{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "title": "Confirm Callback URL", "description": "SmartThings will be configured to send push updates to Home Assistant at:\n> {webhook_url}\n\nIf this is not correct, please update your configuration, restart Home Assistant, and try again." }, "pat": { "title": "Enter Personal Access Token", "description": "Please enter a SmartThings [Personal Access Token]({token_url}) that has been created per the [instructions]({component_url}). This will be used to create the Home Assistant integration within your SmartThings account.\n\n**Please note that all Personal Access Tokens created after 30 December 2024 are only valid for 24 hours, after which the integration will stop working. We are working on a fix.**", "data": { "access_token": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::access_token%]" } }, "select_location": { "title": "Select Location", "description": "Please select the SmartThings Location you wish to add to Home Assistant. We will then open a new window and ask you to login and authorize installation of the Home Assistant integration into the selected location.", "data": { "location_id": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::location%]" } }, "authorize": { "title": "Authorize Home Assistant" }, "reauth_confirm": { "title": "Reauthorize Home Assistant", "description": "You are about to reauthorize Home Assistant with SmartThings. This will require you to log in and authorize the integration again." }, "update_confirm": { "title": "Finish reauthentication", "description": "You have almost successfully reauthorized Home Assistant with SmartThings. Please press the button down below to finish the process." } }, "abort": { "invalid_webhook_url": "Home Assistant is not configured correctly to receive updates from SmartThings. The webhook URL is invalid:\n> {webhook_url}\n\nPlease update your configuration per the [instructions]({component_url}), restart Home Assistant, and try again.", "no_available_locations": "There are no available SmartThings Locations to set up in Home Assistant.", "reauth_successful": "Home Assistant has been successfully reauthorized with SmartThings." }, "error": { "token_invalid_format": "The token must be in the UID/GUID format", "token_unauthorized": "The token is invalid or no longer authorized.", "token_forbidden": "The token does not have the required OAuth scopes.", "app_setup_error": "Unable to set up the SmartApp. Please try again.", "webhook_error": "SmartThings could not validate the webhook URL. Please ensure the webhook URL is reachable from the internet and try again." } } }