: done comment: | Datapoint names are read from the API metadata and used as entity names in HA. It is not feasible to use the API names as translation keys as they can change between firmware and API upgrades and the number of appliance models and firmware releases are huge. Entity names translations are therefore not implemented for the time being. exception-translations: done icon-translations: done reconfiguration-flow: done repair-issues: status: exempt comment: | No repair-issues are raised. stale-devices: status: done comment: | There is no way for the integration to know if a device is gone temporarily or permanently. User is allowed to delete a stale device from GUI. # Platinum async-dependency: done inject-websession: done strict-typing: done