{ "entity": { "select": { "speed": { "state": { "light_speed": "Light Speed", "ludicrous_speed": "Ludicrous Speed", "ridiculous_speed": "Ridiculous Speed" } } }, "sensor": { "thermostat_mode": { "state": { "away": "Away", "comfort": "Comfort", "eco": "Eco", "sleep": "Sleep" } } } }, "issues": { "bad_psu": { "fix_flow": { "step": { "confirm": { "description": "Press SUBMIT to confirm the power supply has been replaced", "title": "The power supply needs to be replaced" } } }, "title": "The power supply is not stable" }, "cold_tea": { "fix_flow": { "abort": { "not_tea_time": "Can not re-heat the tea at this time" } }, "title": "The tea is cold" }, "out_of_blinker_fluid": { "fix_flow": { "step": { "confirm": { "description": "Press SUBMIT when blinker fluid has been refilled", "title": "Blinker fluid needs to be refilled" } } }, "title": "The blinker fluid is empty and needs to be refilled" }, "transmogrifier_deprecated": { "description": "The transmogrifier component is now deprecated due to the lack of local control available in the new API", "title": "The transmogrifier component is deprecated" }, "unfixable_problem": { "description": "This issue is never going to give up.", "title": "This is not a fixable problem" } }, "options": { "step": { "options_1": { "data": { "bool": "Optional boolean", "constant": "Constant", "int": "Numeric input" } }, "options_2": { "data": { "multi": "Multiselect", "select": "Select an option", "string": "String value" } } } }, "title": "Demo" }