"""Philips Hue lights platform tests.""" import asyncio from unittest.mock import Mock import aiohue from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.components import hue from homeassistant.components.hue import light as hue_light from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import ( async_get_registry as async_get_device_registry, ) from homeassistant.helpers.entity_registry import ( async_get_registry as async_get_entity_registry, ) from homeassistant.util import color HUE_LIGHT_NS = "homeassistant.components.light.hue." GROUP_RESPONSE = { "1": { "name": "Group 1", "lights": ["1", "2"], "type": "LightGroup", "action": { "on": True, "bri": 254, "hue": 10000, "sat": 254, "effect": "none", "xy": [0.5, 0.5], "ct": 250, "alert": "select", "colormode": "ct", }, "state": {"any_on": True, "all_on": False}, }, "2": { "name": "Group 2", "lights": ["3", "4", "5"], "type": "LightGroup", "action": { "on": True, "bri": 153, "hue": 4345, "sat": 254, "effect": "none", "xy": [0.5, 0.5], "ct": 250, "alert": "select", "colormode": "ct", }, "state": {"any_on": True, "all_on": False}, }, } LIGHT_1_CAPABILITIES = { "certified": True, "control": { "mindimlevel": 5000, "maxlumen": 600, "colorgamuttype": "A", "colorgamut": [[0.704, 0.296], [0.2151, 0.7106], [0.138, 0.08]], "ct": {"min": 153, "max": 500}, }, "streaming": {"renderer": True, "proxy": False}, } LIGHT_1_ON = { "state": { "on": True, "bri": 144, "hue": 13088, "sat": 212, "xy": [0.5128, 0.4147], "ct": 467, "alert": "none", "effect": "none", "colormode": "xy", "reachable": True, }, "capabilities": LIGHT_1_CAPABILITIES, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 1", "modelid": "LCT001", "swversion": "66009461", "manufacturername": "Philips", "uniqueid": "456", } LIGHT_1_OFF = { "state": { "on": False, "bri": 0, "hue": 0, "sat": 0, "xy": [0, 0], "ct": 0, "alert": "none", "effect": "none", "colormode": "xy", "reachable": True, }, "capabilities": LIGHT_1_CAPABILITIES, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 1", "modelid": "LCT001", "swversion": "66009461", "manufacturername": "Philips", "uniqueid": "456", } LIGHT_2_CAPABILITIES = { "certified": True, "control": { "mindimlevel": 5000, "maxlumen": 600, "colorgamuttype": "A", "colorgamut": [[0.704, 0.296], [0.2151, 0.7106], [0.138, 0.08]], }, "streaming": {"renderer": True, "proxy": False}, } LIGHT_2_OFF = { "state": { "on": False, "bri": 0, "hue": 0, "sat": 0, "xy": [0, 0], "ct": 0, "alert": "none", "effect": "none", "colormode": "hs", "reachable": True, }, "capabilities": LIGHT_2_CAPABILITIES, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 2", "modelid": "LCT001", "swversion": "66009461", "manufacturername": "Philips", "uniqueid": "123", } LIGHT_2_ON = { "state": { "on": True, "bri": 100, "hue": 13088, "sat": 210, "xy": [0.5, 0.4], "ct": 420, "alert": "none", "effect": "none", "colormode": "hs", "reachable": True, }, "capabilities": LIGHT_2_CAPABILITIES, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 2 new", "modelid": "LCT001", "swversion": "66009461", "manufacturername": "Philips", "uniqueid": "123", } LIGHT_RESPONSE = {"1": LIGHT_1_ON, "2": LIGHT_2_OFF} LIGHT_RAW = { "capabilities": { "control": { "colorgamuttype": "A", "colorgamut": [[0.704, 0.296], [0.2151, 0.7106], [0.138, 0.08]], } }, "swversion": "66009461", } LIGHT_GAMUT = color.GamutType( color.XYPoint(0.704, 0.296), color.XYPoint(0.2151, 0.7106), color.XYPoint(0.138, 0.08), ) LIGHT_GAMUT_TYPE = "A" async def setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge): """Load the Hue light platform with the provided bridge.""" hass.config.components.add(hue.DOMAIN) config_entry = config_entries.ConfigEntry( 1, hue.DOMAIN, "Mock Title", {"host": "mock-host"}, "test", config_entries.CONN_CLASS_LOCAL_POLL, system_options={}, ) mock_bridge.config_entry = config_entry hass.data[hue.DOMAIN] = {config_entry.entry_id: mock_bridge} await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(config_entry, "light") # To flush out the service call to update the group await hass.async_block_till_done() async def test_not_load_groups_if_old_bridge(hass, mock_bridge): """Test that we don't try to load gorups if bridge runs old software.""" mock_bridge.api.config.apiversion = "1.12.0" mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append({}) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(GROUP_RESPONSE) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 1 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0 async def test_no_lights_or_groups(hass, mock_bridge): """Test the update_lights function when no lights are found.""" mock_bridge.allow_groups = True mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append({}) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append({}) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 2 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0 async def test_lights(hass, mock_bridge): """Test the update_lights function with some lights.""" mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append(LIGHT_RESPONSE) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(GROUP_RESPONSE) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 2 # 2 lights assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 lamp_1 = hass.states.get("light.hue_lamp_1") assert lamp_1 is not None assert lamp_1.state == "on" assert lamp_1.attributes["brightness"] == 145 assert lamp_1.attributes["hs_color"] == (36.067, 69.804) lamp_2 = hass.states.get("light.hue_lamp_2") assert lamp_2 is not None assert lamp_2.state == "off" async def test_lights_color_mode(hass, mock_bridge): """Test that lights only report appropriate color mode.""" mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append(LIGHT_RESPONSE) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(GROUP_RESPONSE) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) lamp_1 = hass.states.get("light.hue_lamp_1") assert lamp_1 is not None assert lamp_1.state == "on" assert lamp_1.attributes["brightness"] == 145 assert lamp_1.attributes["hs_color"] == (36.067, 69.804) assert "color_temp" not in lamp_1.attributes new_light1_on = LIGHT_1_ON.copy() new_light1_on["state"] = new_light1_on["state"].copy() new_light1_on["state"]["colormode"] = "ct" mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append({"1": new_light1_on}) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append({}) # Calling a service will trigger the updates to run await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "light.hue_lamp_2"}, blocking=True ) # 2x light update, 1 group update, 1 turn on request assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 4 lamp_1 = hass.states.get("light.hue_lamp_1") assert lamp_1 is not None assert lamp_1.state == "on" assert lamp_1.attributes["brightness"] == 145 assert lamp_1.attributes["color_temp"] == 467 assert "hs_color" not in lamp_1.attributes async def test_groups(hass, mock_bridge): """Test the update_lights function with some lights.""" mock_bridge.allow_groups = True mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append({}) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(GROUP_RESPONSE) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 2 # 2 hue group lights assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 lamp_1 = hass.states.get("light.group_1") assert lamp_1 is not None assert lamp_1.state == "on" assert lamp_1.attributes["brightness"] == 255 assert lamp_1.attributes["color_temp"] == 250 lamp_2 = hass.states.get("light.group_2") assert lamp_2 is not None assert lamp_2.state == "on" async def test_new_group_discovered(hass, mock_bridge): """Test if 2nd update has a new group.""" mock_bridge.allow_groups = True mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append({}) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(GROUP_RESPONSE) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 2 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 new_group_response = dict(GROUP_RESPONSE) new_group_response["3"] = { "name": "Group 3", "lights": ["3", "4", "5"], "type": "LightGroup", "action": { "on": True, "bri": 153, "hue": 4345, "sat": 254, "effect": "none", "xy": [0.5, 0.5], "ct": 250, "alert": "select", "colormode": "ct", }, "state": {"any_on": True, "all_on": False}, } mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append({}) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(new_group_response) # Calling a service will trigger the updates to run await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "light.group_1"}, blocking=True ) # 2x group update, 1x light update, 1 turn on request assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 4 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 3 new_group = hass.states.get("light.group_3") assert new_group is not None assert new_group.state == "on" assert new_group.attributes["brightness"] == 154 assert new_group.attributes["color_temp"] == 250 async def test_new_light_discovered(hass, mock_bridge): """Test if 2nd update has a new light.""" mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append(LIGHT_RESPONSE) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(GROUP_RESPONSE) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 2 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 new_light_response = dict(LIGHT_RESPONSE) new_light_response["3"] = { "state": { "on": False, "bri": 0, "hue": 0, "sat": 0, "xy": [0, 0], "ct": 0, "alert": "none", "effect": "none", "colormode": "hs", "reachable": True, }, "capabilities": LIGHT_1_CAPABILITIES, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 3", "modelid": "LCT001", "swversion": "66009461", "manufacturername": "Philips", "uniqueid": "789", } mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append(new_light_response) # Calling a service will trigger the updates to run await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "light.hue_lamp_1"}, blocking=True ) # 2x light update, 1 group update, 1 turn on request assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 4 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 3 light = hass.states.get("light.hue_lamp_3") assert light is not None assert light.state == "off" async def test_group_removed(hass, mock_bridge): """Test if 2nd update has removed group.""" mock_bridge.allow_groups = True mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append({}) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(GROUP_RESPONSE) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 2 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append({}) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append({"1": GROUP_RESPONSE["1"]}) # Calling a service will trigger the updates to run await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "light.group_1"}, blocking=True ) # 2x group update, 1x light update, 1 turn on request assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 4 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1 group = hass.states.get("light.group_1") assert group is not None removed_group = hass.states.get("light.group_2") assert removed_group is None async def test_light_removed(hass, mock_bridge): """Test if 2nd update has removed light.""" mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append(LIGHT_RESPONSE) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(GROUP_RESPONSE) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 2 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.clear() mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append({"1": LIGHT_RESPONSE.get("1")}) # Calling a service will trigger the updates to run await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "light.hue_lamp_1"}, blocking=True ) # 2x light update, 1 group update, 1 turn on request assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 4 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1 light = hass.states.get("light.hue_lamp_1") assert light is not None removed_light = hass.states.get("light.hue_lamp_2") assert removed_light is None async def test_other_group_update(hass, mock_bridge): """Test changing one group that will impact the state of other light.""" mock_bridge.allow_groups = True mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append({}) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(GROUP_RESPONSE) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 2 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 group_2 = hass.states.get("light.group_2") assert group_2 is not None assert group_2.name == "Group 2" assert group_2.state == "on" assert group_2.attributes["brightness"] == 154 assert group_2.attributes["color_temp"] == 250 updated_group_response = dict(GROUP_RESPONSE) updated_group_response["2"] = { "name": "Group 2 new", "lights": ["3", "4", "5"], "type": "LightGroup", "action": { "on": False, "bri": 0, "hue": 0, "sat": 0, "effect": "none", "xy": [0, 0], "ct": 0, "alert": "none", "colormode": "ct", }, "state": {"any_on": False, "all_on": False}, } mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append({}) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(updated_group_response) # Calling a service will trigger the updates to run await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "light.group_1"}, blocking=True ) # 2x group update, 1x light update, 1 turn on request assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 4 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 group_2 = hass.states.get("light.group_2") assert group_2 is not None assert group_2.name == "Group 2 new" assert group_2.state == "off" async def test_other_light_update(hass, mock_bridge): """Test changing one light that will impact state of other light.""" mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append(LIGHT_RESPONSE) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(GROUP_RESPONSE) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 2 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 lamp_2 = hass.states.get("light.hue_lamp_2") assert lamp_2 is not None assert lamp_2.name == "Hue Lamp 2" assert lamp_2.state == "off" updated_light_response = dict(LIGHT_RESPONSE) updated_light_response["2"] = { "state": { "on": True, "bri": 100, "hue": 13088, "sat": 210, "xy": [0.5, 0.4], "ct": 420, "alert": "none", "effect": "none", "colormode": "hs", "reachable": True, }, "capabilities": LIGHT_2_CAPABILITIES, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 2 new", "modelid": "LCT001", "swversion": "66009461", "manufacturername": "Philips", "uniqueid": "123", } mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append(updated_light_response) # Calling a service will trigger the updates to run await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "light.hue_lamp_1"}, blocking=True ) # 2x light update, 1 group update, 1 turn on request assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 4 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 lamp_2 = hass.states.get("light.hue_lamp_2") assert lamp_2 is not None assert lamp_2.name == "Hue Lamp 2 new" assert lamp_2.state == "on" assert lamp_2.attributes["brightness"] == 100 async def test_update_timeout(hass, mock_bridge): """Test bridge marked as not available if timeout error during update.""" mock_bridge.api.lights.update = Mock(side_effect=asyncio.TimeoutError) mock_bridge.api.groups.update = Mock(side_effect=asyncio.TimeoutError) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 0 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0 async def test_update_unauthorized(hass, mock_bridge): """Test bridge marked as not authorized if unauthorized during update.""" mock_bridge.api.lights.update = Mock(side_effect=aiohue.Unauthorized) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 0 assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0 assert len(mock_bridge.handle_unauthorized_error.mock_calls) == 1 async def test_light_turn_on_service(hass, mock_bridge): """Test calling the turn on service on a light.""" mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append(LIGHT_RESPONSE) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(GROUP_RESPONSE) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) light = hass.states.get("light.hue_lamp_2") assert light is not None assert light.state == "off" updated_light_response = dict(LIGHT_RESPONSE) updated_light_response["2"] = LIGHT_2_ON mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append(updated_light_response) await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "light.hue_lamp_2", "brightness": 100, "color_temp": 300}, blocking=True, ) # 2x light update, 1 group update, 1 turn on request assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 4 assert mock_bridge.mock_requests[2]["json"] == { "bri": 100, "on": True, "ct": 300, "alert": "none", } assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 light = hass.states.get("light.hue_lamp_2") assert light is not None assert light.state == "on" # test hue gamut in turn_on service await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "light.hue_lamp_2", "rgb_color": [0, 0, 255]}, blocking=True, ) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 6 assert mock_bridge.mock_requests[4]["json"] == { "on": True, "xy": (0.138, 0.08), "alert": "none", } async def test_light_turn_off_service(hass, mock_bridge): """Test calling the turn on service on a light.""" mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append(LIGHT_RESPONSE) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(GROUP_RESPONSE) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) light = hass.states.get("light.hue_lamp_1") assert light is not None assert light.state == "on" updated_light_response = dict(LIGHT_RESPONSE) updated_light_response["1"] = LIGHT_1_OFF mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append(updated_light_response) await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_off", {"entity_id": "light.hue_lamp_1"}, blocking=True ) # 2x light update, 1 for group update, 1 turn on request assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 4 assert mock_bridge.mock_requests[2]["json"] == {"on": False, "alert": "none"} assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 light = hass.states.get("light.hue_lamp_1") assert light is not None assert light.state == "off" def test_available(): """Test available property.""" light = hue_light.HueLight( light=Mock( state={"reachable": False}, raw=LIGHT_RAW, colorgamuttype=LIGHT_GAMUT_TYPE, colorgamut=LIGHT_GAMUT, ), coordinator=Mock(last_update_success=True), bridge=Mock(allow_unreachable=False), is_group=False, supported_features=hue_light.SUPPORT_HUE_EXTENDED, rooms={}, ) assert light.available is False light = hue_light.HueLight( light=Mock( state={"reachable": False}, raw=LIGHT_RAW, colorgamuttype=LIGHT_GAMUT_TYPE, colorgamut=LIGHT_GAMUT, ), coordinator=Mock(last_update_success=True), bridge=Mock(allow_unreachable=True), is_group=False, supported_features=hue_light.SUPPORT_HUE_EXTENDED, rooms={}, ) assert light.available is True light = hue_light.HueLight( light=Mock( state={"reachable": False}, raw=LIGHT_RAW, colorgamuttype=LIGHT_GAMUT_TYPE, colorgamut=LIGHT_GAMUT, ), coordinator=Mock(last_update_success=True), bridge=Mock(allow_unreachable=False), is_group=True, supported_features=hue_light.SUPPORT_HUE_EXTENDED, rooms={}, ) assert light.available is True def test_hs_color(): """Test hs_color property.""" light = hue_light.HueLight( light=Mock( state={"colormode": "ct", "hue": 1234, "sat": 123}, raw=LIGHT_RAW, colorgamuttype=LIGHT_GAMUT_TYPE, colorgamut=LIGHT_GAMUT, ), coordinator=Mock(last_update_success=True), bridge=Mock(), is_group=False, supported_features=hue_light.SUPPORT_HUE_EXTENDED, rooms={}, ) assert light.hs_color is None light = hue_light.HueLight( light=Mock( state={"colormode": "hs", "hue": 1234, "sat": 123}, raw=LIGHT_RAW, colorgamuttype=LIGHT_GAMUT_TYPE, colorgamut=LIGHT_GAMUT, ), coordinator=Mock(last_update_success=True), bridge=Mock(), is_group=False, supported_features=hue_light.SUPPORT_HUE_EXTENDED, rooms={}, ) assert light.hs_color is None light = hue_light.HueLight( light=Mock( state={"colormode": "xy", "hue": 1234, "sat": 123, "xy": [0.4, 0.5]}, raw=LIGHT_RAW, colorgamuttype=LIGHT_GAMUT_TYPE, colorgamut=LIGHT_GAMUT, ), coordinator=Mock(last_update_success=True), bridge=Mock(), is_group=False, supported_features=hue_light.SUPPORT_HUE_EXTENDED, rooms={}, ) assert light.hs_color == color.color_xy_to_hs(0.4, 0.5, LIGHT_GAMUT) async def test_group_features(hass, mock_bridge): """Test group features.""" color_temp_type = "Color temperature light" extended_color_type = "Extended color light" group_response = { "1": { "name": "Group 1", "lights": ["1", "2"], "type": "LightGroup", "action": { "on": True, "bri": 254, "hue": 10000, "sat": 254, "effect": "none", "xy": [0.5, 0.5], "ct": 250, "alert": "select", "colormode": "ct", }, "state": {"any_on": True, "all_on": False}, }, "2": { "name": "Living Room", "lights": ["2", "3"], "type": "Room", "action": { "on": True, "bri": 153, "hue": 4345, "sat": 254, "effect": "none", "xy": [0.5, 0.5], "ct": 250, "alert": "select", "colormode": "ct", }, "state": {"any_on": True, "all_on": False}, }, "3": { "name": "Dining Room", "lights": ["4"], "type": "Room", "action": { "on": True, "bri": 153, "hue": 4345, "sat": 254, "effect": "none", "xy": [0.5, 0.5], "ct": 250, "alert": "select", "colormode": "ct", }, "state": {"any_on": True, "all_on": False}, }, } light_1 = { "state": { "on": True, "bri": 144, "ct": 467, "alert": "none", "effect": "none", "reachable": True, }, "capabilities": { "control": { "colorgamuttype": "A", "colorgamut": [[0.704, 0.296], [0.2151, 0.7106], [0.138, 0.08]], } }, "type": color_temp_type, "name": "Hue Lamp 1", "modelid": "LCT001", "swversion": "66009461", "manufacturername": "Philips", "uniqueid": "456", } light_2 = { "state": { "on": False, "bri": 0, "ct": 0, "alert": "none", "effect": "none", "colormode": "xy", "reachable": True, }, "capabilities": { "control": { "colorgamuttype": "A", "colorgamut": [[0.704, 0.296], [0.2151, 0.7106], [0.138, 0.08]], } }, "type": color_temp_type, "name": "Hue Lamp 2", "modelid": "LCT001", "swversion": "66009461", "manufacturername": "Philips", "uniqueid": "4567", } light_3 = { "state": { "on": False, "bri": 0, "hue": 0, "sat": 0, "xy": [0, 0], "ct": 0, "alert": "none", "effect": "none", "colormode": "hs", "reachable": True, }, "capabilities": { "control": { "colorgamuttype": "A", "colorgamut": [[0.704, 0.296], [0.2151, 0.7106], [0.138, 0.08]], } }, "type": extended_color_type, "name": "Hue Lamp 3", "modelid": "LCT001", "swversion": "66009461", "manufacturername": "Philips", "uniqueid": "123", } light_4 = { "state": { "on": True, "bri": 100, "hue": 13088, "sat": 210, "xy": [0.5, 0.4], "ct": 420, "alert": "none", "effect": "none", "colormode": "hs", "reachable": True, }, "capabilities": { "control": { "colorgamuttype": "A", "colorgamut": [[0.704, 0.296], [0.2151, 0.7106], [0.138, 0.08]], } }, "type": extended_color_type, "name": "Hue Lamp 4", "modelid": "LCT001", "swversion": "66009461", "manufacturername": "Philips", "uniqueid": "1234", } light_response = { "1": light_1, "2": light_2, "3": light_3, "4": light_4, } mock_bridge.allow_groups = True mock_bridge.mock_light_responses.append(light_response) mock_bridge.mock_group_responses.append(group_response) await setup_bridge(hass, mock_bridge) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_requests) == 2 color_temp_feature = hue_light.SUPPORT_HUE["Color temperature light"] extended_color_feature = hue_light.SUPPORT_HUE["Extended color light"] group_1 = hass.states.get("light.group_1") assert group_1.attributes["supported_features"] == color_temp_feature group_2 = hass.states.get("light.living_room") assert group_2.attributes["supported_features"] == extended_color_feature group_3 = hass.states.get("light.dining_room") assert group_3.attributes["supported_features"] == extended_color_feature entity_registry = await async_get_entity_registry(hass) device_registry = await async_get_device_registry(hass) entry = entity_registry.async_get("light.hue_lamp_1") device_entry = device_registry.async_get(entry.device_id) assert device_entry.suggested_area is None entry = entity_registry.async_get("light.hue_lamp_2") device_entry = device_registry.async_get(entry.device_id) assert device_entry.suggested_area == "Living Room" entry = entity_registry.async_get("light.hue_lamp_3") device_entry = device_registry.async_get(entry.device_id) assert device_entry.suggested_area == "Living Room" entry = entity_registry.async_get("light.hue_lamp_4") device_entry = device_registry.async_get(entry.device_id) assert device_entry.suggested_area == "Dining Room"