""" Support for RSS/Atom feeds. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/feedreader/ """ from datetime import datetime, timedelta from logging import getLogger from os.path import exists from threading import Lock import pickle import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL from homeassistant.helpers.event import track_time_interval import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv REQUIREMENTS = ['feedparser==5.2.1'] _LOGGER = getLogger(__name__) CONF_URLS = 'urls' CONF_MAX_ENTRIES = 'max_entries' DEFAULT_MAX_ENTRIES = 20 DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(hours=1) DOMAIN = 'feedreader' EVENT_FEEDREADER = 'feedreader' CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ DOMAIN: { vol.Required(CONF_URLS): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.url]), vol.Optional(CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL, default=DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL): cv.time_period, vol.Optional(CONF_MAX_ENTRIES, default=DEFAULT_MAX_ENTRIES): cv.positive_int } }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) def setup(hass, config): """Set up the Feedreader component.""" urls = config.get(DOMAIN)[CONF_URLS] scan_interval = config.get(DOMAIN).get(CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL) max_entries = config.get(DOMAIN).get(CONF_MAX_ENTRIES) data_file = hass.config.path("{}.pickle".format(DOMAIN)) storage = StoredData(data_file) feeds = [FeedManager(url, scan_interval, max_entries, hass, storage) for url in urls] return len(feeds) > 0 class FeedManager(object): """Abstraction over Feedparser module.""" def __init__(self, url, scan_interval, max_entries, hass, storage): """Initialize the FeedManager object, poll as per scan interval.""" self._url = url self._scan_interval = scan_interval self._max_entries = max_entries self._feed = None self._hass = hass self._firstrun = True self._storage = storage self._last_entry_timestamp = None self._last_update_successful = False self._has_published_parsed = False self._event_type = EVENT_FEEDREADER self._feed_id = url hass.bus.listen_once( EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, lambda _: self._update()) self._init_regular_updates(hass) def _log_no_entries(self): """Send no entries log at debug level.""" _LOGGER.debug("No new entries to be published in feed %s", self._url) def _init_regular_updates(self, hass): """Schedule regular updates at the top of the clock.""" track_time_interval(hass, lambda now: self._update(), self._scan_interval) @property def last_update_successful(self): """Return True if the last feed update was successful.""" return self._last_update_successful def _update(self): """Update the feed and publish new entries to the event bus.""" import feedparser _LOGGER.info("Fetching new data from feed %s", self._url) self._feed = feedparser.parse(self._url, etag=None if not self._feed else self._feed.get('etag'), modified=None if not self._feed else self._feed.get('modified')) if not self._feed: _LOGGER.error("Error fetching feed data from %s", self._url) self._last_update_successful = False else: # The 'bozo' flag really only indicates that there was an issue # during the initial parsing of the XML, but it doesn't indicate # whether this is an unrecoverable error. In this case the # feedparser lib is trying a less strict parsing approach. # If an error is detected here, log error message but continue # processing the feed entries if present. if self._feed.bozo != 0: _LOGGER.error("Error parsing feed %s: %s", self._url, self._feed.bozo_exception) # Using etag and modified, if there's no new data available, # the entries list will be empty if self._feed.entries: _LOGGER.debug("%s entri(es) available in feed %s", len(self._feed.entries), self._url) self._filter_entries() self._publish_new_entries() if self._has_published_parsed: self._storage.put_timestamp( self._feed_id, self._last_entry_timestamp) else: self._log_no_entries() self._last_update_successful = True _LOGGER.info("Fetch from feed %s completed", self._url) def _filter_entries(self): """Filter the entries provided and return the ones to keep.""" if len(self._feed.entries) > self._max_entries: _LOGGER.debug("Processing only the first %s entries " "in feed %s", self._max_entries, self._url) self._feed.entries = self._feed.entries[0:self._max_entries] def _update_and_fire_entry(self, entry): """Update last_entry_timestamp and fire entry.""" # We are lucky, `published_parsed` data available, let's make use of # it to publish only new available entries since the last run if 'published_parsed' in entry.keys(): self._has_published_parsed = True self._last_entry_timestamp = max( entry.published_parsed, self._last_entry_timestamp) else: self._has_published_parsed = False _LOGGER.debug("No published_parsed info available for entry %s", entry.title) entry.update({'feed_url': self._url}) self._hass.bus.fire(self._event_type, entry) def _publish_new_entries(self): """Publish new entries to the event bus.""" new_entries = False self._last_entry_timestamp = self._storage.get_timestamp(self._feed_id) if self._last_entry_timestamp: self._firstrun = False else: # Set last entry timestamp as epoch time if not available self._last_entry_timestamp = \ datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0).timetuple() for entry in self._feed.entries: if self._firstrun or ( 'published_parsed' in entry.keys() and entry.published_parsed > self._last_entry_timestamp): self._update_and_fire_entry(entry) new_entries = True else: _LOGGER.debug("Entry %s already processed", entry.title) if not new_entries: self._log_no_entries() self._firstrun = False class StoredData(object): """Abstraction over pickle data storage.""" def __init__(self, data_file): """Initialize pickle data storage.""" self._data_file = data_file self._lock = Lock() self._cache_outdated = True self._data = {} self._fetch_data() def _fetch_data(self): """Fetch data stored into pickle file.""" if self._cache_outdated and exists(self._data_file): try: _LOGGER.debug("Fetching data from file %s", self._data_file) with self._lock, open(self._data_file, 'rb') as myfile: self._data = pickle.load(myfile) or {} self._cache_outdated = False except: # noqa: E722 # pylint: disable=bare-except _LOGGER.error("Error loading data from pickled file %s", self._data_file) def get_timestamp(self, feed_id): """Return stored timestamp for given feed id (usually the url).""" self._fetch_data() return self._data.get(feed_id) def put_timestamp(self, feed_id, timestamp): """Update timestamp for given feed id (usually the url).""" self._fetch_data() with self._lock, open(self._data_file, 'wb') as myfile: self._data.update({feed_id: timestamp}) _LOGGER.debug("Overwriting feed %s timestamp in storage file %s", feed_id, self._data_file) try: pickle.dump(self._data, myfile) except: # noqa: E722 # pylint: disable=bare-except _LOGGER.error( "Error saving pickled data to %s", self._data_file) self._cache_outdated = True