"""Generate mypy config.""" from __future__ import annotations import configparser import io import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Final from homeassistant.const import REQUIRED_PYTHON_VER from .model import Config, Integration # Modules which have type hints which known to be broken. # If you are an author of component listed here, please fix these errors and # remove your component from this list to enable type checks. # Do your best to not add anything new here. IGNORED_MODULES: Final[list[str]] = [ "homeassistant.components.sonos", "homeassistant.components.sonos.alarms", "homeassistant.components.sonos.binary_sensor", "homeassistant.components.sonos.diagnostics", "homeassistant.components.sonos.entity", "homeassistant.components.sonos.favorites", "homeassistant.components.sonos.media_browser", "homeassistant.components.sonos.media_player", "homeassistant.components.sonos.number", "homeassistant.components.sonos.sensor", "homeassistant.components.sonos.speaker", "homeassistant.components.sonos.statistics", ] # Component modules which should set no_implicit_reexport = true. NO_IMPLICIT_REEXPORT_MODULES: set[str] = { "homeassistant.components", "homeassistant.components.application_credentials.*", "homeassistant.components.diagnostics.*", "homeassistant.components.spotify.*", "homeassistant.components.stream.*", "homeassistant.components.update.*", } HEADER: Final = """ # Automatically generated by hassfest. # # To update, run python3 -m script.hassfest -p mypy_config """.lstrip() GENERAL_SETTINGS: Final[dict[str, str]] = { "python_version": ".".join(str(x) for x in REQUIRED_PYTHON_VER[:2]), "show_error_codes": "true", "follow_imports": "silent", # Enable some checks globally. "ignore_missing_imports": "true", "strict_equality": "true", "warn_incomplete_stub": "true", "warn_redundant_casts": "true", "warn_unused_configs": "true", "warn_unused_ignores": "true", "enable_error_code": "ignore-without-code", # Strict_concatenate breaks passthrough ParamSpec typing "strict_concatenate": "false", } # This is basically the list of checks which is enabled for "strict=true". # "strict=false" in config files does not turn strict settings off if they've been # set in a more general section (it instead means as if strict was not specified at # all), so we need to list all checks manually to be able to flip them wholesale. STRICT_SETTINGS: Final[list[str]] = [ "check_untyped_defs", "disallow_incomplete_defs", "disallow_subclassing_any", "disallow_untyped_calls", "disallow_untyped_decorators", "disallow_untyped_defs", "no_implicit_optional", "warn_return_any", "warn_unreachable", # TODO: turn these on, address issues # "disallow_any_generics", # "no_implicit_reexport", ] # Strict settings are already applied for core files. # To enable granular typing, add additional settings if core files are given. STRICT_SETTINGS_CORE: Final[list[str]] = [ "disallow_any_generics", ] def _strict_module_in_ignore_list( module: str, ignored_modules_set: set[str] ) -> str | None: if module in ignored_modules_set: return module if module.endswith("*"): module = module[:-1] for ignored_module in ignored_modules_set: if ignored_module.startswith(module): return ignored_module return None def generate_and_validate(config: Config) -> str: """Validate and generate mypy config.""" config_path = config.root / ".strict-typing" with config_path.open() as fp: lines = fp.readlines() # Filter empty and commented lines. parsed_modules: list[str] = [ line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip() != "" and not line.startswith("#") ] strict_modules: list[str] = [] strict_core_modules: list[str] = [] for module in parsed_modules: if module.startswith("homeassistant.components"): strict_modules.append(module) else: strict_core_modules.append(module) ignored_modules_set: set[str] = set(IGNORED_MODULES) for module in strict_modules: if ( not module.startswith("homeassistant.components.") and module != "homeassistant.components" ): config.add_error( "mypy_config", f"Only components should be added: {module}" ) if ignored_module := _strict_module_in_ignore_list(module, ignored_modules_set): config.add_error( "mypy_config", f"Module '{ignored_module}' is in ignored list in mypy_config.py", ) # Validate that all modules exist. all_modules = ( strict_modules + strict_core_modules + IGNORED_MODULES + list(NO_IMPLICIT_REEXPORT_MODULES) ) for module in all_modules: if module.endswith(".*"): module_path = Path(module[:-2].replace(".", os.path.sep)) if not module_path.is_dir(): config.add_error("mypy_config", f"Module '{module} is not a folder") else: module = module.replace(".", os.path.sep) module_path = Path(f"{module}.py") if module_path.is_file(): continue module_path = Path(module) / "__init__.py" if not module_path.is_file(): config.add_error("mypy_config", f"Module '{module} doesn't exist") # Don't generate mypy.ini if there're errors found because it will likely crash. if any(err.plugin == "mypy_config" for err in config.errors): return "" mypy_config = configparser.ConfigParser() general_section = "mypy" mypy_config.add_section(general_section) for key, value in GENERAL_SETTINGS.items(): mypy_config.set(general_section, key, value) for key in STRICT_SETTINGS: mypy_config.set(general_section, key, "true") # By default enable no_implicit_reexport only for homeassistant.* # Disable it afterwards for all components components_section = "mypy-homeassistant.*" mypy_config.add_section(components_section) mypy_config.set(components_section, "no_implicit_reexport", "true") for core_module in strict_core_modules: core_section = f"mypy-{core_module}" mypy_config.add_section(core_section) for key in STRICT_SETTINGS_CORE: mypy_config.set(core_section, key, "true") # By default strict checks are disabled for components. components_section = "mypy-homeassistant.components.*" mypy_config.add_section(components_section) for key in STRICT_SETTINGS: mypy_config.set(components_section, key, "false") mypy_config.set(components_section, "no_implicit_reexport", "false") for strict_module in strict_modules: strict_section = f"mypy-{strict_module}" mypy_config.add_section(strict_section) for key in STRICT_SETTINGS: mypy_config.set(strict_section, key, "true") if strict_module in NO_IMPLICIT_REEXPORT_MODULES: mypy_config.set(strict_section, "no_implicit_reexport", "true") for reexport_module in sorted( NO_IMPLICIT_REEXPORT_MODULES.difference(strict_modules) ): reexport_section = f"mypy-{reexport_module}" mypy_config.add_section(reexport_section) mypy_config.set(reexport_section, "no_implicit_reexport", "true") # Disable strict checks for tests tests_section = "mypy-tests.*" mypy_config.add_section(tests_section) for key in STRICT_SETTINGS: mypy_config.set(tests_section, key, "false") for ignored_module in IGNORED_MODULES: ignored_section = f"mypy-{ignored_module}" mypy_config.add_section(ignored_section) mypy_config.set(ignored_section, "ignore_errors", "true") with io.StringIO() as fp: mypy_config.write(fp) fp.seek(0) return HEADER + fp.read().strip() def validate(integrations: dict[str, Integration], config: Config) -> None: """Validate mypy config.""" config_path = config.root / "mypy.ini" config.cache["mypy_config"] = content = generate_and_validate(config) if any(err.plugin == "mypy_config" for err in config.errors): return with open(str(config_path)) as fp: if fp.read().strip() != content: config.add_error( "mypy_config", "File mypy.ini is not up to date. Run python3 -m script.hassfest", fixable=True, ) def generate(integrations: dict[str, Integration], config: Config) -> None: """Generate mypy config.""" config_path = config.root / "mypy.ini" with open(str(config_path), "w") as fp: fp.write(f"{config.cache['mypy_config']}\n")