"""Tradfri lights platform tests.""" from copy import deepcopy from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock, PropertyMock, patch import pytest from pytradfri.device import Device from pytradfri.device.light import Light from pytradfri.device.light_control import LightControl from homeassistant.components import tradfri from . import MOCK_GATEWAY_ID from tests.common import MockConfigEntry DEFAULT_TEST_FEATURES = { "can_set_dimmer": False, "can_set_color": False, "can_set_temp": False, } # [ # {bulb features}, # {turn_on arguments}, # {expected result} # ] TURN_ON_TEST_CASES = [ # Turn On [{}, {}, {"state": "on"}], # Brightness > 0 [{"can_set_dimmer": True}, {"brightness": 100}, {"state": "on", "brightness": 100}], # Brightness == 1 [{"can_set_dimmer": True}, {"brightness": 1}, {"brightness": 1}], # Brightness > 254 [{"can_set_dimmer": True}, {"brightness": 1000}, {"brightness": 254}], # color_temp [{"can_set_temp": True}, {"color_temp": 250}, {"color_temp": 250}], # color_temp < 250 [{"can_set_temp": True}, {"color_temp": 1}, {"color_temp": 250}], # color_temp > 454 [{"can_set_temp": True}, {"color_temp": 1000}, {"color_temp": 454}], # hs color [ {"can_set_color": True}, {"hs_color": [300, 100]}, {"state": "on", "hs_color": [300, 100]}, ], # ct + brightness [ {"can_set_dimmer": True, "can_set_temp": True}, {"color_temp": 250, "brightness": 200}, {"state": "on", "color_temp": 250, "brightness": 200}, ], # ct + brightness (no temp support) [ {"can_set_dimmer": True, "can_set_temp": False, "can_set_color": True}, {"color_temp": 250, "brightness": 200}, {"state": "on", "hs_color": [26.807, 34.869], "brightness": 200}, ], # ct + brightness (no temp or color support) [ {"can_set_dimmer": True, "can_set_temp": False, "can_set_color": False}, {"color_temp": 250, "brightness": 200}, {"state": "on", "brightness": 200}, ], # hs + brightness [ {"can_set_dimmer": True, "can_set_color": True}, {"hs_color": [300, 100], "brightness": 200}, {"state": "on", "hs_color": [300, 100], "brightness": 200}, ], ] # Result of transition is not tested, but data is passed to turn on service. TRANSITION_CASES_FOR_TESTS = [None, 0, 1] @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="module") def setup(request): """Set up patches for pytradfri methods.""" p_1 = patch( "pytradfri.device.LightControl.raw", new_callable=PropertyMock, return_value=[{"mock": "mock"}], ) p_2 = patch("pytradfri.device.LightControl.lights") p_1.start() p_2.start() def teardown(): """Remove patches for pytradfri methods.""" p_1.stop() p_2.stop() request.addfinalizer(teardown) async def generate_psk(self, code): """Mock psk.""" return "mock" async def setup_integration(hass): """Load the Tradfri platform with a mock gateway.""" entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=tradfri.DOMAIN, data={ "host": "mock-host", "identity": "mock-identity", "key": "mock-key", "import_groups": True, "gateway_id": MOCK_GATEWAY_ID, }, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() def mock_light(test_features=None, test_state=None, light_number=0): """Mock a tradfri light.""" if test_features is None: test_features = {} if test_state is None: test_state = {} mock_light_data = Mock(**test_state) dev_info_mock = MagicMock() dev_info_mock.manufacturer = "manufacturer" dev_info_mock.model_number = "model" dev_info_mock.firmware_version = "1.2.3" _mock_light = Mock( id=f"mock-light-id-{light_number}", reachable=True, observe=Mock(), device_info=dev_info_mock, has_light_control=True, has_socket_control=False, has_blind_control=False, has_signal_repeater_control=False, ) _mock_light.name = f"tradfri_light_{light_number}" # Set supported features for the light. features = {**DEFAULT_TEST_FEATURES, **test_features} light_control = LightControl(_mock_light) for attr, value in features.items(): setattr(light_control, attr, value) # Store the initial state. setattr(light_control, "lights", [mock_light_data]) _mock_light.light_control = light_control return _mock_light async def test_light(hass, mock_gateway, api_factory): """Test that lights are correctly added.""" features = {"can_set_dimmer": True, "can_set_color": True, "can_set_temp": True} state = { "state": True, "dimmer": 100, "color_temp": 250, "hsb_xy_color": (100, 100, 100, 100, 100), } mock_gateway.mock_devices.append( mock_light(test_features=features, test_state=state) ) await setup_integration(hass) lamp_1 = hass.states.get("light.tradfri_light_0") assert lamp_1 is not None assert lamp_1.state == "on" assert lamp_1.attributes["brightness"] == 100 assert lamp_1.attributes["hs_color"] == (0.549, 0.153) async def test_light_observed(hass, mock_gateway, api_factory): """Test that lights are correctly observed.""" light = mock_light() mock_gateway.mock_devices.append(light) await setup_integration(hass) assert len(light.observe.mock_calls) > 0 async def test_light_available(hass, mock_gateway, api_factory): """Test light available property.""" light = mock_light({"state": True}, light_number=1) light.reachable = True light2 = mock_light({"state": True}, light_number=2) light2.reachable = False mock_gateway.mock_devices.append(light) mock_gateway.mock_devices.append(light2) await setup_integration(hass) assert hass.states.get("light.tradfri_light_1").state == "on" assert hass.states.get("light.tradfri_light_2").state == "unavailable" def create_all_turn_on_cases(): """Create all turn on test cases.""" # Combine TURN_ON_TEST_CASES and TRANSITION_CASES_FOR_TESTS all_turn_on_test_cases = [ ["test_features", "test_data", "expected_result", "device_id"], [], ] index = 1 for test_case in TURN_ON_TEST_CASES: for trans in TRANSITION_CASES_FOR_TESTS: case = deepcopy(test_case) if trans is not None: case[1]["transition"] = trans case.append(index) index += 1 all_turn_on_test_cases[1].append(case) return all_turn_on_test_cases @pytest.mark.parametrize(*create_all_turn_on_cases()) async def test_turn_on( hass, mock_gateway, api_factory, test_features, test_data, expected_result, device_id, ): """Test turning on a light.""" # Note pytradfri style, not hass. Values not really important. initial_state = { "state": False, "dimmer": 0, "color_temp": 250, "hsb_xy_color": (100, 100, 100, 100, 100), } # Setup the gateway with a mock light. light = mock_light( test_features=test_features, test_state=initial_state, light_number=device_id ) mock_gateway.mock_devices.append(light) await setup_integration(hass) # Use the turn_on service call to change the light state. await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": f"light.tradfri_light_{device_id}", **test_data}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Check that the light is observed. mock_func = light.observe assert len(mock_func.mock_calls) > 0 _, callkwargs = mock_func.call_args assert "callback" in callkwargs # Callback function to refresh light state. callback = callkwargs["callback"] responses = mock_gateway.mock_responses # State on command data. data = {"3311": [{"5850": 1}]} # Add data for all sent commands. for resp in responses: data["3311"][0] = {**data["3311"][0], **resp["3311"][0]} # Use the callback function to update the light state. dev = Device(data) light_data = Light(dev, 0) light.light_control.lights[0] = light_data callback(light) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Check that the state is correct. states = hass.states.get(f"light.tradfri_light_{device_id}") for result, value in expected_result.items(): if result == "state": assert states.state == value else: # Allow some rounding error in color conversions. assert states.attributes[result] == pytest.approx(value, abs=0.01) async def test_turn_off(hass, mock_gateway, api_factory): """Test turning off a light.""" state = {"state": True, "dimmer": 100} light = mock_light(test_state=state) mock_gateway.mock_devices.append(light) await setup_integration(hass) # Use the turn_off service call to change the light state. await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_off", {"entity_id": "light.tradfri_light_0"}, blocking=True ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Check that the light is observed. mock_func = light.observe assert len(mock_func.mock_calls) > 0 _, callkwargs = mock_func.call_args assert "callback" in callkwargs # Callback function to refresh light state. callback = callkwargs["callback"] responses = mock_gateway.mock_responses data = {"3311": [{}]} # Add data for all sent commands. for resp in responses: data["3311"][0] = {**data["3311"][0], **resp["3311"][0]} # Use the callback function to update the light state. dev = Device(data) light_data = Light(dev, 0) light.light_control.lights[0] = light_data callback(light) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Check that the state is correct. states = hass.states.get("light.tradfri_light_0") assert states.state == "off" def mock_group(test_state=None, group_number=0): """Mock a Tradfri group.""" if test_state is None: test_state = {} default_state = {"state": False, "dimmer": 0} state = {**default_state, **test_state} _mock_group = Mock(member_ids=[], observe=Mock(), **state) _mock_group.name = f"tradfri_group_{group_number}" return _mock_group async def test_group(hass, mock_gateway, api_factory): """Test that groups are correctly added.""" mock_gateway.mock_groups.append(mock_group()) state = {"state": True, "dimmer": 100} mock_gateway.mock_groups.append(mock_group(state, 1)) await setup_integration(hass) group = hass.states.get("light.tradfri_group_0") assert group is not None assert group.state == "off" group = hass.states.get("light.tradfri_group_1") assert group is not None assert group.state == "on" assert group.attributes["brightness"] == 100 async def test_group_turn_on(hass, mock_gateway, api_factory): """Test turning on a group.""" group = mock_group() group2 = mock_group(group_number=1) group3 = mock_group(group_number=2) mock_gateway.mock_groups.append(group) mock_gateway.mock_groups.append(group2) mock_gateway.mock_groups.append(group3) await setup_integration(hass) # Use the turn_off service call to change the light state. await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "light.tradfri_group_0"}, blocking=True ) await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "light.tradfri_group_1", "brightness": 100}, blocking=True, ) await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "light.tradfri_group_2", "brightness": 100, "transition": 1}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() group.set_state.assert_called_with(1) group2.set_dimmer.assert_called_with(100) group3.set_dimmer.assert_called_with(100, transition_time=10) async def test_group_turn_off(hass, mock_gateway, api_factory): """Test turning off a group.""" group = mock_group({"state": True}) mock_gateway.mock_groups.append(group) await setup_integration(hass) # Use the turn_off service call to change the light state. await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_off", {"entity_id": "light.tradfri_group_0"}, blocking=True ) await hass.async_block_till_done() group.set_state.assert_called_with(0)