"""Support for SmartThings Cloud.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Iterable from http import HTTPStatus import importlib import logging from aiohttp.client_exceptions import ClientConnectionError, ClientResponseError from pysmartapp.event import EVENT_TYPE_DEVICE from pysmartthings import APIInvalidGrant, Attribute, Capability, SmartThings from homeassistant.config_entries import SOURCE_IMPORT, ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN, CONF_CLIENT_ID, CONF_CLIENT_SECRET from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import ( ConfigEntryAuthFailed, ConfigEntryError, ConfigEntryNotReady, ) from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_track_time_interval from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from homeassistant.loader import async_get_loaded_integration from homeassistant.setup import SetupPhases, async_pause_setup from .config_flow import SmartThingsFlowHandler # noqa: F401 from .const import ( CONF_APP_ID, CONF_INSTALLED_APP_ID, CONF_LOCATION_ID, CONF_REFRESH_TOKEN, DATA_BROKERS, DATA_MANAGER, DOMAIN, EVENT_BUTTON, PLATFORMS, SIGNAL_SMARTTHINGS_UPDATE, TOKEN_REFRESH_INTERVAL, ) from .smartapp import ( format_unique_id, setup_smartapp, setup_smartapp_endpoint, smartapp_sync_subscriptions, unload_smartapp_endpoint, validate_installed_app, validate_webhook_requirements, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.config_entry_only_config_schema(DOMAIN) async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Initialize the SmartThings platform.""" await setup_smartapp_endpoint(hass, False) return True async def async_migrate_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Handle migration of a previous version config entry. A config entry created under a previous version must go through the integration setup again so we can properly retrieve the needed data elements. Force this by removing the entry and triggering a new flow. """ # Remove the entry which will invoke the callback to delete the app. hass.async_create_task(hass.config_entries.async_remove(entry.entry_id)) # only create new flow if there isn't a pending one for SmartThings. if not hass.config_entries.flow.async_progress_by_handler(DOMAIN): hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": SOURCE_IMPORT} ) ) # Return False because it could not be migrated. return False async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Initialize config entry which represents an installed SmartApp.""" # For backwards compat if entry.unique_id is None: hass.config_entries.async_update_entry( entry, unique_id=format_unique_id( entry.data[CONF_APP_ID], entry.data[CONF_LOCATION_ID] ), ) if not validate_webhook_requirements(hass): _LOGGER.warning( "The 'base_url' of the 'http' integration must be configured and start with" " 'https://'" ) return False api = SmartThings(async_get_clientsession(hass), entry.data[CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN]) # Ensure platform modules are loaded since the DeviceBroker will # import them below and we want them to be cached ahead of time # so the integration does not do blocking I/O in the event loop # to import the modules. await async_get_loaded_integration(hass, DOMAIN).async_get_platforms(PLATFORMS) try: # See if the app is already setup. This occurs when there are # installs in multiple SmartThings locations (valid use-case) manager = hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_MANAGER] smart_app = manager.smartapps.get(entry.data[CONF_APP_ID]) if not smart_app: # Validate and setup the app. app = await api.app(entry.data[CONF_APP_ID]) smart_app = setup_smartapp(hass, app) # Validate and retrieve the installed app. installed_app = await validate_installed_app( api, entry.data[CONF_INSTALLED_APP_ID] ) # Get scenes scenes = await async_get_entry_scenes(entry, api) # Get SmartApp token to sync subscriptions token = await api.generate_tokens( entry.data[CONF_CLIENT_ID], entry.data[CONF_CLIENT_SECRET], entry.data[CONF_REFRESH_TOKEN], ) hass.config_entries.async_update_entry( entry, data={**entry.data, CONF_REFRESH_TOKEN: token.refresh_token} ) # Get devices and their current status devices = await api.devices(location_ids=[installed_app.location_id]) async def retrieve_device_status(device): try: await device.status.refresh() except ClientResponseError: _LOGGER.debug( ( "Unable to update status for device: %s (%s), the device will" " be excluded" ), device.label, device.device_id, exc_info=True, ) devices.remove(device) await asyncio.gather(*(retrieve_device_status(d) for d in devices.copy())) # Sync device subscriptions await smartapp_sync_subscriptions( hass, token.access_token, installed_app.location_id, installed_app.installed_app_id, devices, ) # Setup device broker with async_pause_setup(hass, SetupPhases.WAIT_IMPORT_PLATFORMS): # DeviceBroker has a side effect of importing platform # modules when its created. In the future this should be # refactored to not do this. broker = await hass.async_add_import_executor_job( DeviceBroker, hass, entry, token, smart_app, devices, scenes ) broker.connect() hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_BROKERS][entry.entry_id] = broker except APIInvalidGrant as ex: raise ConfigEntryAuthFailed from ex except ClientResponseError as ex: if ex.status in (HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN): raise ConfigEntryError( "The access token is no longer valid. Please remove the integration and set up again." ) from ex _LOGGER.debug(ex, exc_info=True) raise ConfigEntryNotReady from ex except (ClientConnectionError, RuntimeWarning) as ex: _LOGGER.debug(ex, exc_info=True) raise ConfigEntryNotReady from ex await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setups(entry, PLATFORMS) return True async def async_get_entry_scenes(entry: ConfigEntry, api): """Get the scenes within an integration.""" try: return await api.scenes(location_id=entry.data[CONF_LOCATION_ID]) except ClientResponseError as ex: if ex.status == HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN: _LOGGER.exception( ( "Unable to load scenes for configuration entry '%s' because the" " access token does not have the required access" ), entry.title, ) else: raise return [] async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Unload a config entry.""" broker = hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_BROKERS].pop(entry.entry_id, None) if broker: broker.disconnect() return await hass.config_entries.async_unload_platforms(entry, PLATFORMS) async def async_remove_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) -> None: """Perform clean-up when entry is being removed.""" api = SmartThings(async_get_clientsession(hass), entry.data[CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN]) # Remove the installed_app, which if already removed raises a HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN error. installed_app_id = entry.data[CONF_INSTALLED_APP_ID] try: await api.delete_installed_app(installed_app_id) except ClientResponseError as ex: if ex.status == HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN: _LOGGER.debug( "Installed app %s has already been removed", installed_app_id, exc_info=True, ) else: raise _LOGGER.debug("Removed installed app %s", installed_app_id) # Remove the app if not referenced by other entries, which if already # removed raises a HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN error. all_entries = hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN) app_id = entry.data[CONF_APP_ID] app_count = sum(1 for entry in all_entries if entry.data[CONF_APP_ID] == app_id) if app_count > 1: _LOGGER.debug( ( "App %s was not removed because it is in use by other configuration" " entries" ), app_id, ) return # Remove the app try: await api.delete_app(app_id) except ClientResponseError as ex: if ex.status == HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN: _LOGGER.debug("App %s has already been removed", app_id, exc_info=True) else: raise _LOGGER.debug("Removed app %s", app_id) if len(all_entries) == 1: await unload_smartapp_endpoint(hass) class DeviceBroker: """Manages an individual SmartThings config entry.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, token, smart_app, devices: Iterable, scenes: Iterable, ) -> None: """Create a new instance of the DeviceBroker.""" self._hass = hass self._entry = entry self._installed_app_id = entry.data[CONF_INSTALLED_APP_ID] self._smart_app = smart_app self._token = token self._event_disconnect = None self._regenerate_token_remove = None self._assignments = self._assign_capabilities(devices) self.devices = {device.device_id: device for device in devices} self.scenes = {scene.scene_id: scene for scene in scenes} def _assign_capabilities(self, devices: Iterable): """Assign platforms to capabilities.""" assignments = {} for device in devices: capabilities = device.capabilities.copy() slots = {} for platform in PLATFORMS: platform_module = importlib.import_module( f".{platform}", self.__module__ ) if not hasattr(platform_module, "get_capabilities"): continue assigned = platform_module.get_capabilities(capabilities) if not assigned: continue # Draw-down capabilities and set slot assignment for capability in assigned: if capability not in capabilities: continue capabilities.remove(capability) slots[capability] = platform assignments[device.device_id] = slots return assignments def connect(self): """Connect handlers/listeners for device/lifecycle events.""" # Setup interval to regenerate the refresh token on a periodic basis. # Tokens expire in 30 days and once expired, cannot be recovered. async def regenerate_refresh_token(now): """Generate a new refresh token and update the config entry.""" await self._token.refresh( self._entry.data[CONF_CLIENT_ID], self._entry.data[CONF_CLIENT_SECRET], ) self._hass.config_entries.async_update_entry( self._entry, data={ **self._entry.data, CONF_REFRESH_TOKEN: self._token.refresh_token, }, ) _LOGGER.debug( "Regenerated refresh token for installed app: %s", self._installed_app_id, ) self._regenerate_token_remove = async_track_time_interval( self._hass, regenerate_refresh_token, TOKEN_REFRESH_INTERVAL ) # Connect handler to incoming device events self._event_disconnect = self._smart_app.connect_event(self._event_handler) def disconnect(self): """Disconnects handlers/listeners for device/lifecycle events.""" if self._regenerate_token_remove: self._regenerate_token_remove() if self._event_disconnect: self._event_disconnect() def get_assigned(self, device_id: str, platform: str): """Get the capabilities assigned to the platform.""" slots = self._assignments.get(device_id, {}) return [key for key, value in slots.items() if value == platform] def any_assigned(self, device_id: str, platform: str): """Return True if the platform has any assigned capabilities.""" slots = self._assignments.get(device_id, {}) return any(value for value in slots.values() if value == platform) async def _event_handler(self, req, resp, app): """Broker for incoming events.""" # Do not process events received from a different installed app # under the same parent SmartApp (valid use-scenario) if req.installed_app_id != self._installed_app_id: return updated_devices = set() for evt in req.events: if evt.event_type != EVENT_TYPE_DEVICE: continue if not (device := self.devices.get(evt.device_id)): continue device.status.apply_attribute_update( evt.component_id, evt.capability, evt.attribute, evt.value, data=evt.data, ) # Fire events for buttons if ( evt.capability == Capability.button and evt.attribute == Attribute.button ): data = { "component_id": evt.component_id, "device_id": evt.device_id, "location_id": evt.location_id, "value": evt.value, "name": device.label, "data": evt.data, } self._hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_BUTTON, data) _LOGGER.debug("Fired button event: %s", data) else: data = { "location_id": evt.location_id, "device_id": evt.device_id, "component_id": evt.component_id, "capability": evt.capability, "attribute": evt.attribute, "value": evt.value, "data": evt.data, } _LOGGER.debug("Push update received: %s", data) updated_devices.add(device.device_id) async_dispatcher_send(self._hass, SIGNAL_SMARTTHINGS_UPDATE, updated_devices)