"""Component to integrate ambilight for TVs exposing the Joint Space API.""" from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any from haphilipsjs import PhilipsTV from haphilipsjs.typing import AmbilightCurrentConfiguration from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_EFFECT, ATTR_HS_COLOR, ColorMode, LightEntity, LightEntityFeature, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.util.color import color_hsv_to_RGB, color_RGB_to_hsv from . import PhilipsTVConfigEntry from .coordinator import PhilipsTVDataUpdateCoordinator from .entity import PhilipsJsEntity EFFECT_PARTITION = ": " EFFECT_MODE = "Mode" EFFECT_EXPERT = "Expert" EFFECT_AUTO = "Auto" EFFECT_EXPERT_STYLES = {"FOLLOW_AUDIO", "FOLLOW_COLOR", "Lounge light"} async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: PhilipsTVConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up the configuration entry.""" coordinator = config_entry.runtime_data async_add_entities([PhilipsTVLightEntity(coordinator)]) def _get_settings(style: AmbilightCurrentConfiguration): """Extract the color settings data from a style.""" if style["styleName"] in ("FOLLOW_COLOR", "Lounge light"): return style["colorSettings"] if style["styleName"] == "FOLLOW_AUDIO": return style["audioSettings"] return None @dataclass class AmbilightEffect: """Data class describing the ambilight effect.""" mode: str style: str algorithm: str | None = None def is_on(self, powerstate) -> bool: """Check whether the ambilight is considered on.""" if self.mode in (EFFECT_AUTO, EFFECT_EXPERT): if self.style in ("FOLLOW_VIDEO", "FOLLOW_AUDIO"): return powerstate in ("On", None) if self.style == "OFF": return False return True if self.mode == EFFECT_MODE: if self.style == "internal": return powerstate in ("On", None) return True return False def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Validate the effect configuration.""" if self.mode == EFFECT_EXPERT: return self.style in EFFECT_EXPERT_STYLES return True @staticmethod def from_str(effect_string: str) -> AmbilightEffect: """Create AmbilightEffect object from string.""" style, _, algorithm = effect_string.partition(EFFECT_PARTITION) if style == EFFECT_MODE: return AmbilightEffect(mode=EFFECT_MODE, style=algorithm, algorithm=None) algorithm, _, expert = algorithm.partition(EFFECT_PARTITION) if expert: return AmbilightEffect(mode=EFFECT_EXPERT, style=style, algorithm=algorithm) return AmbilightEffect(mode=EFFECT_AUTO, style=style, algorithm=algorithm) def __str__(self) -> str: """Get a string representation of the effect.""" if self.mode == EFFECT_MODE: return f"{EFFECT_MODE}{EFFECT_PARTITION}{self.style}" if self.mode == EFFECT_EXPERT: return f"{self.style}{EFFECT_PARTITION}{self.algorithm}{EFFECT_PARTITION}{EFFECT_EXPERT}" return f"{self.style}{EFFECT_PARTITION}{self.algorithm}" def _get_cache_keys(device: PhilipsTV): """Return a cache keys to avoid always updating.""" return ( device.on, device.powerstate, device.ambilight_current_configuration, device.ambilight_mode, ) def _average_pixels(data): """Calculate an average color over all ambilight pixels.""" color_c = 0 color_r = 0.0 color_g = 0.0 color_b = 0.0 for layer in data.values(): for side in layer.values(): for pixel in side.values(): color_c += 1 color_r += pixel["r"] color_g += pixel["g"] color_b += pixel["b"] if color_c: color_r /= color_c color_g /= color_c color_b /= color_c return color_r, color_g, color_b return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 class PhilipsTVLightEntity(PhilipsJsEntity, LightEntity): """Representation of a Philips TV exposing the JointSpace API.""" _attr_translation_key = "ambilight" def __init__( self, coordinator: PhilipsTVDataUpdateCoordinator, ) -> None: """Initialize light.""" self._tv = coordinator.api self._hs = None self._brightness = None self._cache_keys = None self._last_selected_effect: AmbilightEffect | None = None super().__init__(coordinator) self._attr_supported_color_modes = {ColorMode.HS, ColorMode.ONOFF} self._attr_supported_features = LightEntityFeature.EFFECT self._attr_unique_id = coordinator.unique_id self._update_from_coordinator() def _calculate_effect_list(self): """Calculate an effect list based on current status.""" effects: list[AmbilightEffect] = [] effects.extend( AmbilightEffect(mode=EFFECT_AUTO, style=style, algorithm=setting) for style, data in self._tv.ambilight_styles.items() for setting in data.get("menuSettings", []) ) effects.extend( AmbilightEffect(mode=EFFECT_EXPERT, style=style, algorithm=algorithm) for style, data in self._tv.ambilight_styles.items() for algorithm in data.get("algorithms", []) ) effects.extend( AmbilightEffect(mode=EFFECT_MODE, style=style) for style in self._tv.ambilight_modes ) filtered_effects = [ str(effect) for effect in effects if effect.is_valid() and effect.is_on(self._tv.powerstate) ] return sorted(filtered_effects) def _calculate_effect(self) -> AmbilightEffect: """Return the current effect.""" current = self._tv.ambilight_current_configuration if current and self._tv.ambilight_mode != "manual": if current["isExpert"]: if settings := _get_settings(current): return AmbilightEffect( EFFECT_EXPERT, current["styleName"], settings["algorithm"] ) return AmbilightEffect(EFFECT_EXPERT, current["styleName"], None) return AmbilightEffect( EFFECT_AUTO, current["styleName"], current.get("menuSetting", None) ) return AmbilightEffect(EFFECT_MODE, self._tv.ambilight_mode, None) @property def color_mode(self) -> ColorMode: """Return the current color mode.""" current = self._tv.ambilight_current_configuration if current and current["isExpert"]: return ColorMode.HS if self._tv.ambilight_mode in ["manual", "expert"]: return ColorMode.HS return ColorMode.ONOFF @property def is_on(self): """Return if the light is turned on.""" if self._tv.on: effect = AmbilightEffect.from_str(self.effect) return effect.is_on(self._tv.powerstate) return False def _update_from_coordinator(self): current = self._tv.ambilight_current_configuration color = None if (cache_keys := _get_cache_keys(self._tv)) != self._cache_keys: self._cache_keys = cache_keys self._attr_effect_list = self._calculate_effect_list() self._attr_effect = str(self._calculate_effect()) if current and current["isExpert"]: if settings := _get_settings(current): color = settings["color"] effect = AmbilightEffect.from_str(self._attr_effect) if effect.is_on(self._tv.powerstate): self._last_selected_effect = effect if effect.mode == EFFECT_EXPERT and color: self._attr_hs_color = ( color["hue"] * 360.0 / 255.0, color["saturation"] * 100.0 / 255.0, ) self._attr_brightness = color["brightness"] elif effect.mode == EFFECT_MODE and self._tv.ambilight_cached: hsv_h, hsv_s, hsv_v = color_RGB_to_hsv( *_average_pixels(self._tv.ambilight_cached) ) self._attr_hs_color = hsv_h, hsv_s self._attr_brightness = hsv_v * 255.0 / 100.0 else: self._attr_hs_color = None self._attr_brightness = None @callback def _handle_coordinator_update(self) -> None: """Handle updated data from the coordinator.""" self._update_from_coordinator() super()._handle_coordinator_update() async def _set_ambilight_cached( self, effect: AmbilightEffect, hs_color: tuple[float, float], brightness: int ): """Set ambilight via the manual or expert mode.""" rgb = color_hsv_to_RGB(hs_color[0], hs_color[1], brightness * 100 / 255) data = { "r": rgb[0], "g": rgb[1], "b": rgb[2], } if not await self._tv.setAmbilightCached(data): raise HomeAssistantError("Failed to set ambilight color") if effect.style != self._tv.ambilight_mode: if not await self._tv.setAmbilightMode(effect.style): raise HomeAssistantError("Failed to set ambilight mode") async def _set_ambilight_expert_config( self, effect: AmbilightEffect, hs_color: tuple[float, float], brightness: int ): """Set ambilight via current configuration.""" config: AmbilightCurrentConfiguration = { "styleName": effect.style, "isExpert": True, } setting = { "algorithm": effect.algorithm, "color": { "hue": round(hs_color[0] * 255.0 / 360.0), "saturation": round(hs_color[1] * 255.0 / 100.0), "brightness": round(brightness), }, "colorDelta": { "hue": 0, "saturation": 0, "brightness": 0, }, } if effect.style in ("FOLLOW_COLOR", "Lounge light"): config["colorSettings"] = setting config["speed"] = 2 elif effect.style == "FOLLOW_AUDIO": config["audioSettings"] = setting config["tuning"] = 0 if not await self._tv.setAmbilightCurrentConfiguration(config): raise HomeAssistantError("Failed to set ambilight mode") async def _set_ambilight_config(self, effect: AmbilightEffect): """Set ambilight via current configuration.""" config: AmbilightCurrentConfiguration = { "styleName": effect.style, "isExpert": False, "menuSetting": effect.algorithm, } if await self._tv.setAmbilightCurrentConfiguration(config) is False: raise HomeAssistantError("Failed to set ambilight mode") async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the bulb on.""" brightness = kwargs.get(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, self.brightness) hs_color = kwargs.get(ATTR_HS_COLOR, self.hs_color) attr_effect = kwargs.get(ATTR_EFFECT, self.effect) if not self._tv.on: raise HomeAssistantError("TV is not available") effect = AmbilightEffect.from_str(attr_effect) if effect.style == "OFF": if self._last_selected_effect: effect = self._last_selected_effect else: effect = AmbilightEffect(EFFECT_AUTO, "FOLLOW_VIDEO", "STANDARD") if not effect.is_on(self._tv.powerstate): effect.mode = EFFECT_MODE effect.algorithm = None if self._tv.powerstate in ("On", None): effect.style = "internal" else: effect.style = "manual" if brightness is None: brightness = 255 if hs_color is None: hs_color = (0, 0) if effect.mode == EFFECT_MODE: await self._set_ambilight_cached(effect, hs_color, brightness) elif effect.mode == EFFECT_AUTO: await self._set_ambilight_config(effect) elif effect.mode == EFFECT_EXPERT: await self._set_ambilight_expert_config(effect, hs_color, brightness) self._update_from_coordinator() self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn of ambilight.""" if not self._tv.on: raise HomeAssistantError("TV is not available") if await self._tv.setAmbilightMode("internal") is False: raise HomeAssistantError("Failed to set ambilight mode") await self._set_ambilight_config(AmbilightEffect(EFFECT_MODE, "OFF", "")) self._update_from_coordinator() self.async_write_ha_state()