"""Provides the worker thread needed for processing streams."""

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import defaultdict, deque
from collections.abc import Callable, Iterator, Mapping
import contextlib
from dataclasses import fields
import datetime
from io import SEEK_END, BytesIO
import logging
from threading import Event
from typing import Any, Self, cast

import av
from typing_extensions import Generator

from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util

from . import redact_credentials
from .const import (
from .core import (
from .diagnostics import Diagnostics
from .fmp4utils import read_init
from .hls import HlsStreamOutput

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NEGATIVE_INF = float("-inf")

class StreamWorkerError(Exception):
    """An exception thrown while processing a stream."""

class StreamEndedError(StreamWorkerError):
    """Raised when the stream is complete, exposed for facilitating testing."""

class StreamState:
    """Responsible for trakcing output and playback state for a stream.

    Holds state used for playback to interpret a decoded stream. A source stream
    may be reset (e.g. reconnecting to an rtsp stream) and this object tracks
    the state to inform the player.

    def __init__(
        hass: HomeAssistant,
        outputs_callback: Callable[[], Mapping[str, StreamOutput]],
        diagnostics: Diagnostics,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize StreamState."""
        self._stream_id: int = 0
        self.hass = hass
        self._outputs_callback: Callable[[], Mapping[str, StreamOutput]] = (
        # sequence gets incremented before the first segment so the first segment
        # has a sequence number of 0.
        self._sequence = -1
        self._diagnostics = diagnostics

    def sequence(self) -> int:
        """Return the current sequence for the latest segment."""
        return self._sequence

    def next_sequence(self) -> int:
        """Increment the sequence number."""
        self._sequence += 1
        return self._sequence

    def stream_id(self) -> int:
        """Return the readonly stream_id attribute."""
        return self._stream_id

    def discontinuity(self) -> None:
        """Mark the stream as having been restarted."""
        # Preserving sequence and stream_id here keep the HLS playlist logic
        # simple to check for discontinuity at output time, and to determine
        # the discontinuity sequence number.
        self._stream_id += 1
        # Call discontinuity to fix incomplete segment in HLS output
        if hls_output := self._outputs_callback().get(HLS_PROVIDER):
            cast(HlsStreamOutput, hls_output).discontinuity()

    def outputs(self) -> list[StreamOutput]:
        """Return the active stream outputs."""
        return list(self._outputs_callback().values())

    def diagnostics(self) -> Diagnostics:
        """Return diagnostics object."""
        return self._diagnostics

class StreamMuxer:
    """StreamMuxer re-packages video/audio packets for output."""

    def __init__(
        hass: HomeAssistant,
        video_stream: av.video.VideoStream,
        audio_stream: av.audio.stream.AudioStream | None,
        audio_bsf: av.BitStreamFilter | None,
        stream_state: StreamState,
        stream_settings: StreamSettings,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize StreamMuxer."""
        self._hass = hass
        self._segment_start_dts: int = cast(int, None)
        self._memory_file: BytesIO = cast(BytesIO, None)
        self._av_output: av.container.OutputContainer = None
        self._input_video_stream: av.video.VideoStream = video_stream
        self._input_audio_stream: av.audio.stream.AudioStream | None = audio_stream
        self._audio_bsf = audio_bsf
        self._audio_bsf_context: av.BitStreamFilterContext = None
        self._output_video_stream: av.video.VideoStream = None
        self._output_audio_stream: av.audio.stream.AudioStream | None = None
        self._segment: Segment | None = None
        # the following 3 member variables are used for Part formation
        self._memory_file_pos: int = cast(int, None)
        self._part_start_dts: int = cast(int, None)
        self._part_has_keyframe = False
        self._stream_settings = stream_settings
        self._stream_state = stream_state
        self._start_time = dt_util.utcnow()

    def make_new_av(
        memory_file: BytesIO,
        sequence: int,
        input_vstream: av.video.VideoStream,
        input_astream: av.audio.stream.AudioStream | None,
    ) -> tuple[
        av.audio.stream.AudioStream | None,
        """Make a new av OutputContainer and add output streams."""
        container = av.open(
                # Removed skip_sidx - see:
                # https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/39970
                # "cmaf" flag replaces several of the movflags used,
                # but too recent to use for now
                "movflags": "frag_custom+empty_moov+default_base_moof+frag_discont+negative_cts_offsets+skip_trailer+delay_moov",
                # Sometimes the first segment begins with negative timestamps,
                # and this setting just
                # adjusts the timestamps in the output from that segment to start
                # from 0. Helps from having to make some adjustments
                # in test_durations
                "avoid_negative_ts": "make_non_negative",
                "fragment_index": str(sequence + 1),
                "video_track_timescale": str(int(1 / input_vstream.time_base)),
                # Only do extra fragmenting if we are using ll_hls
                # Let ffmpeg do the work using frag_duration
                # Fragment durations may exceed the 15% allowed variance but it seems ok
                        "movflags": "empty_moov+default_base_moof+frag_discont+negative_cts_offsets+skip_trailer+delay_moov",
                        # Create a fragment every TARGET_PART_DURATION. The data from
                        # each fragment is stored in a "Part" that can be combined with
                        # the data from all the other "Part"s, plus an init section,
                        # to reconstitute the data in a "Segment".
                        # The LL-HLS spec allows for a fragment's duration to be within
                        # the range [0.85x,1.0x] of the part target duration. We use the
                        # frag_duration option to tell ffmpeg to try to cut the
                        # fragments when they reach frag_duration. However,
                        # the resulting fragments can have variability in their
                        # durations and can end up being too short or too long. With a
                        # video track with no audio, the discrete nature of frames means
                        # that the frame at the end of a fragment will sometimes extend
                        # slightly beyond the desired frag_duration.
                        # If there are two tracks, as in the case of a video feed with
                        # audio, there is an added wrinkle as the fragment cut seems to
                        # be done on the first track that crosses the desired threshold,
                        # and cutting on the audio track may also result in a shorter
                        # video fragment than desired.
                        # Given this, our approach is to give ffmpeg a frag_duration
                        # somewhere in the middle of the range, hoping that the parts
                        # stay pretty well bounded, and we adjust the part durations
                        # a bit in the hls metadata so that everything "looks" ok.
                        "frag_duration": str(
                            int(self._stream_settings.part_target_duration * 9e5)
                    if self._stream_settings.ll_hls
                    else {}
        output_vstream = container.add_stream(template=input_vstream)
        # Check if audio is requested
        output_astream = None
        if input_astream:
            if self._audio_bsf:
                self._audio_bsf_context = self._audio_bsf.create()
            output_astream = container.add_stream(
                template=self._audio_bsf_context or input_astream
        return container, output_vstream, output_astream

    def reset(self, video_dts: int) -> None:
        """Initialize a new stream segment."""
        self._part_start_dts = self._segment_start_dts = video_dts
        self._segment = None
        self._memory_file = BytesIO()
        self._memory_file_pos = 0
        ) = self.make_new_av(
        if self._output_video_stream.name == "hevc":
            self._output_video_stream.codec_tag = "hvc1"

    def mux_packet(self, packet: av.Packet) -> None:
        """Mux a packet to the appropriate output stream."""

        # Check for end of segment
        if packet.stream == self._input_video_stream:
            if (
                and (packet.dts - self._segment_start_dts) * packet.time_base
                >= self._stream_settings.min_segment_duration
                # Flush segment (also flushes the stub part segment)
                self.flush(packet, last_part=True)

            # Mux the packet
            packet.stream = self._output_video_stream
            self._part_has_keyframe |= packet.is_keyframe

        elif packet.stream == self._input_audio_stream:
            if self._audio_bsf_context:
                while packet := self._audio_bsf_context.recv():
                    packet.stream = self._output_audio_stream
            packet.stream = self._output_audio_stream

    def create_segment(self) -> None:
        """Create a segment when the moov is ready."""
        self._segment = Segment(
            # Fetch the latest StreamOutputs, which may have changed since the
            # worker started.
        self._memory_file_pos = self._memory_file.tell()
        self._memory_file.seek(0, SEEK_END)

    def check_flush_part(self, packet: av.Packet) -> None:
        """Check for and mark a part segment boundary and record its duration."""
        if self._memory_file_pos == self._memory_file.tell():
        if self._segment is None:
            # We have our first non-zero byte position. This means the init has just
            # been written. Create a Segment and put it to the queue of each output.
            # When using delay_moov, the moov is not written until a moof is also ready
            # Flush the moof
            self.flush(packet, last_part=False)
        else:  # These are the ends of the part segments
            self.flush(packet, last_part=False)

    def flush(self, packet: av.Packet, last_part: bool) -> None:
        """Output a part from the most recent bytes in the memory_file.

        If last_part is True, also close the segment, give it a duration,
        and clean up the av_output and memory_file.
        There are two different ways to enter this function, and when
        last_part is True, packet has not yet been muxed, while when
        last_part is False, the packet has already been muxed. However,
        in both cases, packet is the next packet and is not included in
        the Part.
        This function writes the duration metadata for the Part and
        for the Segment. However, as the fragmentation done by ffmpeg
        may result in fragment durations which fall outside the
        [0.85x,1.0x] tolerance band allowed by LL-HLS, we need to fudge
        some durations a bit by reporting them as being within that
        Note that repeated adjustments may cause drift between the part
        durations in the metadata and those in the media and result in
        playback issues in some clients.
        # Part durations should not exceed the part target duration
        adjusted_dts = min(
            + self._stream_settings.part_target_duration / packet.time_base,
        if last_part:
            # Closing the av_output will write the remaining buffered data to the
            # memory_file as a new moof/mdat.
            # With delay_moov, this may be the first time the file pointer has
            # moved, so the segment may not yet have been created
            if not self._segment:
        elif not self._part_has_keyframe:
            # Parts which are not the last part or an independent part should
            # not have durations below 0.85 of the part target duration.
            adjusted_dts = max(
                + 0.85 * self._stream_settings.part_target_duration / packet.time_base,
        # Undo dts adjustments if we don't have ll_hls
        if not self._stream_settings.ll_hls:
            adjusted_dts = packet.dts
        assert self._segment
                    (adjusted_dts - self._part_start_dts) * packet.time_base
                segment_duration := float(
                    (adjusted_dts - self._segment_start_dts) * packet.time_base
            if last_part
            else 0,
        if last_part:
            # If we've written the last part, we can close the memory_file.
            self._memory_file.close()  # We don't need the BytesIO object anymore
            self._start_time += datetime.timedelta(seconds=segment_duration)
            # Reinitialize
            # For the last part, these will get set again elsewhere so we can skip
            # setting them here.
            self._memory_file_pos = self._memory_file.tell()
            self._part_start_dts = adjusted_dts
        self._part_has_keyframe = False

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Close stream buffer."""

class PeekIterator(Iterator):
    """An Iterator that may allow multiple passes.

    This may be consumed like a normal Iterator, however also supports a
    peek() method that buffers consumed items from the iterator.

    def __init__(self, iterator: Iterator[av.Packet]) -> None:
        """Initialize PeekIterator."""
        self._iterator = iterator
        self._buffer: deque[av.Packet] = deque()
        # A pointer to either _iterator or _buffer
        self._next = self._iterator.__next__

    def __iter__(self) -> Self:
        """Return an iterator."""
        return self

    def __next__(self) -> av.Packet:
        """Return and consume the next item available."""
        return self._next()

    def _pop_buffer(self) -> av.Packet:
        """Consume items from the buffer until exhausted."""
        if self._buffer:
            return self._buffer.popleft()
        # The buffer is empty, so change to consume from the iterator
        self._next = self._iterator.__next__
        return self._next()

    def peek(self) -> Generator[av.Packet]:
        """Return items without consuming from the iterator."""
        # Items consumed are added to a buffer for future calls to __next__
        # or peek. First iterate over the buffer from previous calls to peek.
        self._next = self._pop_buffer
        yield from self._buffer
        for packet in self._iterator:
            yield packet

class TimestampValidator:
    """Validate ordering of timestamps for packets in a stream."""

    def __init__(self, inv_video_time_base: int, inv_audio_time_base: int) -> None:
        """Initialize the TimestampValidator."""
        # Decompression timestamp of last packet in each stream
        self._last_dts: dict[av.stream.Stream, int | float] = defaultdict(
            lambda: NEGATIVE_INF
        # Number of consecutive missing decompression timestamps
        self._missing_dts = 0
        # For the bounds, just use the larger of the two values. If the error
        # is not flagged by one stream, it should just get flagged by the other
        # stream. Either value should result in a value which is much less than
        # a 32 bit INT_MAX, which helps avoid the assertion error from FFmpeg.
        self._max_dts_gap = MAX_TIMESTAMP_GAP * max(
            inv_video_time_base, inv_audio_time_base

    def is_valid(self, packet: av.Packet) -> bool:
        """Validate the packet timestamp based on ordering within the stream."""
        # Discard packets missing DTS. Terminate if too many are missing.
        if packet.dts is None:
            if self._missing_dts >= MAX_MISSING_DTS:
                raise StreamWorkerError(
                    f"No dts in {MAX_MISSING_DTS+1} consecutive packets"
            self._missing_dts += 1
            return False
        self._missing_dts = 0
        # Discard when dts is not monotonic. Terminate if gap is too wide.
        prev_dts = self._last_dts[packet.stream]
        if abs(prev_dts - packet.dts) > self._max_dts_gap and prev_dts != NEGATIVE_INF:
            raise StreamWorkerError(
                f"Timestamp discontinuity detected: last dts = {prev_dts}, dts ="
                f" {packet.dts}"
        if packet.dts <= prev_dts:
            return False
        self._last_dts[packet.stream] = packet.dts
        return True

def is_keyframe(packet: av.Packet) -> Any:
    """Return true if the packet is a keyframe."""
    return packet.is_keyframe

def get_audio_bitstream_filter(
    packets: Iterator[av.Packet], audio_stream: Any
) -> av.BitStreamFilterContext | None:
    """Return the aac_adtstoasc bitstream filter if ADTS AAC is detected."""
    if not audio_stream:
        return None
    for count, packet in enumerate(packets):
        if count >= PACKETS_TO_WAIT_FOR_AUDIO:
            # Some streams declare an audio stream and never send any packets
            _LOGGER.warning("Audio stream not found")
        if packet.stream == audio_stream:
            # detect ADTS AAC and disable audio
            if audio_stream.codec.name == "aac" and packet.size > 2:
                with memoryview(packet) as packet_view:
                    if packet_view[0] == 0xFF and packet_view[1] & 0xF0 == 0xF0:
                            "ADTS AAC detected. Adding aac_adtstoaac bitstream filter"
                        return av.BitStreamFilter("aac_adtstoasc")
    return None

def stream_worker(
    source: str,
    pyav_options: dict[str, str],
    stream_settings: StreamSettings,
    stream_state: StreamState,
    keyframe_converter: KeyFrameConverter,
    quit_event: Event,
) -> None:
    """Handle consuming streams."""

    if av.library_versions["libavformat"][0] >= 59 and "stimeout" in pyav_options:
        # the stimeout option was renamed to timeout as of ffmpeg 5.0
        pyav_options["timeout"] = pyav_options["stimeout"]
        del pyav_options["stimeout"]
        container = av.open(source, options=pyav_options, timeout=SOURCE_TIMEOUT)
    except av.AVError as err:
        raise StreamWorkerError(
            f"Error opening stream ({err.type}, {err.strerror})"
            f" {redact_credentials(str(source))}"
        ) from err
        video_stream = container.streams.video[0]
    except (KeyError, IndexError) as ex:
        raise StreamWorkerError("Stream has no video") from ex
        audio_stream = container.streams.audio[0]
    except (KeyError, IndexError):
        audio_stream = None
    if audio_stream and audio_stream.name not in AUDIO_CODECS:
        audio_stream = None
    # Some audio streams do not have a profile and throw errors when remuxing
    if audio_stream and audio_stream.profile is None:
        audio_stream = None
    # Disable ll-hls for hls inputs
    if container.format.name == "hls":
        for field in fields(StreamSettings):
                getattr(STREAM_SETTINGS_NON_LL_HLS, field.name),
    stream_state.diagnostics.set_value("container_format", container.format.name)
    stream_state.diagnostics.set_value("video_codec", video_stream.name)
    if audio_stream:
        stream_state.diagnostics.set_value("audio_codec", audio_stream.name)

    dts_validator = TimestampValidator(
        int(1 / video_stream.time_base),
        1 / audio_stream.time_base if audio_stream else 1,
    container_packets = PeekIterator(
        filter(dts_validator.is_valid, container.demux((video_stream, audio_stream)))

    def is_video(packet: av.Packet) -> Any:
        """Return true if the packet is for the video stream."""
        return packet.stream.type == "video"

    # Have to work around two problems with RTSP feeds in ffmpeg
    # 1 - first frame has bad pts/dts https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/5018
    # 2 - seeking can be problematic https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/7815
    # Use a peeking iterator to peek into the start of the stream, ensuring
    # everything looks good, then go back to the start when muxing below.
        # Get the required bitstream filter
        audio_bsf = get_audio_bitstream_filter(container_packets.peek(), audio_stream)
        # Advance to the first keyframe for muxing, then rewind so the muxing
        # loop below can consume.
        first_keyframe = next(
            filter(lambda pkt: is_keyframe(pkt) and is_video(pkt), container_packets)
        # Deal with problem #1 above (bad first packet pts/dts) by recalculating
        # using pts/dts from second packet. Use the peek iterator to advance
        # without consuming from container_packets. Skip over the first keyframe
        # then use the duration from the second video packet to adjust dts.
        next_video_packet = next(filter(is_video, container_packets.peek()))
        # Since the is_valid filter has already been applied before the following
        # adjustment, it does not filter out the case where the duration below is
        # 0 and both the first_keyframe and next_video_packet end up with the same
        # dts. Use "or 1" to deal with this.
        start_dts = next_video_packet.dts - (next_video_packet.duration or 1)
        first_keyframe.dts = first_keyframe.pts = start_dts
    except StreamWorkerError:
    except StopIteration as ex:
        raise StreamEndedError("Stream ended; no additional packets") from ex
    except av.AVError as ex:
        raise StreamWorkerError(
            f"Error demuxing stream while finding first packet: {ex!s}"
        ) from ex

    muxer = StreamMuxer(

    # Mux the first keyframe, then proceed through the rest of the packets

    with contextlib.closing(container), contextlib.closing(muxer):
        while not quit_event.is_set():
                packet = next(container_packets)
            except StreamWorkerError:
            except StopIteration as ex:
                raise StreamEndedError("Stream ended; no additional packets") from ex
            except av.AVError as ex:
                raise StreamWorkerError(f"Error demuxing stream: {ex!s}") from ex


            if packet.is_keyframe and is_video(packet):