"""Support for the World Air Quality Index service.""" import asyncio from datetime import timedelta import logging import aiohttp import voluptuous as vol from waqiasync import WaqiClient from homeassistant.components.sensor import SensorEntity from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ATTRIBUTION, ATTR_TEMPERATURE, ATTR_TIME, CONF_TOKEN, ) from homeassistant.exceptions import PlatformNotReady from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.config_validation import PLATFORM_SCHEMA _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_DOMINENTPOL = "dominentpol" ATTR_HUMIDITY = "humidity" ATTR_NITROGEN_DIOXIDE = "nitrogen_dioxide" ATTR_OZONE = "ozone" ATTR_PM10 = "pm_10" ATTR_PM2_5 = "pm_2_5" ATTR_PRESSURE = "pressure" ATTR_SULFUR_DIOXIDE = "sulfur_dioxide" KEY_TO_ATTR = { "pm25": ATTR_PM2_5, "pm10": ATTR_PM10, "h": ATTR_HUMIDITY, "p": ATTR_PRESSURE, "t": ATTR_TEMPERATURE, "o3": ATTR_OZONE, "no2": ATTR_NITROGEN_DIOXIDE, "so2": ATTR_SULFUR_DIOXIDE, } ATTRIBUTION = "Data provided by the World Air Quality Index project" CONF_LOCATIONS = "locations" CONF_STATIONS = "stations" SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(minutes=5) TIMEOUT = 10 PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Optional(CONF_STATIONS): cv.ensure_list, vol.Required(CONF_TOKEN): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_LOCATIONS): cv.ensure_list, } ) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the requested World Air Quality Index locations.""" token = config.get(CONF_TOKEN) station_filter = config.get(CONF_STATIONS) locations = config.get(CONF_LOCATIONS) client = WaqiClient(token, async_get_clientsession(hass), timeout=TIMEOUT) dev = [] try: for location_name in locations: stations = await client.search(location_name) _LOGGER.debug("The following stations were returned: %s", stations) for station in stations: waqi_sensor = WaqiSensor(client, station) if ( not station_filter or { waqi_sensor.uid, waqi_sensor.url, waqi_sensor.station_name, } & set(station_filter) ): dev.append(waqi_sensor) except ( aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError, asyncio.TimeoutError, ) as err: _LOGGER.exception("Failed to connect to WAQI servers") raise PlatformNotReady from err async_add_entities(dev, True) class WaqiSensor(SensorEntity): """Implementation of a WAQI sensor.""" def __init__(self, client, station): """Initialize the sensor.""" self._client = client try: self.uid = station["uid"] except (KeyError, TypeError): self.uid = None try: self.url = station["station"]["url"] except (KeyError, TypeError): self.url = None try: self.station_name = station["station"]["name"] except (KeyError, TypeError): self.station_name = None self._data = None @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" if self.station_name: return f"WAQI {self.station_name}" return "WAQI {}".format(self.url if self.url else self.uid) @property def icon(self): """Icon to use in the frontend, if any.""" return "mdi:cloud" @property def state(self): """Return the state of the device.""" if self._data is not None: return self._data.get("aqi") return None @property def available(self): """Return sensor availability.""" return self._data is not None @property def unique_id(self): """Return unique ID.""" return self.uid @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement of this entity, if any.""" return "AQI" @property def extra_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes of the last update.""" attrs = {} if self._data is not None: try: attrs[ATTR_ATTRIBUTION] = " and ".join( [ATTRIBUTION] + [v["name"] for v in self._data.get("attributions", [])] ) attrs[ATTR_TIME] = self._data["time"]["s"] attrs[ATTR_DOMINENTPOL] = self._data.get("dominentpol") iaqi = self._data["iaqi"] for key in iaqi: if key in KEY_TO_ATTR: attrs[KEY_TO_ATTR[key]] = iaqi[key]["v"] else: attrs[key] = iaqi[key]["v"] return attrs except (IndexError, KeyError): return {ATTR_ATTRIBUTION: ATTRIBUTION} async def async_update(self): """Get the latest data and updates the states.""" if self.uid: result = await self._client.get_station_by_number(self.uid) elif self.url: result = await self._client.get_station_by_name(self.url) else: result = None self._data = result