"""Support for the Swedish weather institute weather service. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation https://home-assistant.io/components/weather.smhi/ """ import asyncio import logging from datetime import timedelta from typing import Dict, List import aiohttp import async_timeout from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_LATITUDE, CONF_LONGITUDE, CONF_NAME, TEMP_CELSIUS) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import aiohttp_client from homeassistant.util import dt, Throttle from homeassistant.components.weather import ( WeatherEntity, ATTR_FORECAST_CONDITION, ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP, ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP_LOW, ATTR_FORECAST_TIME, ATTR_FORECAST_PRECIPITATION) from homeassistant.components.smhi.const import ( ENTITY_ID_SENSOR_FORMAT, ATTR_SMHI_CLOUDINESS) DEPENDENCIES = ['smhi'] REQUIREMENTS = ['smhi-pkg==1.0.4'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Used to map condition from API results CONDITION_CLASSES = { 'cloudy': [5, 6], 'fog': [7], 'hail': [], 'lightning': [21], 'lightning-rainy': [11], 'partlycloudy': [3, 4], 'pouring': [10, 20], 'rainy': [8, 9, 18, 19], 'snowy': [15, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27], 'snowy-rainy': [12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24], 'sunny': [1, 2], 'windy': [], 'windy-variant': [], 'exceptional': [], } # 5 minutes between retrying connect to API again RETRY_TIMEOUT = 5*60 MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(minutes=31) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Old way of setting up components. Can only be called when a user accidentally mentions smhi in the config. In that case it will be ignored. """ pass async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, config_entries) -> bool: """Add a weather entity from map location.""" location = config_entry.data name = location[CONF_NAME] session = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(hass) entity = SmhiWeather(name, location[CONF_LATITUDE], location[CONF_LONGITUDE], session=session) entity.entity_id = ENTITY_ID_SENSOR_FORMAT.format(name) config_entries([entity], True) return True class SmhiWeather(WeatherEntity): """Representation of a weather entity.""" def __init__(self, name: str, latitude: str, longitude: str, session: aiohttp.ClientSession = None) -> None: """Initialize the SMHI weather entity.""" from smhi import Smhi self._name = name self._latitude = latitude self._longitude = longitude self._forecasts = None self._fail_count = 0 self._smhi_api = Smhi(self._longitude, self._latitude, session=session) @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES) async def async_update(self) -> None: """Refresh the forecast data from SMHI weather API.""" from smhi.smhi_lib import SmhiForecastException def fail(): self._fail_count += 1 if self._fail_count < 3: self.hass.helpers.event.async_call_later( RETRY_TIMEOUT, self.retry_update()) try: with async_timeout.timeout(10, loop=self.hass.loop): self._forecasts = await self.get_weather_forecast() self._fail_count = 0 except (asyncio.TimeoutError, SmhiForecastException): _LOGGER.error("Failed to connect to SMHI API, " "retry in 5 minutes") fail() async def retry_update(self): """Retry refresh weather forecast.""" self.async_update() async def get_weather_forecast(self) -> []: """Return the current forecasts from SMHI API.""" return await self._smhi_api.async_get_forecast() @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the sensor.""" return self._name @property def temperature(self) -> int: """Return the temperature.""" if self._forecasts is not None: return self._forecasts[0].temperature return None @property def temperature_unit(self) -> str: """Return the unit of measurement.""" return TEMP_CELSIUS @property def humidity(self) -> int: """Return the humidity.""" if self._forecasts is not None: return self._forecasts[0].humidity return None @property def wind_speed(self) -> float: """Return the wind speed.""" if self._forecasts is not None: # Convert from m/s to km/h return round(self._forecasts[0].wind_speed*18/5) return None @property def wind_bearing(self) -> int: """Return the wind bearing.""" if self._forecasts is not None: return self._forecasts[0].wind_direction return None @property def visibility(self) -> float: """Return the visibility.""" if self._forecasts is not None: return self._forecasts[0].horizontal_visibility return None @property def pressure(self) -> int: """Return the pressure.""" if self._forecasts is not None: return self._forecasts[0].pressure return None @property def cloudiness(self) -> int: """Return the cloudiness.""" if self._forecasts is not None: return self._forecasts[0].cloudiness return None @property def condition(self) -> str: """Return the weather condition.""" if self._forecasts is None: return None return next(( k for k, v in CONDITION_CLASSES.items() if self._forecasts[0].symbol in v), None) @property def attribution(self) -> str: """Return the attribution.""" return 'Swedish weather institute (SMHI)' @property def forecast(self) -> List: """Return the forecast.""" if self._forecasts is None: return None data = [] for forecast in self._forecasts: condition = next(( k for k, v in CONDITION_CLASSES.items() if forecast.symbol in v), None) # Only get mid day forecasts if forecast.valid_time.hour == 12: data.append({ ATTR_FORECAST_TIME: dt.as_local(forecast.valid_time), ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP: forecast.temperature_max, ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP_LOW: forecast.temperature_min, ATTR_FORECAST_PRECIPITATION: round(forecast.mean_precipitation*24), ATTR_FORECAST_CONDITION: condition }) return data @property def device_state_attributes(self) -> Dict: """Return SMHI specific attributes.""" if self.cloudiness: return {ATTR_SMHI_CLOUDINESS: self.cloudiness}