"""Support for media browsing.""" from contextlib import suppress import logging from homeassistant.components.media_player import BrowseError, BrowseMedia from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import ( MEDIA_CLASS_ALBUM, MEDIA_CLASS_ARTIST, MEDIA_CLASS_CHANNEL, MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY, MEDIA_CLASS_EPISODE, MEDIA_CLASS_MOVIE, MEDIA_CLASS_MUSIC, MEDIA_CLASS_PLAYLIST, MEDIA_CLASS_SEASON, MEDIA_CLASS_TRACK, MEDIA_CLASS_TV_SHOW, MEDIA_TYPE_ALBUM, MEDIA_TYPE_ARTIST, MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL, MEDIA_TYPE_EPISODE, MEDIA_TYPE_MOVIE, MEDIA_TYPE_PLAYLIST, MEDIA_TYPE_SEASON, MEDIA_TYPE_TRACK, MEDIA_TYPE_TVSHOW, ) PLAYABLE_MEDIA_TYPES = [ MEDIA_TYPE_ALBUM, MEDIA_TYPE_ARTIST, MEDIA_TYPE_TRACK, ] CONTAINER_TYPES_SPECIFIC_MEDIA_CLASS = { MEDIA_TYPE_ALBUM: MEDIA_CLASS_ALBUM, MEDIA_TYPE_ARTIST: MEDIA_CLASS_ARTIST, MEDIA_TYPE_PLAYLIST: MEDIA_CLASS_PLAYLIST, MEDIA_TYPE_SEASON: MEDIA_CLASS_SEASON, MEDIA_TYPE_TVSHOW: MEDIA_CLASS_TV_SHOW, } CHILD_TYPE_MEDIA_CLASS = { MEDIA_TYPE_SEASON: MEDIA_CLASS_SEASON, MEDIA_TYPE_ALBUM: MEDIA_CLASS_ALBUM, MEDIA_TYPE_ARTIST: MEDIA_CLASS_ARTIST, MEDIA_TYPE_MOVIE: MEDIA_CLASS_MOVIE, MEDIA_TYPE_PLAYLIST: MEDIA_CLASS_PLAYLIST, MEDIA_TYPE_TRACK: MEDIA_CLASS_TRACK, MEDIA_TYPE_TVSHOW: MEDIA_CLASS_TV_SHOW, MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL: MEDIA_CLASS_CHANNEL, MEDIA_TYPE_EPISODE: MEDIA_CLASS_EPISODE, } _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class UnknownMediaType(BrowseError): """Unknown media type.""" async def build_item_response(media_library, payload): """Create response payload for the provided media query.""" search_id = payload["search_id"] search_type = payload["search_type"] thumbnail = None title = None media = None properties = ["thumbnail"] if search_type == MEDIA_TYPE_ALBUM: if search_id: album = await media_library.get_album_details( album_id=int(search_id), properties=properties ) thumbnail = media_library.thumbnail_url( album["albumdetails"].get("thumbnail") ) title = album["albumdetails"]["label"] media = await media_library.get_songs( album_id=int(search_id), properties=[ "albumid", "artist", "duration", "album", "thumbnail", "track", ], ) media = media.get("songs") else: media = await media_library.get_albums(properties=properties) media = media.get("albums") title = "Albums" elif search_type == MEDIA_TYPE_ARTIST: if search_id: media = await media_library.get_albums( artist_id=int(search_id), properties=properties ) media = media.get("albums") artist = await media_library.get_artist_details( artist_id=int(search_id), properties=properties ) thumbnail = media_library.thumbnail_url( artist["artistdetails"].get("thumbnail") ) title = artist["artistdetails"]["label"] else: media = await media_library.get_artists(properties) media = media.get("artists") title = "Artists" elif search_type == "library_music": library = {MEDIA_TYPE_ALBUM: "Albums", MEDIA_TYPE_ARTIST: "Artists"} media = [{"label": name, "type": type_} for type_, name in library.items()] title = "Music Library" elif search_type == MEDIA_TYPE_MOVIE: media = await media_library.get_movies(properties) media = media.get("movies") title = "Movies" elif search_type == MEDIA_TYPE_TVSHOW: if search_id: media = await media_library.get_seasons( tv_show_id=int(search_id), properties=["thumbnail", "season", "tvshowid"], ) media = media.get("seasons") tvshow = await media_library.get_tv_show_details( tv_show_id=int(search_id), properties=properties ) thumbnail = media_library.thumbnail_url( tvshow["tvshowdetails"].get("thumbnail") ) title = tvshow["tvshowdetails"]["label"] else: media = await media_library.get_tv_shows(properties) media = media.get("tvshows") title = "TV Shows" elif search_type == MEDIA_TYPE_SEASON: tv_show_id, season_id = search_id.split("/", 1) media = await media_library.get_episodes( tv_show_id=int(tv_show_id), season_id=int(season_id), properties=["thumbnail", "tvshowid", "seasonid"], ) media = media.get("episodes") if media: season = await media_library.get_season_details( season_id=int(media[0]["seasonid"]), properties=properties ) thumbnail = media_library.thumbnail_url( season["seasondetails"].get("thumbnail") ) title = season["seasondetails"]["label"] elif search_type == MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL: media = await media_library.get_channels( channel_group_id="alltv", properties=["thumbnail", "channeltype", "channel", "broadcastnow"], ) media = media.get("channels") title = "Channels" if media is None: return None children = [] for item in media: with suppress(UnknownMediaType): children.append(item_payload(item, media_library)) if search_type in (MEDIA_TYPE_TVSHOW, MEDIA_TYPE_MOVIE) and search_id == "": children.sort(key=lambda x: x.title.replace("The ", "", 1), reverse=False) response = BrowseMedia( media_class=CONTAINER_TYPES_SPECIFIC_MEDIA_CLASS.get( search_type, MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY ), media_content_id=search_id, media_content_type=search_type, title=title, can_play=search_type in PLAYABLE_MEDIA_TYPES and search_id, can_expand=True, children=children, thumbnail=thumbnail, ) if search_type == "library_music": response.children_media_class = MEDIA_CLASS_MUSIC else: response.calculate_children_class() return response def item_payload(item, media_library): """ Create response payload for a single media item. Used by async_browse_media. """ title = item["label"] thumbnail = item.get("thumbnail") if thumbnail: thumbnail = media_library.thumbnail_url(thumbnail) media_class = None if "songid" in item: media_content_type = MEDIA_TYPE_TRACK media_content_id = f"{item['songid']}" can_play = True can_expand = False elif "albumid" in item: media_content_type = MEDIA_TYPE_ALBUM media_content_id = f"{item['albumid']}" can_play = True can_expand = True elif "artistid" in item: media_content_type = MEDIA_TYPE_ARTIST media_content_id = f"{item['artistid']}" can_play = True can_expand = True elif "movieid" in item: media_content_type = MEDIA_TYPE_MOVIE media_content_id = f"{item['movieid']}" can_play = True can_expand = False elif "episodeid" in item: media_content_type = MEDIA_TYPE_EPISODE media_content_id = f"{item['episodeid']}" can_play = True can_expand = False elif "seasonid" in item: media_content_type = MEDIA_TYPE_SEASON media_content_id = f"{item['tvshowid']}/{item['season']}" can_play = False can_expand = True elif "tvshowid" in item: media_content_type = MEDIA_TYPE_TVSHOW media_content_id = f"{item['tvshowid']}" can_play = False can_expand = True elif "channelid" in item: media_content_type = MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL media_content_id = f"{item['channelid']}" broadcasting = item.get("broadcastnow") if broadcasting: show = broadcasting.get("title") title = f"{title} - {show}" can_play = True can_expand = False else: # this case is for the top folder of each type # possible content types: album, artist, movie, library_music, tvshow, channel media_class = MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY media_content_type = item["type"] media_content_id = "" can_play = False can_expand = True if media_class is None: try: media_class = CHILD_TYPE_MEDIA_CLASS[media_content_type] except KeyError as err: _LOGGER.debug("Unknown media type received: %s", media_content_type) raise UnknownMediaType from err return BrowseMedia( title=title, media_class=media_class, media_content_type=media_content_type, media_content_id=media_content_id, can_play=can_play, can_expand=can_expand, thumbnail=thumbnail, ) def library_payload(media_library): """ Create response payload to describe contents of a specific library. Used by async_browse_media. """ library_info = BrowseMedia( media_class=MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY, media_content_id="library", media_content_type="library", title="Media Library", can_play=False, can_expand=True, children=[], ) library = { "library_music": "Music", MEDIA_TYPE_MOVIE: "Movies", MEDIA_TYPE_TVSHOW: "TV shows", MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL: "Channels", } for item in [{"label": name, "type": type_} for type_, name in library.items()]: library_info.children.append( item_payload( {"label": item["label"], "type": item["type"], "uri": item["type"]}, media_library, ) ) return library_info