{ "config": { "step": { "auth": { "title": "Authenticate Ambiclimate", "description": "Please follow this [link]({authorization_url}) and **Allow** access to your Ambiclimate account, then come back and press **Submit** below.\n(Make sure the specified callback URL is {cb_url})" } }, "create_entry": { "default": "[%key:common::config_flow::create_entry::authenticated%]" }, "error": { "no_token": "Not authenticated with Ambiclimate", "follow_link": "Please follow the link and authenticate before pressing Submit" }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_account%]", "missing_configuration": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_missing_configuration%]", "access_token": "Unknown error generating an access token." } }, "services": { "set_comfort_mode": { "name": "Set comfort mode", "description": "Enables comfort mode on your AC.", "fields": { "name": { "name": "Device name", "description": "String with device name." } } }, "send_comfort_feedback": { "name": "Send comfort feedback", "description": "Sends feedback for comfort mode.", "fields": { "name": { "name": "[%key:component::ambiclimate::services::set_comfort_mode::fields::name::name%]", "description": "[%key:component::ambiclimate::services::set_comfort_mode::fields::name::description%]" }, "value": { "name": "Comfort value", "description": "Send any of the following comfort values: too_hot, too_warm, bit_warm, comfortable, bit_cold, too_cold, freezing\n." } } }, "set_temperature_mode": { "name": "Set temperature mode", "description": "Enables temperature mode on your AC.", "fields": { "name": { "name": "[%key:component::ambiclimate::services::set_comfort_mode::fields::name::name%]", "description": "[%key:component::ambiclimate::services::set_comfort_mode::fields::name::description%]" }, "value": { "name": "Temperature", "description": "Target value in celsius." } } } } }