"""Allow to set up simple automation rules via the config file.""" from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import asyncio from collections.abc import Callable, Mapping from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import partial import logging from typing import Any, Protocol, cast from propcache import cached_property import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components import websocket_api from homeassistant.components.blueprint import CONF_USE_BLUEPRINT from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_MODE, ATTR_NAME, CONF_ALIAS, CONF_CONDITIONS, CONF_DEVICE_ID, CONF_ENTITY_ID, CONF_EVENT_DATA, CONF_ID, CONF_MODE, CONF_PATH, CONF_PLATFORM, CONF_VARIABLES, CONF_ZONE, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED, SERVICE_RELOAD, SERVICE_TOGGLE, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, STATE_ON, ) from homeassistant.core import ( CALLBACK_TYPE, Context, CoreState, Event, HomeAssistant, ServiceCall, callback, split_entity_id, valid_entity_id, ) from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError, ServiceNotFound, TemplateError from homeassistant.helpers import condition import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.deprecation import ( DeprecatedConstant, all_with_deprecated_constants, check_if_deprecated_constant, dir_with_deprecated_constants, ) from homeassistant.helpers.entity import ToggleEntity from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import EntityComponent from homeassistant.helpers.issue_registry import ( IssueSeverity, async_create_issue, async_delete_issue, ) from homeassistant.helpers.restore_state import RestoreEntity from homeassistant.helpers.script import ( ATTR_CUR, ATTR_MAX, CONF_MAX, CONF_MAX_EXCEEDED, Script, ScriptRunResult, script_stack_cv, ) from homeassistant.helpers.script_variables import ScriptVariables from homeassistant.helpers.service import ( ReloadServiceHelper, async_register_admin_service, ) from homeassistant.helpers.trace import ( TraceElement, script_execution_set, trace_append_element, trace_get, trace_path, ) from homeassistant.helpers.trigger import ( TriggerActionType, TriggerData, TriggerInfo, async_initialize_triggers, ) from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass from homeassistant.util.dt import parse_datetime from homeassistant.util.hass_dict import HassKey from .config import AutomationConfig, ValidationStatus from .const import ( CONF_ACTIONS, CONF_INITIAL_STATE, CONF_TRACE, CONF_TRIGGER_VARIABLES, CONF_TRIGGERS, DEFAULT_INITIAL_STATE, DOMAIN, LOGGER, ) from .helpers import async_get_blueprints from .trace import trace_automation DATA_COMPONENT: HassKey[EntityComponent[BaseAutomationEntity]] = HassKey(DOMAIN) ENTITY_ID_FORMAT = DOMAIN + ".{}" CONF_SKIP_CONDITION = "skip_condition" CONF_STOP_ACTIONS = "stop_actions" DEFAULT_STOP_ACTIONS = True EVENT_AUTOMATION_RELOADED = "automation_reloaded" EVENT_AUTOMATION_TRIGGERED = "automation_triggered" ATTR_LAST_TRIGGERED = "last_triggered" ATTR_SOURCE = "source" ATTR_VARIABLES = "variables" SERVICE_TRIGGER = "trigger" class IfAction(Protocol): """Define the format of if_action.""" config: list[ConfigType] def __call__(self, variables: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None) -> bool: """AND all conditions.""" # AutomationActionType, AutomationTriggerData, # and AutomationTriggerInfo are deprecated as of 2022.9. # Can be removed in 2025.1 _DEPRECATED_AutomationActionType = DeprecatedConstant( TriggerActionType, "TriggerActionType", "2025.1" ) _DEPRECATED_AutomationTriggerData = DeprecatedConstant( TriggerData, "TriggerData", "2025.1" ) _DEPRECATED_AutomationTriggerInfo = DeprecatedConstant( TriggerInfo, "TriggerInfo", "2025.1" ) @bind_hass def is_on(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str) -> bool: """Return true if specified automation entity_id is on. Async friendly. """ return hass.states.is_state(entity_id, STATE_ON) def _automations_with_x( hass: HomeAssistant, referenced_id: str, property_name: str ) -> list[str]: """Return all automations that reference the x.""" if DATA_COMPONENT not in hass.data: return [] return [ automation_entity.entity_id for automation_entity in hass.data[DATA_COMPONENT].entities if referenced_id in getattr(automation_entity, property_name) ] def _x_in_automation( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str, property_name: str ) -> list[str]: """Return all x in an automation.""" if DATA_COMPONENT not in hass.data: return [] if (automation_entity := hass.data[DATA_COMPONENT].get_entity(entity_id)) is None: return [] return list(getattr(automation_entity, property_name)) @callback def automations_with_entity(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str) -> list[str]: """Return all automations that reference the entity.""" return _automations_with_x(hass, entity_id, "referenced_entities") @callback def entities_in_automation(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str) -> list[str]: """Return all entities in an automation.""" return _x_in_automation(hass, entity_id, "referenced_entities") @callback def automations_with_device(hass: HomeAssistant, device_id: str) -> list[str]: """Return all automations that reference the device.""" return _automations_with_x(hass, device_id, "referenced_devices") @callback def devices_in_automation(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str) -> list[str]: """Return all devices in an automation.""" return _x_in_automation(hass, entity_id, "referenced_devices") @callback def automations_with_area(hass: HomeAssistant, area_id: str) -> list[str]: """Return all automations that reference the area.""" return _automations_with_x(hass, area_id, "referenced_areas") @callback def areas_in_automation(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str) -> list[str]: """Return all areas in an automation.""" return _x_in_automation(hass, entity_id, "referenced_areas") @callback def automations_with_floor(hass: HomeAssistant, floor_id: str) -> list[str]: """Return all automations that reference the floor.""" return _automations_with_x(hass, floor_id, "referenced_floors") @callback def floors_in_automation(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str) -> list[str]: """Return all floors in an automation.""" return _x_in_automation(hass, entity_id, "referenced_floors") @callback def automations_with_label(hass: HomeAssistant, label_id: str) -> list[str]: """Return all automations that reference the label.""" return _automations_with_x(hass, label_id, "referenced_labels") @callback def labels_in_automation(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str) -> list[str]: """Return all labels in an automation.""" return _x_in_automation(hass, entity_id, "referenced_labels") @callback def automations_with_blueprint(hass: HomeAssistant, blueprint_path: str) -> list[str]: """Return all automations that reference the blueprint.""" if DOMAIN not in hass.data: return [] return [ automation_entity.entity_id for automation_entity in hass.data[DATA_COMPONENT].entities if automation_entity.referenced_blueprint == blueprint_path ] @callback def blueprint_in_automation(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str) -> str | None: """Return the blueprint the automation is based on or None.""" if DATA_COMPONENT not in hass.data: return None if (automation_entity := hass.data[DATA_COMPONENT].get_entity(entity_id)) is None: return None return automation_entity.referenced_blueprint async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Set up all automations.""" hass.data[DATA_COMPONENT] = component = EntityComponent[BaseAutomationEntity]( LOGGER, DOMAIN, hass ) # Register automation as valid domain for Blueprint async_get_blueprints(hass) await _async_process_config(hass, config, component) # Add some default blueprints to blueprints/automation, does nothing # if blueprints/automation already exists but still has to create # an executor job to check if the folder exists so we run it in a # separate task to avoid waiting for it to finish setting up # since a tracked task will be waited at the end of startup hass.async_create_task( async_get_blueprints(hass).async_populate(), eager_start=True ) async def trigger_service_handler( entity: BaseAutomationEntity, service_call: ServiceCall ) -> None: """Handle forced automation trigger, e.g. from frontend.""" await entity.async_trigger( {**service_call.data[ATTR_VARIABLES], "trigger": {"platform": None}}, skip_condition=service_call.data[CONF_SKIP_CONDITION], context=service_call.context, ) component.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_TRIGGER, { vol.Optional(ATTR_VARIABLES, default={}): dict, vol.Optional(CONF_SKIP_CONDITION, default=True): bool, }, trigger_service_handler, ) component.async_register_entity_service(SERVICE_TOGGLE, None, "async_toggle") component.async_register_entity_service(SERVICE_TURN_ON, None, "async_turn_on") component.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_TURN_OFF, {vol.Optional(CONF_STOP_ACTIONS, default=DEFAULT_STOP_ACTIONS): cv.boolean}, "async_turn_off", ) async def reload_service_handler(service_call: ServiceCall) -> None: """Remove all automations and load new ones from config.""" await async_get_blueprints(hass).async_reset_cache() if (conf := await component.async_prepare_reload(skip_reset=True)) is None: return if automation_id := service_call.data.get(CONF_ID): await _async_process_single_config(hass, conf, component, automation_id) else: await _async_process_config(hass, conf, component) hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_AUTOMATION_RELOADED, context=service_call.context) def reload_targets(service_call: ServiceCall) -> set[str | None]: if automation_id := service_call.data.get(CONF_ID): return {automation_id} return {automation.unique_id for automation in component.entities} reload_helper = ReloadServiceHelper(reload_service_handler, reload_targets) async_register_admin_service( hass, DOMAIN, SERVICE_RELOAD, reload_helper.execute_service, schema=vol.Schema({vol.Optional(CONF_ID): str}), ) websocket_api.async_register_command(hass, websocket_config) return True class BaseAutomationEntity(ToggleEntity, ABC): """Base class for automation entities.""" _entity_component_unrecorded_attributes = frozenset( (ATTR_LAST_TRIGGERED, ATTR_MODE, ATTR_CUR, ATTR_MAX, CONF_ID) ) raw_config: ConfigType | None @property def capability_attributes(self) -> dict[str, Any] | None: """Return capability attributes.""" if self.unique_id is not None: return {CONF_ID: self.unique_id} return None @cached_property @abstractmethod def referenced_labels(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced labels.""" @cached_property @abstractmethod def referenced_floors(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced floors.""" @cached_property @abstractmethod def referenced_areas(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced areas.""" @property @abstractmethod def referenced_blueprint(self) -> str | None: """Return referenced blueprint or None.""" @cached_property @abstractmethod def referenced_devices(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced devices.""" @cached_property @abstractmethod def referenced_entities(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced entities.""" @abstractmethod async def async_trigger( self, run_variables: dict[str, Any], context: Context | None = None, skip_condition: bool = False, ) -> ScriptRunResult | None: """Trigger automation.""" class UnavailableAutomationEntity(BaseAutomationEntity): """A non-functional automation entity with its state set to unavailable. This class is instantiated when an automation fails to validate. """ _attr_should_poll = False _attr_available = False def __init__( self, automation_id: str | None, name: str, raw_config: ConfigType | None, validation_error: str, validation_status: ValidationStatus, ) -> None: """Initialize an automation entity.""" self._attr_name = name self._attr_unique_id = automation_id self.raw_config = raw_config self._validation_error = validation_error self._validation_status = validation_status @cached_property def referenced_labels(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced labels.""" return set() @cached_property def referenced_floors(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced floors.""" return set() @cached_property def referenced_areas(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced areas.""" return set() @property def referenced_blueprint(self) -> str | None: """Return referenced blueprint or None.""" return None @cached_property def referenced_devices(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced devices.""" return set() @cached_property def referenced_entities(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced entities.""" return set() async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Create a repair issue to notify the user the automation has errors.""" await super().async_added_to_hass() async_create_issue( self.hass, DOMAIN, f"{self.entity_id}_validation_{self._validation_status}", is_fixable=False, severity=IssueSeverity.ERROR, translation_key=f"validation_{self._validation_status}", translation_placeholders={ "edit": f"/config/automation/edit/{self.unique_id}", "entity_id": self.entity_id, "error": self._validation_error, "name": self._attr_name or self.entity_id, }, ) async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None: await super().async_will_remove_from_hass() async_delete_issue( self.hass, DOMAIN, f"{self.entity_id}_validation_{self._validation_status}" ) async def async_trigger( self, run_variables: dict[str, Any], context: Context | None = None, skip_condition: bool = False, ) -> None: """Trigger automation.""" class AutomationEntity(BaseAutomationEntity, RestoreEntity): """Entity to show status of entity.""" _attr_should_poll = False def __init__( self, automation_id: str | None, name: str, trigger_config: list[ConfigType], cond_func: IfAction | None, action_script: Script, initial_state: bool | None, variables: ScriptVariables | None, trigger_variables: ScriptVariables | None, raw_config: ConfigType | None, blueprint_inputs: ConfigType | None, trace_config: ConfigType, ) -> None: """Initialize an automation entity.""" self._attr_name = name self._trigger_config = trigger_config self._async_detach_triggers: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None self._cond_func = cond_func self.action_script = action_script self.action_script.change_listener = self.async_write_ha_state self._initial_state = initial_state self._is_enabled = False self._logger = LOGGER self._variables = variables self._trigger_variables = trigger_variables self.raw_config = raw_config self._blueprint_inputs = blueprint_inputs self._trace_config = trace_config self._attr_unique_id = automation_id @property def extra_state_attributes(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the entity state attributes.""" attrs = { ATTR_LAST_TRIGGERED: self.action_script.last_triggered, ATTR_MODE: self.action_script.script_mode, ATTR_CUR: self.action_script.runs, } if self.action_script.supports_max: attrs[ATTR_MAX] = self.action_script.max_runs return attrs @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return True if entity is on.""" return self._async_detach_triggers is not None or self._is_enabled @property def referenced_labels(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced labels.""" return self.action_script.referenced_labels @property def referenced_floors(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced floors.""" return self.action_script.referenced_floors @cached_property def referenced_areas(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced areas.""" return self.action_script.referenced_areas @property def referenced_blueprint(self) -> str | None: """Return referenced blueprint or None.""" if self._blueprint_inputs is None: return None return cast(str, self._blueprint_inputs[CONF_USE_BLUEPRINT][CONF_PATH]) @cached_property def referenced_devices(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced devices.""" referenced = self.action_script.referenced_devices if self._cond_func is not None: for conf in self._cond_func.config: referenced |= condition.async_extract_devices(conf) for conf in self._trigger_config: referenced |= set(_trigger_extract_devices(conf)) return referenced @cached_property def referenced_entities(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of referenced entities.""" referenced = self.action_script.referenced_entities if self._cond_func is not None: for conf in self._cond_func.config: referenced |= condition.async_extract_entities(conf) for conf in self._trigger_config: for entity_id in _trigger_extract_entities(conf): referenced.add(entity_id) return referenced async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Startup with initial state or previous state.""" await super().async_added_to_hass() self._logger = logging.getLogger( f"{__name__}.{split_entity_id(self.entity_id)[1]}" ) self.action_script.update_logger(self._logger) if state := await self.async_get_last_state(): enable_automation = state.state == STATE_ON last_triggered = state.attributes.get("last_triggered") if last_triggered is not None: self.action_script.last_triggered = parse_datetime(last_triggered) self._logger.debug( "Loaded automation %s with state %s from state storage last state %s", self.entity_id, enable_automation, state, ) else: enable_automation = DEFAULT_INITIAL_STATE self._logger.debug( "Automation %s not in state storage, state %s from default is used", self.entity_id, enable_automation, ) if self._initial_state is not None: enable_automation = self._initial_state self._logger.debug( "Automation %s initial state %s overridden from config initial_state", self.entity_id, enable_automation, ) if enable_automation: await self._async_enable() async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the entity on and update the state.""" await self._async_enable() self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the entity off.""" if CONF_STOP_ACTIONS in kwargs: await self._async_disable(kwargs[CONF_STOP_ACTIONS]) else: await self._async_disable() self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_trigger( self, run_variables: dict[str, Any], context: Context | None = None, skip_condition: bool = False, ) -> ScriptRunResult | None: """Trigger automation. This method is a coroutine. """ reason = "" alias = "" if "trigger" in run_variables: if "description" in run_variables["trigger"]: reason = f' by {run_variables["trigger"]["description"]}' if "alias" in run_variables["trigger"]: alias = f' trigger \'{run_variables["trigger"]["alias"]}\'' self._logger.debug("Automation%s triggered%s", alias, reason) # Create a new context referring to the old context. parent_id = None if context is None else context.id trigger_context = Context(parent_id=parent_id) with trace_automation( self.hass, self.unique_id, self.raw_config, self._blueprint_inputs, trigger_context, self._trace_config, ) as automation_trace: this = None if state := self.hass.states.get(self.entity_id): this = state.as_dict() variables: dict[str, Any] = {"this": this, **(run_variables or {})} if self._variables: try: variables = self._variables.async_render(self.hass, variables) except TemplateError as err: self._logger.error("Error rendering variables: %s", err) automation_trace.set_error(err) return None # Prepare tracing the automation automation_trace.set_trace(trace_get()) # Set trigger reason trigger_description = variables.get("trigger", {}).get("description") automation_trace.set_trigger_description(trigger_description) # Add initial variables as the trigger step if "trigger" in variables and "idx" in variables["trigger"]: trigger_path = f"trigger/{variables['trigger']['idx']}" else: trigger_path = "trigger" trace_element = TraceElement(variables, trigger_path) trace_append_element(trace_element) if ( not skip_condition and self._cond_func is not None and not self._cond_func(variables) ): self._logger.debug( "Conditions not met, aborting automation. Condition summary: %s", trace_get(clear=False), ) script_execution_set("failed_conditions") return None self.async_set_context(trigger_context) event_data = { ATTR_NAME: self.name, ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.entity_id, } if "trigger" in variables and "description" in variables["trigger"]: event_data[ATTR_SOURCE] = variables["trigger"]["description"] @callback def started_action() -> None: # This is always a callback from a coro so there is no # risk of this running in a thread which allows us to use # async_fire_internal self.hass.bus.async_fire_internal( EVENT_AUTOMATION_TRIGGERED, event_data, context=trigger_context ) # Make a new empty script stack; automations are allowed # to recursively trigger themselves script_stack_cv.set([]) try: with trace_path("action"): return await self.action_script.async_run( variables, trigger_context, started_action ) except ServiceNotFound as err: async_create_issue( self.hass, DOMAIN, f"{self.entity_id}_service_not_found_{err.domain}.{err.service}", is_fixable=True, is_persistent=True, severity=IssueSeverity.ERROR, translation_key="service_not_found", translation_placeholders={ "service": f"{err.domain}.{err.service}", "entity_id": self.entity_id, "name": self._attr_name or self.entity_id, "edit": f"/config/automation/edit/{self.unique_id}", }, ) automation_trace.set_error(err) except (vol.Invalid, HomeAssistantError) as err: self._logger.error( "Error while executing automation %s: %s", self.entity_id, err, ) automation_trace.set_error(err) except Exception as err: self._logger.exception("While executing automation %s", self.entity_id) automation_trace.set_error(err) return None async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None: """Remove listeners when removing automation from Home Assistant.""" await super().async_will_remove_from_hass() await self._async_disable() async def _async_enable_automation(self, event: Event) -> None: """Start automation on startup.""" # Don't do anything if no longer enabled or already attached if not self._is_enabled or self._async_detach_triggers is not None: return self._async_detach_triggers = await self._async_attach_triggers(True) self.async_write_ha_state() async def _async_enable(self) -> None: """Enable this automation entity. This method is not expected to write state to the state machine. """ if self._is_enabled: return self._is_enabled = True # HomeAssistant is starting up if self.hass.state is not CoreState.not_running: self._async_detach_triggers = await self._async_attach_triggers(False) return self.hass.bus.async_listen_once( EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STARTED, self._async_enable_automation, ) async def _async_disable(self, stop_actions: bool = DEFAULT_STOP_ACTIONS) -> None: """Disable the automation entity. This method is not expected to write state to the state machine. """ if not self._is_enabled and not self.action_script.runs: return self._is_enabled = False if self._async_detach_triggers is not None: self._async_detach_triggers() self._async_detach_triggers = None if stop_actions: await self.action_script.async_stop() def _log_callback(self, level: int, msg: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Log helper callback.""" self._logger.log(level, "%s %s", msg, self.name, **kwargs) async def _async_trigger_if_enabled( self, run_variables: dict[str, Any], context: Context | None = None, skip_condition: bool = False, ) -> ScriptRunResult | None: """Trigger automation if enabled. If the trigger starts but has a delay, the automation will be triggered when the delay has passed so we need to make sure its still enabled before executing the action. """ if not self._is_enabled: return None return await self.async_trigger(run_variables, context, skip_condition) async def _async_attach_triggers( self, home_assistant_start: bool ) -> Callable[[], None] | None: """Set up the triggers.""" this = None if state := self.hass.states.get(self.entity_id): this = state.as_dict() variables = {"this": this} if self._trigger_variables: try: variables = self._trigger_variables.async_render( self.hass, variables, limited=True, ) except TemplateError as err: self._logger.error("Error rendering trigger variables: %s", err) return None return await async_initialize_triggers( self.hass, self._trigger_config, self._async_trigger_if_enabled, DOMAIN, str(self.name), self._log_callback, home_assistant_start, variables, ) @dataclass(slots=True) class AutomationEntityConfig: """Container for prepared automation entity configuration.""" config_block: ConfigType list_no: int raw_blueprint_inputs: ConfigType | None raw_config: ConfigType | None validation_error: str | None validation_status: ValidationStatus async def _prepare_automation_config( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType, wanted_automation_id: str | None, ) -> list[AutomationEntityConfig]: """Parse configuration and prepare automation entity configuration.""" automation_configs: list[AutomationEntityConfig] = [] conf: list[ConfigType] = config[DOMAIN] for list_no, config_block in enumerate(conf): automation_id: str | None = config_block.get(CONF_ID) if wanted_automation_id is not None and automation_id != wanted_automation_id: continue raw_config = cast(AutomationConfig, config_block).raw_config raw_blueprint_inputs = cast(AutomationConfig, config_block).raw_blueprint_inputs validation_error = cast(AutomationConfig, config_block).validation_error validation_status = cast(AutomationConfig, config_block).validation_status automation_configs.append( AutomationEntityConfig( config_block, list_no, raw_blueprint_inputs, raw_config, validation_error, validation_status, ) ) return automation_configs def _automation_name(automation_config: AutomationEntityConfig) -> str: """Return the configured name of an automation.""" config_block = automation_config.config_block list_no = automation_config.list_no return config_block.get(CONF_ALIAS) or f"{DOMAIN} {list_no}" async def _create_automation_entities( hass: HomeAssistant, automation_configs: list[AutomationEntityConfig] ) -> list[BaseAutomationEntity]: """Create automation entities from prepared configuration.""" entities: list[BaseAutomationEntity] = [] for automation_config in automation_configs: config_block = automation_config.config_block automation_id: str | None = config_block.get(CONF_ID) name = _automation_name(automation_config) if automation_config.validation_status != ValidationStatus.OK: entities.append( UnavailableAutomationEntity( automation_id, name, automation_config.raw_config, cast(str, automation_config.validation_error), automation_config.validation_status, ) ) continue initial_state: bool | None = config_block.get(CONF_INITIAL_STATE) action_script = Script( hass, config_block[CONF_ACTIONS], name, DOMAIN, running_description="automation actions", script_mode=config_block[CONF_MODE], max_runs=config_block[CONF_MAX], max_exceeded=config_block[CONF_MAX_EXCEEDED], logger=LOGGER, # We don't pass variables here # Automation will already render them to use them in the condition # and so will pass them on to the script. ) if CONF_CONDITIONS in config_block: cond_func = await _async_process_if(hass, name, config_block) if cond_func is None: continue else: cond_func = None # Add trigger variables to variables variables = None if CONF_TRIGGER_VARIABLES in config_block and CONF_VARIABLES in config_block: variables = ScriptVariables( dict(config_block[CONF_TRIGGER_VARIABLES].as_dict()) ) variables.variables.update(config_block[CONF_VARIABLES].as_dict()) elif CONF_TRIGGER_VARIABLES in config_block: variables = config_block[CONF_TRIGGER_VARIABLES] elif CONF_VARIABLES in config_block: variables = config_block[CONF_VARIABLES] entity = AutomationEntity( automation_id, name, config_block[CONF_TRIGGERS], cond_func, action_script, initial_state, variables, config_block.get(CONF_TRIGGER_VARIABLES), automation_config.raw_config, automation_config.raw_blueprint_inputs, config_block[CONF_TRACE], ) entities.append(entity) return entities async def _async_process_config( hass: HomeAssistant, config: dict[str, Any], component: EntityComponent[BaseAutomationEntity], ) -> None: """Process config and add automations.""" def automation_matches_config( automation: BaseAutomationEntity, config: AutomationEntityConfig ) -> bool: name = _automation_name(config) return automation.name == name and automation.raw_config == config.raw_config def find_matches( automations: list[BaseAutomationEntity], automation_configs: list[AutomationEntityConfig], ) -> tuple[set[int], set[int]]: """Find matches between a list of automation entities and a list of configurations. An automation or configuration is only allowed to match at most once to handle the case of multiple automations with identical configuration. Returns a tuple of sets of indices: ({automation_matches}, {config_matches}) """ automation_matches: set[int] = set() config_matches: set[int] = set() automation_configs_with_id: dict[str, tuple[int, AutomationEntityConfig]] = {} automation_configs_without_id: list[tuple[int, AutomationEntityConfig]] = [] for config_idx, automation_config in enumerate(automation_configs): if automation_id := automation_config.config_block.get(CONF_ID): automation_configs_with_id[automation_id] = ( config_idx, automation_config, ) continue automation_configs_without_id.append((config_idx, automation_config)) for automation_idx, automation in enumerate(automations): if automation.unique_id: if automation.unique_id not in automation_configs_with_id: continue config_idx, automation_config = automation_configs_with_id.pop( automation.unique_id ) if automation_matches_config(automation, automation_config): automation_matches.add(automation_idx) config_matches.add(config_idx) continue for config_idx, automation_config in automation_configs_without_id: if config_idx in config_matches: # Only allow an automation config to match at most once continue if automation_matches_config(automation, automation_config): automation_matches.add(automation_idx) config_matches.add(config_idx) # Only allow an automation to match at most once break return automation_matches, config_matches automation_configs = await _prepare_automation_config(hass, config, None) automations: list[BaseAutomationEntity] = list(component.entities) # Find automations and configurations which have matches automation_matches, config_matches = find_matches(automations, automation_configs) # Remove automations which have changed config or no longer exist tasks = [ automation.async_remove() for idx, automation in enumerate(automations) if idx not in automation_matches ] await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # Create automations which have changed config or have been added updated_automation_configs = [ config for idx, config in enumerate(automation_configs) if idx not in config_matches ] entities = await _create_automation_entities(hass, updated_automation_configs) await component.async_add_entities(entities) def _automation_matches_config( automation: BaseAutomationEntity | None, config: AutomationEntityConfig | None ) -> bool: """Return False if an automation's config has been changed.""" if not automation: return False if not config: return False name = _automation_name(config) return automation.name == name and automation.raw_config == config.raw_config async def _async_process_single_config( hass: HomeAssistant, config: dict[str, Any], component: EntityComponent[BaseAutomationEntity], automation_id: str, ) -> None: """Process config and add a single automation.""" automation_configs = await _prepare_automation_config(hass, config, automation_id) automation = next( (x for x in component.entities if x.unique_id == automation_id), None ) automation_config = automation_configs[0] if automation_configs else None if _automation_matches_config(automation, automation_config): return if automation: await automation.async_remove() entities = await _create_automation_entities(hass, automation_configs) await component.async_add_entities(entities) async def _async_process_if( hass: HomeAssistant, name: str, config: dict[str, Any] ) -> IfAction | None: """Process if checks.""" if_configs = config[CONF_CONDITIONS] try: if_action = await condition.async_conditions_from_config( hass, if_configs, LOGGER, name ) except HomeAssistantError as ex: LOGGER.warning("Invalid condition: %s", ex) return None result: IfAction = if_action # type: ignore[assignment] result.config = if_configs return result @callback def _trigger_extract_devices(trigger_conf: dict) -> list[str]: """Extract devices from a trigger config.""" if trigger_conf[CONF_PLATFORM] == "device": return [trigger_conf[CONF_DEVICE_ID]] if ( trigger_conf[CONF_PLATFORM] == "event" and CONF_EVENT_DATA in trigger_conf and CONF_DEVICE_ID in trigger_conf[CONF_EVENT_DATA] and isinstance(trigger_conf[CONF_EVENT_DATA][CONF_DEVICE_ID], str) ): return [trigger_conf[CONF_EVENT_DATA][CONF_DEVICE_ID]] if trigger_conf[CONF_PLATFORM] == "tag" and CONF_DEVICE_ID in trigger_conf: return trigger_conf[CONF_DEVICE_ID] # type: ignore[no-any-return] return [] @callback def _trigger_extract_entities(trigger_conf: dict) -> list[str]: """Extract entities from a trigger config.""" if trigger_conf[CONF_PLATFORM] in ("state", "numeric_state"): return trigger_conf[CONF_ENTITY_ID] # type: ignore[no-any-return] if trigger_conf[CONF_PLATFORM] == "calendar": return [trigger_conf[CONF_ENTITY_ID]] if trigger_conf[CONF_PLATFORM] == "zone": return trigger_conf[CONF_ENTITY_ID] + [trigger_conf[CONF_ZONE]] # type: ignore[no-any-return] if trigger_conf[CONF_PLATFORM] == "geo_location": return [trigger_conf[CONF_ZONE]] if trigger_conf[CONF_PLATFORM] == "sun": return ["sun.sun"] if ( trigger_conf[CONF_PLATFORM] == "event" and CONF_EVENT_DATA in trigger_conf and CONF_ENTITY_ID in trigger_conf[CONF_EVENT_DATA] and isinstance(trigger_conf[CONF_EVENT_DATA][CONF_ENTITY_ID], str) and valid_entity_id(trigger_conf[CONF_EVENT_DATA][CONF_ENTITY_ID]) ): return [trigger_conf[CONF_EVENT_DATA][CONF_ENTITY_ID]] return [] @websocket_api.websocket_command({"type": "automation/config", "entity_id": str}) def websocket_config( hass: HomeAssistant, connection: websocket_api.ActiveConnection, msg: dict[str, Any], ) -> None: """Get automation config.""" automation = hass.data[DATA_COMPONENT].get_entity(msg["entity_id"]) if automation is None: connection.send_error( msg["id"], websocket_api.ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Entity not found" ) return connection.send_result( msg["id"], { "config": automation.raw_config, }, ) # These can be removed if no deprecated constant are in this module anymore __getattr__ = partial(check_if_deprecated_constant, module_globals=globals()) __dir__ = partial( dir_with_deprecated_constants, module_globals_keys=[*globals().keys()] ) __all__ = all_with_deprecated_constants(globals())