"""Support for vacuum cleaner robots (botvacs).""" from datetime import timedelta from functools import partial import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import ( # noqa: F401 # STATE_PAUSED/IDLE are API ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL, ATTR_COMMAND, SERVICE_TOGGLE, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, STATE_IDLE, STATE_ON, STATE_PAUSED, ) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.config_validation import ( # noqa: F401 PLATFORM_SCHEMA, PLATFORM_SCHEMA_BASE, make_entity_service_schema, ) from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity, ToggleEntity from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import EntityComponent from homeassistant.helpers.icon import icon_for_battery_level from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass # mypy: allow-untyped-defs, no-check-untyped-defs _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DOMAIN = "vacuum" SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=20) ATTR_BATTERY_ICON = "battery_icon" ATTR_CLEANED_AREA = "cleaned_area" ATTR_FAN_SPEED = "fan_speed" ATTR_FAN_SPEED_LIST = "fan_speed_list" ATTR_PARAMS = "params" ATTR_STATUS = "status" SERVICE_CLEAN_SPOT = "clean_spot" SERVICE_LOCATE = "locate" SERVICE_RETURN_TO_BASE = "return_to_base" SERVICE_SEND_COMMAND = "send_command" SERVICE_SET_FAN_SPEED = "set_fan_speed" SERVICE_START_PAUSE = "start_pause" SERVICE_START = "start" SERVICE_PAUSE = "pause" SERVICE_STOP = "stop" STATE_CLEANING = "cleaning" STATE_DOCKED = "docked" STATE_RETURNING = "returning" STATE_ERROR = "error" STATES = [STATE_CLEANING, STATE_DOCKED, STATE_RETURNING, STATE_ERROR] DEFAULT_NAME = "Vacuum cleaner robot" SUPPORT_TURN_ON = 1 SUPPORT_TURN_OFF = 2 SUPPORT_PAUSE = 4 SUPPORT_STOP = 8 SUPPORT_RETURN_HOME = 16 SUPPORT_FAN_SPEED = 32 SUPPORT_BATTERY = 64 SUPPORT_STATUS = 128 SUPPORT_SEND_COMMAND = 256 SUPPORT_LOCATE = 512 SUPPORT_CLEAN_SPOT = 1024 SUPPORT_MAP = 2048 SUPPORT_STATE = 4096 SUPPORT_START = 8192 @bind_hass def is_on(hass, entity_id): """Return if the vacuum is on based on the statemachine.""" return hass.states.is_state(entity_id, STATE_ON) async def async_setup(hass, config): """Set up the vacuum component.""" component = hass.data[DOMAIN] = EntityComponent( _LOGGER, DOMAIN, hass, SCAN_INTERVAL ) await component.async_setup(config) component.async_register_entity_service(SERVICE_TURN_ON, {}, "async_turn_on") component.async_register_entity_service(SERVICE_TURN_OFF, {}, "async_turn_off") component.async_register_entity_service(SERVICE_TOGGLE, {}, "async_toggle") component.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_START_PAUSE, {}, "async_start_pause" ) component.async_register_entity_service(SERVICE_START, {}, "async_start") component.async_register_entity_service(SERVICE_PAUSE, {}, "async_pause") component.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_RETURN_TO_BASE, {}, "async_return_to_base" ) component.async_register_entity_service(SERVICE_CLEAN_SPOT, {}, "async_clean_spot") component.async_register_entity_service(SERVICE_LOCATE, {}, "async_locate") component.async_register_entity_service(SERVICE_STOP, {}, "async_stop") component.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SET_FAN_SPEED, {vol.Required(ATTR_FAN_SPEED): cv.string}, "async_set_fan_speed", ) component.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SEND_COMMAND, { vol.Required(ATTR_COMMAND): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_PARAMS): vol.Any(dict, cv.ensure_list), }, "async_send_command", ) return True async def async_setup_entry(hass, entry): """Set up a config entry.""" return await hass.data[DOMAIN].async_setup_entry(entry) async def async_unload_entry(hass, entry): """Unload a config entry.""" return await hass.data[DOMAIN].async_unload_entry(entry) class _BaseVacuum(Entity): """Representation of a base vacuum. Contains common properties and functions for all vacuum devices. """ @property def supported_features(self): """Flag vacuum cleaner features that are supported.""" raise NotImplementedError() @property def battery_level(self): """Return the battery level of the vacuum cleaner.""" return None @property def fan_speed(self): """Return the fan speed of the vacuum cleaner.""" return None @property def fan_speed_list(self): """Get the list of available fan speed steps of the vacuum cleaner.""" raise NotImplementedError() def stop(self, **kwargs): """Stop the vacuum cleaner.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def async_stop(self, **kwargs): """Stop the vacuum cleaner. This method must be run in the event loop. """ await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(partial(self.stop, **kwargs)) def return_to_base(self, **kwargs): """Set the vacuum cleaner to return to the dock.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def async_return_to_base(self, **kwargs): """Set the vacuum cleaner to return to the dock. This method must be run in the event loop. """ await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(partial(self.return_to_base, **kwargs)) def clean_spot(self, **kwargs): """Perform a spot clean-up.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def async_clean_spot(self, **kwargs): """Perform a spot clean-up. This method must be run in the event loop. """ await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(partial(self.clean_spot, **kwargs)) def locate(self, **kwargs): """Locate the vacuum cleaner.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def async_locate(self, **kwargs): """Locate the vacuum cleaner. This method must be run in the event loop. """ await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(partial(self.locate, **kwargs)) def set_fan_speed(self, fan_speed, **kwargs): """Set fan speed.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def async_set_fan_speed(self, fan_speed, **kwargs): """Set fan speed. This method must be run in the event loop. """ await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( partial(self.set_fan_speed, fan_speed, **kwargs) ) def send_command(self, command, params=None, **kwargs): """Send a command to a vacuum cleaner.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def async_send_command(self, command, params=None, **kwargs): """Send a command to a vacuum cleaner. This method must be run in the event loop. """ await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( partial(self.send_command, command, params=params, **kwargs) ) class VacuumEntity(_BaseVacuum, ToggleEntity): """Representation of a vacuum cleaner robot.""" @property def status(self): """Return the status of the vacuum cleaner.""" return None @property def battery_icon(self): """Return the battery icon for the vacuum cleaner.""" charging = False if self.status is not None: charging = "charg" in self.status.lower() return icon_for_battery_level( battery_level=self.battery_level, charging=charging ) @property def capability_attributes(self): """Return capability attributes.""" if self.fan_speed is not None: return {ATTR_FAN_SPEED_LIST: self.fan_speed_list} @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes of the vacuum cleaner.""" data = {} if self.status is not None: data[ATTR_STATUS] = self.status if self.battery_level is not None: data[ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL] = self.battery_level data[ATTR_BATTERY_ICON] = self.battery_icon if self.fan_speed is not None: data[ATTR_FAN_SPEED] = self.fan_speed return data def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the vacuum on and start cleaning.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the vacuum on and start cleaning. This method must be run in the event loop. """ await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(partial(self.turn_on, **kwargs)) def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn the vacuum off stopping the cleaning and returning home.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn the vacuum off stopping the cleaning and returning home. This method must be run in the event loop. """ await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(partial(self.turn_off, **kwargs)) def start_pause(self, **kwargs): """Start, pause or resume the cleaning task.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def async_start_pause(self, **kwargs): """Start, pause or resume the cleaning task. This method must be run in the event loop. """ await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(partial(self.start_pause, **kwargs)) async def async_pause(self): """Not supported.""" async def async_start(self): """Not supported.""" class VacuumDevice(VacuumEntity): """Representation of a vacuum (for backwards compatibility).""" def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """Print deprecation warning.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) _LOGGER.warning( "VacuumDevice is deprecated, modify %s to extend VacuumEntity", cls.__name__, ) class StateVacuumEntity(_BaseVacuum): """Representation of a vacuum cleaner robot that supports states.""" @property def state(self): """Return the state of the vacuum cleaner.""" return None @property def battery_icon(self): """Return the battery icon for the vacuum cleaner.""" charging = bool(self.state == STATE_DOCKED) return icon_for_battery_level( battery_level=self.battery_level, charging=charging ) @property def capability_attributes(self): """Return capability attributes.""" if self.fan_speed is not None: return {ATTR_FAN_SPEED_LIST: self.fan_speed_list} @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes of the vacuum cleaner.""" data = {} if self.battery_level is not None: data[ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL] = self.battery_level data[ATTR_BATTERY_ICON] = self.battery_icon if self.fan_speed is not None: data[ATTR_FAN_SPEED] = self.fan_speed data[ATTR_FAN_SPEED_LIST] = self.fan_speed_list return data def start(self): """Start or resume the cleaning task.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def async_start(self): """Start or resume the cleaning task. This method must be run in the event loop. """ await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.start) def pause(self): """Pause the cleaning task.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def async_pause(self): """Pause the cleaning task. This method must be run in the event loop. """ await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.pause) async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Not supported.""" async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Not supported.""" async def async_toggle(self, **kwargs): """Not supported.""" class StateVacuumDevice(StateVacuumEntity): """Representation of a vacuum (for backwards compatibility).""" def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """Print deprecation warning.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) _LOGGER.warning( "StateVacuumDevice is deprecated, modify %s to extend StateVacuumEntity", cls.__name__, )