"""Collection of helper methods. All containing methods are legacy helpers that should not be used by new components. Instead call the service directly. """ from unittest.mock import Mock from webrtc_models import RTCIceCandidateInit from homeassistant.components.camera import ( Camera, CameraWebRTCProvider, WebRTCAnswer, WebRTCSendMessage, ) from homeassistant.core import callback EMPTY_8_6_JPEG = b"empty_8_6" WEBRTC_ANSWER = "a=sendonly" STREAM_SOURCE = "rtsp://" def mock_turbo_jpeg( first_width=None, second_width=None, first_height=None, second_height=None ): """Mock a TurboJPEG instance.""" mocked_turbo_jpeg = Mock() mocked_turbo_jpeg.decode_header.side_effect = [ (first_width, first_height, 0, 0), (second_width, second_height, 0, 0), ] mocked_turbo_jpeg.scale_with_quality.return_value = EMPTY_8_6_JPEG mocked_turbo_jpeg.encode.return_value = EMPTY_8_6_JPEG return mocked_turbo_jpeg class SomeTestProvider(CameraWebRTCProvider): """Test provider.""" def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize the provider.""" self._is_supported = True @property def domain(self) -> str: """Return the integration domain of the provider.""" return "some_test" @callback def async_is_supported(self, stream_source: str) -> bool: """Determine if the provider supports the stream source.""" return self._is_supported async def async_handle_async_webrtc_offer( self, camera: Camera, offer_sdp: str, session_id: str, send_message: WebRTCSendMessage, ) -> None: """Handle the WebRTC offer and return the answer via the provided callback. Return value determines if the offer was handled successfully. """ send_message(WebRTCAnswer(answer="answer")) async def async_on_webrtc_candidate( self, session_id: str, candidate: RTCIceCandidateInit ) -> None: """Handle the WebRTC candidate.""" @callback def async_close_session(self, session_id: str) -> None: """Close the session."""