{ "config": { "abort": { "all_configured": "All Philips Hue bridges are already configured", "already_configured": "Bridge is already configured", "cannot_connect": "Unable to connect to the bridge", "discover_timeout": "Unable to discover Hue bridges", "no_bridges": "No Philips Hue bridges discovered", "unknown": "Unknown error occurred" }, "error": { "linking": "Unknown linking error occurred.", "register_failed": "Failed to register, please try again" }, "step": { "init": { "data": { "host": "Host" }, "title": "Pick Hue bridge" }, "link": { "description": "Press the button on the bridge to register Philips Hue with Home Assistant.\n\n![Location of button on bridge](/static/images/config_philips_hue.jpg)", "title": "Link Hub" } }, "title": "Philips Hue" } }