"""Doorsensor Support for the Nuki Lock.""" import logging from pynuki import STATE_DOORSENSOR_OPENED from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor import DEVICE_CLASS_DOOR, BinarySensorEntity from . import NukiEntity from .const import ATTR_NUKI_ID, DATA_COORDINATOR, DATA_LOCKS, DOMAIN as NUKI_DOMAIN _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def async_setup_entry(hass, entry, async_add_entities): """Set up the Nuki lock binary sensor.""" data = hass.data[NUKI_DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] coordinator = data[DATA_COORDINATOR] entities = [] for lock in data[DATA_LOCKS]: if lock.is_door_sensor_activated: entities.extend([NukiDoorsensorEntity(coordinator, lock)]) async_add_entities(entities) class NukiDoorsensorEntity(NukiEntity, BinarySensorEntity): """Representation of a Nuki Lock Doorsensor.""" @property def name(self): """Return the name of the lock.""" return self._nuki_device.name @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return a unique ID.""" return f"{self._nuki_device.nuki_id}_doorsensor" @property def extra_state_attributes(self): """Return the device specific state attributes.""" data = { ATTR_NUKI_ID: self._nuki_device.nuki_id, } return data @property def available(self): """Return true if door sensor is present and activated.""" return super().available and self._nuki_device.is_door_sensor_activated @property def door_sensor_state(self): """Return the state of the door sensor.""" return self._nuki_device.door_sensor_state @property def door_sensor_state_name(self): """Return the state name of the door sensor.""" return self._nuki_device.door_sensor_state_name @property def is_on(self): """Return true if the door is open.""" return self.door_sensor_state == STATE_DOORSENSOR_OPENED @property def device_class(self): """Return the class of this device, from component DEVICE_CLASSES.""" return DEVICE_CLASS_DOOR