""" Platform for Ecobee Thermostats. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/thermostat.ecobee/ """ import logging from os import path import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components import ecobee from homeassistant.components.thermostat import ( DOMAIN, STATE_COOL, STATE_HEAT, STATE_IDLE, ThermostatDevice) from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT) from homeassistant.config import load_yaml_config_file import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv DEPENDENCIES = ['ecobee'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ECOBEE_CONFIG_FILE = 'ecobee.conf' _CONFIGURING = {} ATTR_FAN_MIN_ON_TIME = "fan_min_on_time" SERVICE_SET_FAN_MIN_ON_TIME = "ecobee_set_fan_min_on_time" SET_FAN_MIN_ON_TIME_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Required(ATTR_FAN_MIN_ON_TIME): vol.Coerce(int), }) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Setup the Ecobee Thermostat Platform.""" if discovery_info is None: return data = ecobee.NETWORK hold_temp = discovery_info['hold_temp'] _LOGGER.info( "Loading ecobee thermostat component with hold_temp set to %s", hold_temp) devices = [Thermostat(data, index, hold_temp) for index in range(len(data.ecobee.thermostats))] add_devices(devices) def fan_min_on_time_set_service(service): """Set the minimum fan on time on the target thermostats.""" entity_id = service.data.get('entity_id') if entity_id: target_thermostats = [device for device in devices if device.entity_id == entity_id] else: target_thermostats = devices fan_min_on_time = service.data[ATTR_FAN_MIN_ON_TIME] for thermostat in target_thermostats: thermostat.set_fan_min_on_time(str(fan_min_on_time)) thermostat.update_ha_state(True) descriptions = load_yaml_config_file( path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'services.yaml')) hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_FAN_MIN_ON_TIME, fan_min_on_time_set_service, descriptions.get(SERVICE_SET_FAN_MIN_ON_TIME), schema=SET_FAN_MIN_ON_TIME_SCHEMA) # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, abstract-method class Thermostat(ThermostatDevice): """A thermostat class for Ecobee.""" def __init__(self, data, thermostat_index, hold_temp): """Initialize the thermostat.""" self.data = data self.thermostat_index = thermostat_index self.thermostat = self.data.ecobee.get_thermostat( self.thermostat_index) self._name = self.thermostat['name'] self.hold_temp = hold_temp def update(self): """Get the latest state from the thermostat.""" self.data.update() self.thermostat = self.data.ecobee.get_thermostat( self.thermostat_index) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the Ecobee Thermostat.""" return self.thermostat['name'] @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement.""" return TEMP_FAHRENHEIT @property def current_temperature(self): """Return the current temperature.""" return self.thermostat['runtime']['actualTemperature'] / 10 @property def target_temperature(self): """Return the temperature we try to reach.""" if self.hvac_mode == 'heat' or self.hvac_mode == 'auxHeatOnly': return self.target_temperature_low elif self.hvac_mode == 'cool': return self.target_temperature_high else: return (self.target_temperature_low + self.target_temperature_high) / 2 @property def target_temperature_low(self): """Return the lower bound temperature we try to reach.""" return int(self.thermostat['runtime']['desiredHeat'] / 10) @property def target_temperature_high(self): """Return the upper bound temperature we try to reach.""" return int(self.thermostat['runtime']['desiredCool'] / 10) @property def humidity(self): """Return the current humidity.""" return self.thermostat['runtime']['actualHumidity'] @property def desired_fan_mode(self): """Return the desired fan mode of operation.""" return self.thermostat['runtime']['desiredFanMode'] @property def fan(self): """Return the current fan state.""" if 'fan' in self.thermostat['equipmentStatus']: return STATE_ON else: return STATE_OFF @property def operation(self): """Return current operation ie. heat, cool, idle.""" status = self.thermostat['equipmentStatus'] if status == '': return STATE_IDLE elif 'Cool' in status: return STATE_COOL elif 'auxHeat' in status: return STATE_HEAT elif 'heatPump' in status: return STATE_HEAT else: return status @property def mode(self): """Return current mode ie. home, away, sleep.""" return self.thermostat['program']['currentClimateRef'] @property def hvac_mode(self): """Return current hvac mode ie. auto, auxHeatOnly, cool, heat, off.""" return self.thermostat['settings']['hvacMode'] @property def fan_min_on_time(self): """Return current fan minimum on time.""" return self.thermostat['settings']['fanMinOnTime'] @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return device specific state attributes.""" # Move these to Thermostat Device and make them global return { "humidity": self.humidity, "fan": self.fan, "mode": self.mode, "hvac_mode": self.hvac_mode, "fan_min_on_time": self.fan_min_on_time } @property def is_away_mode_on(self): """Return true if away mode is on.""" mode = self.mode events = self.thermostat['events'] for event in events: if event['running']: mode = event['holdClimateRef'] break return 'away' in mode def turn_away_mode_on(self): """Turn away on.""" if self.hold_temp: self.data.ecobee.set_climate_hold(self.thermostat_index, "away", "indefinite") else: self.data.ecobee.set_climate_hold(self.thermostat_index, "away") def turn_away_mode_off(self): """Turn away off.""" self.data.ecobee.resume_program(self.thermostat_index) def set_temperature(self, temperature): """Set new target temperature.""" temperature = int(temperature) low_temp = temperature - 1 high_temp = temperature + 1 if self.hold_temp: self.data.ecobee.set_hold_temp(self.thermostat_index, low_temp, high_temp, "indefinite") else: self.data.ecobee.set_hold_temp(self.thermostat_index, low_temp, high_temp) def set_hvac_mode(self, mode): """Set HVAC mode (auto, auxHeatOnly, cool, heat, off).""" self.data.ecobee.set_hvac_mode(self.thermostat_index, mode) def set_fan_min_on_time(self, fan_min_on_time): """Set the minimum fan on time.""" self.data.ecobee.set_fan_min_on_time(self.thermostat_index, fan_min_on_time) # Home and Sleep mode aren't used in UI yet: # def turn_home_mode_on(self): # """ Turns home mode on. """ # self.data.ecobee.set_climate_hold(self.thermostat_index, "home") # def turn_home_mode_off(self): # """ Turns home mode off. """ # self.data.ecobee.resume_program(self.thermostat_index) # def turn_sleep_mode_on(self): # """ Turns sleep mode on. """ # self.data.ecobee.set_climate_hold(self.thermostat_index, "sleep") # def turn_sleep_mode_off(self): # """ Turns sleep mode off. """ # self.data.ecobee.resume_program(self.thermostat_index)