"""Support for Roku.""" import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.discovery import SERVICE_ROKU from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST from homeassistant.helpers import discovery import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DOMAIN = 'roku' SERVICE_SCAN = 'roku_scan' ATTR_ROKU = 'roku' DATA_ROKU = 'data_roku' NOTIFICATION_ID = 'roku_notification' NOTIFICATION_TITLE = 'Roku Setup' NOTIFICATION_SCAN_ID = 'roku_scan_notification' NOTIFICATION_SCAN_TITLE = 'Roku Scan' CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ DOMAIN: vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [vol.Schema({ vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string })]) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) # Currently no attributes but it might change later ROKU_SCAN_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({}) def setup(hass, config): """Set up the Roku component.""" hass.data[DATA_ROKU] = {} def service_handler(service): """Handle service calls.""" if service.service == SERVICE_SCAN: scan_for_rokus(hass) def roku_discovered(service, info): """Set up an Roku that was auto discovered.""" _setup_roku(hass, config, { CONF_HOST: info['host'] }) discovery.listen(hass, SERVICE_ROKU, roku_discovered) for conf in config.get(DOMAIN, []): _setup_roku(hass, config, conf) hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SCAN, service_handler, schema=ROKU_SCAN_SCHEMA) return True def scan_for_rokus(hass): """Scan for devices and present a notification of the ones found.""" from roku import Roku, RokuException rokus = Roku.discover() devices = [] for roku in rokus: try: r_info = roku.device_info except RokuException: # skip non-roku device continue devices.append('Name: {0}
Host: {1}
'.format( r_info.userdevicename if r_info.userdevicename else "{} {}".format(r_info.modelname, r_info.sernum), roku.host)) if not devices: devices = ['No device(s) found'] hass.components.persistent_notification.create( 'The following devices were found:

' + '

'.join(devices), title=NOTIFICATION_SCAN_TITLE, notification_id=NOTIFICATION_SCAN_ID) def _setup_roku(hass, hass_config, roku_config): """Set up a Roku.""" from roku import Roku host = roku_config[CONF_HOST] if host in hass.data[DATA_ROKU]: return roku = Roku(host) r_info = roku.device_info hass.data[DATA_ROKU][host] = { ATTR_ROKU: r_info.sernum } discovery.load_platform( hass, 'media_player', DOMAIN, roku_config, hass_config) discovery.load_platform( hass, 'remote', DOMAIN, roku_config, hass_config)