"""Data update coordinator for the Radarr integration.""" from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import asyncio from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta from typing import Generic, TypeVar, cast from aiopyarr import ( Health, RadarrCalendarItem, RadarrMovie, RootFolder, SystemStatus, exceptions, ) from aiopyarr.models.host_configuration import PyArrHostConfiguration from aiopyarr.radarr_client import RadarrClient from homeassistant.components.calendar import CalendarEvent from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import ConfigEntryAuthFailed from homeassistant.helpers.update_coordinator import DataUpdateCoordinator, UpdateFailed from .const import DEFAULT_MAX_RECORDS, DOMAIN, LOGGER T = TypeVar("T", bound=SystemStatus | list[RootFolder] | list[Health] | int | None) @dataclass class RadarrEventMixIn: """Mixin for Radarr calendar event.""" release_type: str @dataclass class RadarrEvent(CalendarEvent, RadarrEventMixIn): """A class to describe a Radarr calendar event.""" class RadarrDataUpdateCoordinator(DataUpdateCoordinator[T], Generic[T], ABC): """Data update coordinator for the Radarr integration.""" config_entry: ConfigEntry _update_interval = timedelta(seconds=30) def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, host_configuration: PyArrHostConfiguration, api_client: RadarrClient, ) -> None: """Initialize the coordinator.""" super().__init__( hass=hass, logger=LOGGER, name=DOMAIN, update_interval=self._update_interval, ) self.api_client = api_client self.host_configuration = host_configuration async def _async_update_data(self) -> T: """Get the latest data from Radarr.""" try: return await self._fetch_data() except exceptions.ArrConnectionException as ex: raise UpdateFailed(ex) from ex except exceptions.ArrAuthenticationException as ex: raise ConfigEntryAuthFailed( "API Key is no longer valid. Please reauthenticate" ) from ex @abstractmethod async def _fetch_data(self) -> T: """Fetch the actual data.""" raise NotImplementedError class StatusDataUpdateCoordinator(RadarrDataUpdateCoordinator[SystemStatus]): """Status update coordinator for Radarr.""" async def _fetch_data(self) -> SystemStatus: """Fetch the data.""" return await self.api_client.async_get_system_status() class DiskSpaceDataUpdateCoordinator(RadarrDataUpdateCoordinator[list[RootFolder]]): """Disk space update coordinator for Radarr.""" async def _fetch_data(self) -> list[RootFolder]: """Fetch the data.""" root_folders = await self.api_client.async_get_root_folders() if isinstance(root_folders, RootFolder): return [root_folders] return root_folders class HealthDataUpdateCoordinator(RadarrDataUpdateCoordinator[list[Health]]): """Health update coordinator.""" async def _fetch_data(self) -> list[Health]: """Fetch the health data.""" health = await self.api_client.async_get_failed_health_checks() if isinstance(health, Health): return [health] return health class MoviesDataUpdateCoordinator(RadarrDataUpdateCoordinator[int]): """Movies update coordinator.""" async def _fetch_data(self) -> int: """Fetch the movies data.""" return len(cast(list[RadarrMovie], await self.api_client.async_get_movies())) class QueueDataUpdateCoordinator(RadarrDataUpdateCoordinator): """Queue update coordinator.""" async def _fetch_data(self) -> int: """Fetch the movies in queue.""" return ( await self.api_client.async_get_queue(page_size=DEFAULT_MAX_RECORDS) ).totalRecords class CalendarUpdateCoordinator(RadarrDataUpdateCoordinator[None]): """Calendar update coordinator.""" _update_interval = timedelta(hours=1) def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, host_configuration: PyArrHostConfiguration, api_client: RadarrClient, ) -> None: """Initialize.""" super().__init__(hass, host_configuration, api_client) self.event: RadarrEvent | None = None self._events: list[RadarrEvent] = [] async def _fetch_data(self) -> None: """Fetch the calendar.""" self.event = None _date = datetime.today() while self.event is None: await self.async_get_events(_date, _date + timedelta(days=1)) for event in self._events: if event.start >= _date.date(): self.event = event break # Prevent infinite loop in case there is nothing recent in the calendar if (_date - datetime.today()).days > 45: break _date = _date + timedelta(days=1) async def async_get_events( self, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime ) -> list[RadarrEvent]: """Get cached events and request missing dates.""" # remove older events to prevent memory leak self._events = [ e for e in self._events if e.start >= datetime.now().date() - timedelta(days=30) ] _days = (end_date - start_date).days await asyncio.gather( *( self._async_get_events(d) for d in ((start_date + timedelta(days=x)).date() for x in range(_days)) if d not in (event.start for event in self._events) ) ) return self._events async def _async_get_events(self, _date: date) -> None: """Return events from specified date.""" self._events.extend( _get_calendar_event(evt) for evt in await self.api_client.async_get_calendar( start_date=_date, end_date=_date + timedelta(days=1) ) if evt.title not in (e.summary for e in self._events) ) def _get_calendar_event(event: RadarrCalendarItem) -> RadarrEvent: """Return a RadarrEvent from an API event.""" _date, _type = event.releaseDateType() return RadarrEvent( summary=event.title, start=_date - timedelta(days=1), end=_date, description=event.overview.replace(":", ";"), release_type=_type, )