"""Support for Somfy Thermostat.""" from __future__ import annotations from pymfy.api.devices.category import Category from pymfy.api.devices.thermostat import ( DurationType, HvacState, RegulationState, TargetMode, Thermostat, ) from homeassistant.components.climate import ClimateEntity from homeassistant.components.climate.const import ( HVAC_MODE_AUTO, HVAC_MODE_COOL, HVAC_MODE_HEAT, PRESET_AWAY, PRESET_HOME, PRESET_SLEEP, SUPPORT_PRESET_MODE, SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ATTR_TEMPERATURE, TEMP_CELSIUS from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from .const import COORDINATOR, DOMAIN from .entity import SomfyEntity SUPPORTED_CATEGORIES = {Category.HVAC.value} PRESET_FROST_GUARD = "Frost Guard" PRESET_GEOFENCING = "Geofencing" PRESET_MANUAL = "Manual" PRESETS_MAPPING = { TargetMode.AT_HOME: PRESET_HOME, TargetMode.AWAY: PRESET_AWAY, TargetMode.SLEEP: PRESET_SLEEP, TargetMode.MANUAL: PRESET_MANUAL, TargetMode.GEOFENCING: PRESET_GEOFENCING, TargetMode.FROST_PROTECTION: PRESET_FROST_GUARD, } REVERSE_PRESET_MAPPING = {v: k for k, v in PRESETS_MAPPING.items()} HVAC_MODES_MAPPING = {HvacState.COOL: HVAC_MODE_COOL, HvacState.HEAT: HVAC_MODE_HEAT} async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up the Somfy climate platform.""" domain_data = hass.data[DOMAIN] coordinator = domain_data[COORDINATOR] climates = [ SomfyClimate(coordinator, device_id) for device_id, device in coordinator.data.items() if SUPPORTED_CATEGORIES & set(device.categories) ] async_add_entities(climates) class SomfyClimate(SomfyEntity, ClimateEntity): """Representation of a Somfy thermostat device.""" def __init__(self, coordinator, device_id): """Initialize the Somfy device.""" super().__init__(coordinator, device_id) self._climate = None self._create_device() def _create_device(self): """Update the device with the latest data.""" self._climate = Thermostat(self.device, self.coordinator.client) @property def supported_features(self) -> int: """Return the list of supported features.""" return SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE | SUPPORT_PRESET_MODE @property def temperature_unit(self): """Return the unit of measurement used by the platform.""" return TEMP_CELSIUS @property def current_temperature(self): """Return the current temperature.""" return self._climate.get_ambient_temperature() @property def target_temperature(self): """Return the temperature we try to reach.""" return self._climate.get_target_temperature() def set_temperature(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Set new target temperature.""" if (temperature := kwargs.get(ATTR_TEMPERATURE)) is None: return self._climate.set_target(TargetMode.MANUAL, temperature, DurationType.NEXT_MODE) @property def max_temp(self) -> float: """Return the maximum temperature.""" return 26.0 @property def min_temp(self) -> float: """Return the minimum temperature.""" return 15.0 @property def current_humidity(self): """Return the current humidity.""" return self._climate.get_humidity() @property def hvac_mode(self) -> str: """Return hvac operation ie. heat, cool mode.""" if self._climate.get_regulation_state() == RegulationState.TIMETABLE: return HVAC_MODE_AUTO return HVAC_MODES_MAPPING.get(self._climate.get_hvac_state()) @property def hvac_modes(self) -> list[str]: """Return the list of available hvac operation modes. HEAT and COOL mode are exclusive. End user has to enable a mode manually within the Somfy application. So only one mode can be displayed. Auto mode is a scheduler. """ hvac_state = HVAC_MODES_MAPPING[self._climate.get_hvac_state()] return [HVAC_MODE_AUTO, hvac_state] def set_hvac_mode(self, hvac_mode: str) -> None: """Set new target hvac mode.""" if hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_AUTO: self._climate.cancel_target() else: self._climate.set_target( TargetMode.MANUAL, self.target_temperature, DurationType.FURTHER_NOTICE ) @property def preset_mode(self) -> str | None: """Return the current preset mode.""" mode = self._climate.get_target_mode() return PRESETS_MAPPING.get(mode) @property def preset_modes(self) -> list[str] | None: """Return a list of available preset modes.""" return list(PRESETS_MAPPING.values()) def set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode: str) -> None: """Set new preset mode.""" if self.preset_mode == preset_mode: return if preset_mode == PRESET_HOME: temperature = self._climate.get_at_home_temperature() elif preset_mode == PRESET_AWAY: temperature = self._climate.get_away_temperature() elif preset_mode == PRESET_SLEEP: temperature = self._climate.get_night_temperature() elif preset_mode == PRESET_FROST_GUARD: temperature = self._climate.get_frost_protection_temperature() elif preset_mode in (PRESET_MANUAL, PRESET_GEOFENCING): temperature = self.target_temperature else: raise ValueError(f"Preset mode not supported: {preset_mode}") self._climate.set_target( REVERSE_PRESET_MAPPING[preset_mode], temperature, DurationType.NEXT_MODE )