envlist = py35, py36, py37, py38, lint, pylint, typing, cov
skip_missing_interpreters = True

setenv =
    PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}:{toxinidir}/homeassistant
; both temper-python and XBee modules have utf8 in their README files
; which get read in from setup.py. If we don't force our locale to a
; utf8 one, tox's env is reset. And the install of these 2 packages
; fail.
whitelist_externals = /usr/bin/env
install_command = /usr/bin/env LANG=C.UTF-8 pip install {opts} {packages}
commands =
     pytest --timeout=9 --duration=10 {posargs}
deps =

basepython = {env:PYTHON3_PATH:python3}
setenv =
    PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}:{toxinidir}/homeassistant
; both temper-python and XBee modules have utf8 in their README files
; which get read in from setup.py. If we don't force our locale to a
; utf8 one, tox's env is reset. And the install of these 2 packages
; fail.
whitelist_externals = /usr/bin/env
install_command = /usr/bin/env LANG=C.UTF-8 pip install {opts} {packages}
commands =
     pytest --timeout=9 --duration=10 --cov --cov-report= {posargs}
deps =

basepython = {env:PYTHON3_PATH:python3}
ignore_errors = True
deps =
commands =
     pylint {posargs} homeassistant

basepython = {env:PYTHON3_PATH:python3}
deps =
commands =
         python script/gen_requirements_all.py validate
         flake8 {posargs}
         pydocstyle {posargs:homeassistant tests}

basepython = {env:PYTHON3_PATH:python3}
deps =
commands =
         /bin/bash -c 'mypy homeassistant/*.py homeassistant/{auth,util}/ homeassistant/helpers/{__init__,deprecation,dispatcher,entity_values,entityfilter,icon,intent,json,location,signal,state,sun,temperature,translation,typing}.py'