""" Websocket based API for Home Assistant. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/developers/websocket_api/ """ import asyncio from contextlib import suppress from functools import partial import json import logging from aiohttp import web import voluptuous as vol from voluptuous.humanize import humanize_error from homeassistant.const import ( MATCH_ALL, EVENT_TIME_CHANGED, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, __version__) from homeassistant.components import frontend from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.remote import JSONEncoder from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.components.http.auth import validate_password from homeassistant.components.http.const import KEY_AUTHENTICATED from homeassistant.components.http.ban import process_wrong_login DOMAIN = 'websocket_api' URL = '/api/websocket' DEPENDENCIES = ('http',) MAX_PENDING_MSG = 512 ERR_ID_REUSE = 1 ERR_INVALID_FORMAT = 2 ERR_NOT_FOUND = 3 TYPE_AUTH = 'auth' TYPE_AUTH_INVALID = 'auth_invalid' TYPE_AUTH_OK = 'auth_ok' TYPE_AUTH_REQUIRED = 'auth_required' TYPE_CALL_SERVICE = 'call_service' TYPE_EVENT = 'event' TYPE_GET_CONFIG = 'get_config' TYPE_GET_PANELS = 'get_panels' TYPE_GET_SERVICES = 'get_services' TYPE_GET_STATES = 'get_states' TYPE_PING = 'ping' TYPE_PONG = 'pong' TYPE_RESULT = 'result' TYPE_SUBSCRIBE_EVENTS = 'subscribe_events' TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE_EVENTS = 'unsubscribe_events' _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) JSON_DUMP = partial(json.dumps, cls=JSONEncoder) AUTH_MESSAGE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required('type'): TYPE_AUTH, vol.Required('api_password'): str, }) SUBSCRIBE_EVENTS_MESSAGE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required('id'): cv.positive_int, vol.Required('type'): TYPE_SUBSCRIBE_EVENTS, vol.Optional('event_type', default=MATCH_ALL): str, }) UNSUBSCRIBE_EVENTS_MESSAGE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required('id'): cv.positive_int, vol.Required('type'): TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE_EVENTS, vol.Required('subscription'): cv.positive_int, }) CALL_SERVICE_MESSAGE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required('id'): cv.positive_int, vol.Required('type'): TYPE_CALL_SERVICE, vol.Required('domain'): str, vol.Required('service'): str, vol.Optional('service_data', default=None): dict }) GET_STATES_MESSAGE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required('id'): cv.positive_int, vol.Required('type'): TYPE_GET_STATES, }) GET_SERVICES_MESSAGE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required('id'): cv.positive_int, vol.Required('type'): TYPE_GET_SERVICES, }) GET_CONFIG_MESSAGE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required('id'): cv.positive_int, vol.Required('type'): TYPE_GET_CONFIG, }) GET_PANELS_MESSAGE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required('id'): cv.positive_int, vol.Required('type'): TYPE_GET_PANELS, }) PING_MESSAGE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required('id'): cv.positive_int, vol.Required('type'): TYPE_PING, }) BASE_COMMAND_MESSAGE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required('id'): cv.positive_int, vol.Required('type'): vol.Any(TYPE_CALL_SERVICE, TYPE_SUBSCRIBE_EVENTS, TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE_EVENTS, TYPE_GET_STATES, TYPE_GET_SERVICES, TYPE_GET_CONFIG, TYPE_GET_PANELS, TYPE_PING) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) def auth_ok_message(): """Return an auth_ok message.""" return { 'type': TYPE_AUTH_OK, 'ha_version': __version__, } def auth_required_message(): """Return an auth_required message.""" return { 'type': TYPE_AUTH_REQUIRED, 'ha_version': __version__, } def auth_invalid_message(message): """Return an auth_invalid message.""" return { 'type': TYPE_AUTH_INVALID, 'message': message, } def event_message(iden, event): """Return an event message.""" return { 'id': iden, 'type': TYPE_EVENT, 'event': event.as_dict(), } def error_message(iden, code, message): """Return an error result message.""" return { 'id': iden, 'type': TYPE_RESULT, 'success': False, 'error': { 'code': code, 'message': message, }, } def pong_message(iden): """Return a pong message.""" return { 'id': iden, 'type': TYPE_PONG, } def result_message(iden, result=None): """Return a success result message.""" return { 'id': iden, 'type': TYPE_RESULT, 'success': True, 'result': result, } @asyncio.coroutine def async_setup(hass, config): """Initialize the websocket API.""" hass.http.register_view(WebsocketAPIView) return True class WebsocketAPIView(HomeAssistantView): """View to serve a websockets endpoint.""" name = "websocketapi" url = URL requires_auth = False @asyncio.coroutine def get(self, request): """Handle an incoming websocket connection.""" # pylint: disable=no-self-use return ActiveConnection(request.app['hass'], request).handle() class ActiveConnection: """Handle an active websocket client connection.""" def __init__(self, hass, request): """Initialize an active connection.""" self.hass = hass self.request = request self.wsock = None self.event_listeners = {} self.to_write = asyncio.Queue(maxsize=MAX_PENDING_MSG, loop=hass.loop) self._handle_task = None self._writer_task = None def debug(self, message1, message2=''): """Print a debug message.""" _LOGGER.debug("WS %s: %s %s", id(self.wsock), message1, message2) def log_error(self, message1, message2=''): """Print an error message.""" _LOGGER.error("WS %s: %s %s", id(self.wsock), message1, message2) @asyncio.coroutine def _writer(self): """Write outgoing messages.""" # Exceptions if Socket disconnected or cancelled by connection handler with suppress(RuntimeError, asyncio.CancelledError): while not self.wsock.closed: message = yield from self.to_write.get() if message is None: break self.debug("Sending", message) yield from self.wsock.send_json(message, dumps=JSON_DUMP) @callback def send_message_outside(self, message): """Send a message to the client outside of the main task. Closes connection if the client is not reading the messages. Async friendly. """ try: self.to_write.put_nowait(message) except asyncio.QueueFull: self.log_error("Client exceeded max pending messages [2]:", MAX_PENDING_MSG) self.cancel() @callback def cancel(self): """Cancel the connection.""" self._handle_task.cancel() self._writer_task.cancel() @asyncio.coroutine def handle(self): """Handle the websocket connection.""" request = self.request wsock = self.wsock = web.WebSocketResponse() yield from wsock.prepare(request) self.debug("Connected") # Get a reference to current task so we can cancel our connection self._handle_task = asyncio.Task.current_task(loop=self.hass.loop) @callback def handle_hass_stop(event): """Cancel this connection.""" self.cancel() unsub_stop = self.hass.bus.async_listen( EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, handle_hass_stop) self._writer_task = self.hass.async_add_job(self._writer()) final_message = None msg = None authenticated = False try: if request[KEY_AUTHENTICATED]: authenticated = True else: yield from self.wsock.send_json(auth_required_message()) msg = yield from wsock.receive_json() msg = AUTH_MESSAGE_SCHEMA(msg) if validate_password(request, msg['api_password']): authenticated = True else: self.debug("Invalid password") yield from self.wsock.send_json( auth_invalid_message('Invalid password')) if not authenticated: yield from process_wrong_login(request) return wsock yield from self.wsock.send_json(auth_ok_message()) # ---------- AUTH PHASE OVER ---------- msg = yield from wsock.receive_json() last_id = 0 while msg: self.debug("Received", msg) msg = BASE_COMMAND_MESSAGE_SCHEMA(msg) cur_id = msg['id'] if cur_id <= last_id: self.to_write.put_nowait(error_message( cur_id, ERR_ID_REUSE, 'Identifier values have to increase.')) else: handler_name = 'handle_{}'.format(msg['type']) getattr(self, handler_name)(msg) last_id = cur_id msg = yield from wsock.receive_json() except vol.Invalid as err: error_msg = "Message incorrectly formatted: " if msg: error_msg += humanize_error(msg, err) else: error_msg += str(err) self.log_error(error_msg) if not authenticated: final_message = auth_invalid_message(error_msg) else: if isinstance(msg, dict): iden = msg.get('id') else: iden = None final_message = error_message( iden, ERR_INVALID_FORMAT, error_msg) except TypeError as err: if wsock.closed: self.debug("Connection closed by client") else: _LOGGER.exception("Unexpected TypeError: %s", msg) except ValueError as err: msg = "Received invalid JSON" value = getattr(err, 'doc', None) # Py3.5+ only if value: msg += ': {}'.format(value) self.log_error(msg) self._writer_task.cancel() except asyncio.CancelledError: self.debug("Connection cancelled by server") except asyncio.QueueFull: self.log_error("Client exceeded max pending messages [1]:", MAX_PENDING_MSG) self._writer_task.cancel() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except error = "Unexpected error inside websocket API. " if msg is not None: error += str(msg) _LOGGER.exception(error) finally: unsub_stop() for unsub in self.event_listeners.values(): unsub() try: if final_message is not None: self.to_write.put_nowait(final_message) self.to_write.put_nowait(None) # Make sure all error messages are written before closing yield from self._writer_task except asyncio.QueueFull: self._writer_task.cancel() yield from wsock.close() self.debug("Closed connection") return wsock def handle_subscribe_events(self, msg): """Handle subscribe events command. Async friendly. """ msg = SUBSCRIBE_EVENTS_MESSAGE_SCHEMA(msg) @asyncio.coroutine def forward_events(event): """Forward events to websocket.""" if event.event_type == EVENT_TIME_CHANGED: return self.send_message_outside(event_message(msg['id'], event)) self.event_listeners[msg['id']] = self.hass.bus.async_listen( msg['event_type'], forward_events) self.to_write.put_nowait(result_message(msg['id'])) def handle_unsubscribe_events(self, msg): """Handle unsubscribe events command. Async friendly. """ msg = UNSUBSCRIBE_EVENTS_MESSAGE_SCHEMA(msg) subscription = msg['subscription'] if subscription in self.event_listeners: self.event_listeners.pop(subscription)() self.to_write.put_nowait(result_message(msg['id'])) else: self.to_write.put_nowait(error_message( msg['id'], ERR_NOT_FOUND, 'Subscription not found.')) def handle_call_service(self, msg): """Handle call service command. This is a coroutine. """ msg = CALL_SERVICE_MESSAGE_SCHEMA(msg) @asyncio.coroutine def call_service_helper(msg): """Call a service and fire complete message.""" yield from self.hass.services.async_call( msg['domain'], msg['service'], msg['service_data'], True) self.send_message_outside(result_message(msg['id'])) self.hass.async_add_job(call_service_helper(msg)) def handle_get_states(self, msg): """Handle get states command. Async friendly. """ msg = GET_STATES_MESSAGE_SCHEMA(msg) self.to_write.put_nowait(result_message( msg['id'], self.hass.states.async_all())) def handle_get_services(self, msg): """Handle get services command. Async friendly. """ msg = GET_SERVICES_MESSAGE_SCHEMA(msg) self.to_write.put_nowait(result_message( msg['id'], self.hass.services.async_services())) def handle_get_config(self, msg): """Handle get config command. Async friendly. """ msg = GET_CONFIG_MESSAGE_SCHEMA(msg) self.to_write.put_nowait(result_message( msg['id'], self.hass.config.as_dict())) def handle_get_panels(self, msg): """Handle get panels command. Async friendly. """ msg = GET_PANELS_MESSAGE_SCHEMA(msg) panels = { panel: self.hass.data[frontend.DATA_PANELS][panel].to_response( self.hass, self.request) for panel in self.hass.data[frontend.DATA_PANELS]} self.to_write.put_nowait(result_message( msg['id'], panels)) def handle_ping(self, msg): """Handle ping command. Async friendly. """ self.to_write.put_nowait(pong_message(msg['id']))