{ "config": { "flow_title": "[%key:component::bluetooth::config::flow_title%]", "step": { "user": { "description": "What is the IRK (Identity Resolving Key) of the BLE device you want to track?", "data": { "irk": "IRK" } } }, "error": { "irk_not_found": "The provided IRK does not match any BLE devices that Home Assistant can see.", "irk_not_valid": "The key does not look like a valid IRK." }, "abort": { "bluetooth_not_available": "At least one Bluetooth adapter or remote bluetooth proxy must be configured to track Private BLE Devices." } }, "entity": { "sensor": { "power": { "name": "Power" }, "estimated_distance": { "name": "Estimated distance" }, "estimated_broadcast_interval": { "name": "Estimated broadcast interval" } } } }