{ "title": "Siren", "entity_component": { "_": { "name": "[%key:component::siren::title%]", "state": { "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]", "on": "[%key:common::state::on%]" }, "state_attributes": { "available_tones": { "name": "Available tones" } } } }, "services": { "turn_on": { "name": "[%key:common::action::turn_on%]", "description": "Turns the siren on.", "fields": { "tone": { "name": "Tone", "description": "The tone to emit. When `available_tones` property is a map, either the key or the value can be used. Must be supported by the integration." }, "volume_level": { "name": "Volume", "description": "The volume. 0 is inaudible, 1 is the maximum volume. Must be supported by the integration." }, "duration": { "name": "Duration", "description": "Number of seconds the sound is played. Must be supported by the integration." } } }, "turn_off": { "name": "[%key:common::action::turn_off%]", "description": "Turns the siren off." }, "toggle": { "name": "[%key:common::action::toggle%]", "description": "Toggles the siren on/off." } } }