#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Generate an updated requirements_all.txt.""" import difflib import importlib import os from pathlib import Path import pkgutil import re import sys from homeassistant.util.yaml.loader import load_yaml from script.hassfest.model import Integration if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): import tomllib else: import tomli as tomllib COMMENT_REQUIREMENTS = ( "Adafruit_BBIO", "avea", # depends on bluepy "avion", "beacontools", "beewi_smartclim", # depends on bluepy "bluepy", "decora", "decora_wifi", "evdev", "face_recognition", "opencv-python-headless", "pybluez", "pycups", "python-eq3bt", "python-gammu", "python-lirc", "pyuserinput", "tensorflow", "tf-models-official", ) COMMENT_REQUIREMENTS_NORMALIZED = { commented.lower().replace("_", "-") for commented in COMMENT_REQUIREMENTS } IGNORE_PIN = ("colorlog>2.1,<3", "urllib3") URL_PIN = ( "https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/" "creating_platform_code_review.html#1-requirements" ) CONSTRAINT_PATH = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "../homeassistant/package_constraints.txt" ) CONSTRAINT_BASE = """ # Constrain pycryptodome to avoid vulnerability # see https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/16238 pycryptodome>=3.6.6 # Constrain urllib3 to ensure we deal with CVE-2020-26137 and CVE-2021-33503 urllib3>=1.26.5 # Constrain httplib2 to protect against GHSA-93xj-8mrv-444m # https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-93xj-8mrv-444m httplib2>=0.19.0 # gRPC is an implicit dependency that we want to make explicit so we manage # upgrades intentionally. It is a large package to build from source and we # want to ensure we have wheels built. grpcio==1.46.1 grpcio-status==1.46.1 # libcst >=0.4.0 requires a newer Rust than we currently have available, # thus our wheels builds fail. This pins it to the last working version, # which at this point satisfies our needs. libcst==0.3.23 # This is a old unmaintained library and is replaced with pycryptodome pycrypto==1000000000.0.0 # To remove reliance on typing btlewrap>=0.0.10 # This overrides a built-in Python package enum34==1000000000.0.0 typing==1000000000.0.0 uuid==1000000000.0.0 # regex causes segfault with version 2021.8.27 # https://bitbucket.org/mrabarnett/mrab-regex/issues/421/2021827-results-in-fatal-python-error # This is fixed in 2021.8.28 regex==2021.8.28 # httpx requires httpcore, and httpcore requires anyio and h11, but the version constraints on # these requirements are quite loose. As the entire stack has some outstanding issues, and # even newer versions seem to introduce new issues, it's useful for us to pin all these # requirements so we can directly link HA versions to these library versions. anyio==3.6.1 h11==0.12.0 httpcore==0.15.0 # Ensure we have a hyperframe version that works in Python 3.10 # 5.2.0 fixed a collections abc deprecation hyperframe>=5.2.0 # Ensure we run compatible with musllinux build env numpy==1.23.1 # pytest_asyncio breaks our test suite. We rely on pytest-aiohttp instead pytest_asyncio==1000000000.0.0 # Prevent dependency conflicts between sisyphus-control and aioambient # until upper bounds for sisyphus-control have been updated # https://github.com/jkeljo/sisyphus-control/issues/6 python-engineio>=3.13.1,<4.0 python-socketio>=4.6.0,<5.0 # Constrain multidict to avoid typing issues # https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/67046 multidict>=6.0.2 # Required for compatibility with point integration - ensure_active_token # https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/68176 authlib<1.0 # Pin backoff for compatibility until most libraries have been updated # https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/70817 backoff<2.0 # Breaking change in version # https://github.com/samuelcolvin/pydantic/issues/4092 pydantic!=1.9.1 # Breaks asyncio # https://github.com/pubnub/python/issues/130 pubnub!=6.4.0 # Package's __init__.pyi stub has invalid syntax and breaks mypy # https://github.com/dahlia/iso4217/issues/16 iso4217!=1.10.20220401 """ IGNORE_PRE_COMMIT_HOOK_ID = ( "check-executables-have-shebangs", "check-json", "no-commit-to-branch", "prettier", "python-typing-update", ) PACKAGE_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(?:--.+\s)?([-_\.\w\d]+).*==.+$") def has_tests(module: str): """Test if a module has tests. Module format: homeassistant.components.hue Test if exists: tests/components/hue/__init__.py """ path = ( Path(module.replace(".", "/").replace("homeassistant", "tests")) / "__init__.py" ) return path.exists() def explore_module(package, explore_children): """Explore the modules.""" module = importlib.import_module(package) found = [] if not hasattr(module, "__path__"): return found for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules(module.__path__, f"{package}."): found.append(name) if explore_children: found.extend(explore_module(name, False)) return found def core_requirements(): """Gather core requirements out of pyproject.toml.""" with open("pyproject.toml", "rb") as fp: data = tomllib.load(fp) return data["project"]["dependencies"] def gather_recursive_requirements(domain, seen=None): """Recursively gather requirements from a module.""" if seen is None: seen = set() seen.add(domain) integration = Integration(Path(f"homeassistant/components/{domain}")) integration.load_manifest() reqs = {x for x in integration.requirements if x not in CONSTRAINT_BASE} for dep_domain in integration.dependencies: reqs.update(gather_recursive_requirements(dep_domain, seen)) return reqs def normalize_package_name(requirement: str) -> str: """Return a normalized package name from a requirement string.""" # This function is also used in hassfest. match = PACKAGE_REGEX.search(requirement) if not match: return "" # pipdeptree needs lowercase and dash instead of underscore as separator package = match.group(1).lower().replace("_", "-") return package def comment_requirement(req): """Comment out requirement. Some don't install on all systems.""" return any( normalize_package_name(req) == ign for ign in COMMENT_REQUIREMENTS_NORMALIZED ) def gather_modules(): """Collect the information.""" reqs = {} errors = [] gather_requirements_from_manifests(errors, reqs) gather_requirements_from_modules(errors, reqs) for key in reqs: reqs[key] = sorted(reqs[key], key=lambda name: (len(name.split(".")), name)) if errors: print("******* ERROR") print("Errors while importing: ", ", ".join(errors)) return None return reqs def gather_requirements_from_manifests(errors, reqs): """Gather all of the requirements from manifests.""" integrations = Integration.load_dir(Path("homeassistant/components")) for domain in sorted(integrations): integration = integrations[domain] if not integration.manifest: errors.append(f"The manifest for integration {domain} is invalid.") continue if integration.disabled: continue process_requirements( errors, integration.requirements, f"homeassistant.components.{domain}", reqs ) def gather_requirements_from_modules(errors, reqs): """Collect the requirements from the modules directly.""" for package in sorted( explore_module("homeassistant.scripts", True) + explore_module("homeassistant.auth", True) ): try: module = importlib.import_module(package) except ImportError as err: print(f"{package.replace('.', '/')}.py: {err}") errors.append(package) continue if getattr(module, "REQUIREMENTS", None): process_requirements(errors, module.REQUIREMENTS, package, reqs) def process_requirements(errors, module_requirements, package, reqs): """Process all of the requirements.""" for req in module_requirements: if "://" in req: errors.append(f"{package}[Only pypi dependencies are allowed: {req}]") if req.partition("==")[1] == "" and req not in IGNORE_PIN: errors.append(f"{package}[Please pin requirement {req}, see {URL_PIN}]") reqs.setdefault(req, []).append(package) def generate_requirements_list(reqs): """Generate a pip file based on requirements.""" output = [] for pkg, requirements in sorted(reqs.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]): for req in sorted(requirements): output.append(f"\n# {req}") if comment_requirement(pkg): output.append(f"\n# {pkg}\n") else: output.append(f"\n{pkg}\n") return "".join(output) def requirements_output(reqs): """Generate output for requirements.""" output = [ "-c homeassistant/package_constraints.txt\n", "\n", "# Home Assistant Core\n", ] output.append("\n".join(core_requirements())) output.append("\n") return "".join(output) def requirements_all_output(reqs): """Generate output for requirements_all.""" output = [ "# Home Assistant Core, full dependency set\n", "-r requirements.txt\n", ] output.append(generate_requirements_list(reqs)) return "".join(output) def requirements_test_all_output(reqs): """Generate output for test_requirements.""" output = [ "# Home Assistant tests, full dependency set\n", f"# Automatically generated by {Path(__file__).name}, do not edit\n", "\n", "-r requirements_test.txt\n", ] filtered = { requirement: modules for requirement, modules in reqs.items() if any( # Always install requirements that are not part of integrations not mdl.startswith("homeassistant.components.") or # Install tests for integrations that have tests has_tests(mdl) for mdl in modules ) } output.append(generate_requirements_list(filtered)) return "".join(output) def requirements_pre_commit_output(): """Generate output for pre-commit dependencies.""" source = ".pre-commit-config.yaml" pre_commit_conf = load_yaml(source) reqs = [] for repo in (x for x in pre_commit_conf["repos"] if x.get("rev")): for hook in repo["hooks"]: if hook["id"] not in IGNORE_PRE_COMMIT_HOOK_ID: reqs.append(f"{hook['id']}=={repo['rev'].lstrip('v')}") reqs.extend(x for x in hook.get("additional_dependencies", ())) output = [ f"# Automatically generated " f"from {source} by {Path(__file__).name}, do not edit", "", ] output.extend(sorted(reqs)) return "\n".join(output) + "\n" def gather_constraints(): """Construct output for constraint file.""" return ( "\n".join( sorted( { *core_requirements(), *gather_recursive_requirements("default_config"), *gather_recursive_requirements("mqtt"), } ) + [""] ) + CONSTRAINT_BASE ) def diff_file(filename, content): """Diff a file.""" return list( difflib.context_diff( [f"{line}\n" for line in Path(filename).read_text().split("\n")], [f"{line}\n" for line in content.split("\n")], filename, "generated", ) ) def main(validate): """Run the script.""" if not os.path.isfile("requirements_all.txt"): print("Run this from HA root dir") return 1 data = gather_modules() if data is None: return 1 reqs_file = requirements_output(data) reqs_all_file = requirements_all_output(data) reqs_test_all_file = requirements_test_all_output(data) reqs_pre_commit_file = requirements_pre_commit_output() constraints = gather_constraints() files = ( ("requirements.txt", reqs_file), ("requirements_all.txt", reqs_all_file), ("requirements_test_pre_commit.txt", reqs_pre_commit_file), ("requirements_test_all.txt", reqs_test_all_file), ("homeassistant/package_constraints.txt", constraints), ) if validate: errors = [] for filename, content in files: diff = diff_file(filename, content) if diff: errors.append("".join(diff)) if errors: print("ERROR - FOUND THE FOLLOWING DIFFERENCES") print() print() print("\n\n".join(errors)) print() print("Please run python3 -m script.gen_requirements_all") return 1 return 0 for filename, content in files: Path(filename).write_text(content) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": _VAL = sys.argv[-1] == "validate" sys.exit(main(_VAL))