"""Read the balance of your bank accounts via FinTS.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections import namedtuple from datetime import timedelta import logging from typing import Any from fints.client import FinTS3PinTanClient from fints.models import SEPAAccount from propcache import cached_property import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.sensor import ( PLATFORM_SCHEMA as SENSOR_PLATFORM_SCHEMA, SensorEntity, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_NAME, CONF_PIN, CONF_URL, CONF_USERNAME from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType, DiscoveryInfoType _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(hours=4) ICON = "mdi:currency-eur" BankCredentials = namedtuple("BankCredentials", "blz login pin url") # noqa: PYI024 CONF_BIN = "bank_identification_number" CONF_ACCOUNTS = "accounts" CONF_HOLDINGS = "holdings" CONF_ACCOUNT = "account" ATTR_ACCOUNT = CONF_ACCOUNT ATTR_BANK = "bank" ATTR_ACCOUNT_TYPE = "account_type" SCHEMA_ACCOUNTS = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_ACCOUNT): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=None): vol.Any(None, cv.string), } ) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = SENSOR_PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_BIN): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PIN): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_URL): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_ACCOUNTS, default=[]): cv.ensure_list(SCHEMA_ACCOUNTS), vol.Optional(CONF_HOLDINGS, default=[]): cv.ensure_list(SCHEMA_ACCOUNTS), } ) def setup_platform( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType, add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, discovery_info: DiscoveryInfoType | None = None, ) -> None: """Set up the sensors. Login to the bank and get a list of existing accounts. Create a sensor for each account. """ credentials = BankCredentials( config[CONF_BIN], config[CONF_USERNAME], config[CONF_PIN], config[CONF_URL] ) fints_name = config.get(CONF_NAME, config[CONF_BIN]) account_config = { acc[CONF_ACCOUNT]: acc[CONF_NAME] for acc in config[CONF_ACCOUNTS] } holdings_config = { acc[CONF_ACCOUNT]: acc[CONF_NAME] for acc in config[CONF_HOLDINGS] } client = FinTsClient(credentials, fints_name, account_config, holdings_config) balance_accounts, holdings_accounts = client.detect_accounts() accounts: list[SensorEntity] = [] for account in balance_accounts: if config[CONF_ACCOUNTS] and account.iban not in account_config: _LOGGER.debug("Skipping account %s for bank %s", account.iban, fints_name) continue if not (account_name := account_config.get(account.iban)): account_name = f"{fints_name} - {account.iban}" accounts.append(FinTsAccount(client, account, account_name)) _LOGGER.debug("Creating account %s for bank %s", account.iban, fints_name) for account in holdings_accounts: if config[CONF_HOLDINGS] and account.accountnumber not in holdings_config: _LOGGER.debug( "Skipping holdings %s for bank %s", account.accountnumber, fints_name ) continue account_name = holdings_config.get(account.accountnumber) if not account_name: account_name = f"{fints_name} - {account.accountnumber}" accounts.append(FinTsHoldingsAccount(client, account, account_name)) _LOGGER.debug( "Creating holdings %s for bank %s", account.accountnumber, fints_name ) add_entities(accounts, True) class FinTsClient: """Wrapper around the FinTS3PinTanClient. Use this class as Context Manager to get the FinTS3Client object. """ def __init__( self, credentials: BankCredentials, name: str, account_config: dict, holdings_config: dict, ) -> None: """Initialize a FinTsClient.""" self._credentials = credentials self._account_information: dict[str, dict] = {} self._account_information_fetched = False self.name = name self.account_config = account_config self.holdings_config = holdings_config @cached_property def client(self) -> FinTS3PinTanClient: """Get the FinTS client object. The FinTS library persists the current dialog with the bank and stores bank capabilities. So caching the client is beneficial. """ return FinTS3PinTanClient( self._credentials.blz, self._credentials.login, self._credentials.pin, self._credentials.url, ) def get_account_information(self, iban: str) -> dict | None: """Get a dictionary of account IBANs as key and account information as value.""" if not self._account_information_fetched: self._account_information = { account["iban"]: account for account in self.client.get_information()["accounts"] } self._account_information_fetched = True return self._account_information.get(iban, None) def is_balance_account(self, account: SEPAAccount) -> bool: """Determine if the given account is of type balance account.""" if not account.iban: return False account_information = self.get_account_information(account.iban) if not account_information: return False if account_type := account_information.get("type"): return 1 <= account_type <= 9 if ( account_information["iban"] in self.account_config or account_information["account_number"] in self.account_config ): return True return False def is_holdings_account(self, account: SEPAAccount) -> bool: """Determine if the given account of type holdings account.""" if not account.iban: return False account_information = self.get_account_information(account.iban) if not account_information: return False if account_type := account_information.get("type"): return 30 <= account_type <= 39 if ( account_information["iban"] in self.holdings_config or account_information["account_number"] in self.holdings_config ): return True return False def detect_accounts(self) -> tuple[list, list]: """Identify the accounts of the bank.""" balance_accounts = [] holdings_accounts = [] for account in self.client.get_sepa_accounts(): if self.is_balance_account(account): balance_accounts.append(account) elif self.is_holdings_account(account): holdings_accounts.append(account) else: _LOGGER.warning( "Could not determine type of account %s from %s", account.iban, self.client.user_id, ) return balance_accounts, holdings_accounts class FinTsAccount(SensorEntity): """Sensor for a FinTS balance account. A balance account contains an amount of money (=balance). The amount may also be negative. """ def __init__(self, client: FinTsClient, account, name: str) -> None: """Initialize a FinTs balance account.""" self._client = client self._account = account self._attr_name = name self._attr_icon = ICON self._attr_extra_state_attributes = { ATTR_ACCOUNT: self._account.iban, ATTR_ACCOUNT_TYPE: "balance", } if self._client.name: self._attr_extra_state_attributes[ATTR_BANK] = self._client.name def update(self) -> None: """Get the current balance and currency for the account.""" bank = self._client.client balance = bank.get_balance(self._account) self._attr_native_value = balance.amount.amount self._attr_native_unit_of_measurement = balance.amount.currency _LOGGER.debug("updated balance of account %s", self.name) class FinTsHoldingsAccount(SensorEntity): """Sensor for a FinTS holdings account. A holdings account does not contain money but rather some financial instruments, e.g. stocks. """ def __init__(self, client: FinTsClient, account, name: str) -> None: """Initialize a FinTs holdings account.""" self._client = client self._attr_name = name self._account = account self._holdings: list[Any] = [] self._attr_icon = ICON self._attr_native_unit_of_measurement = "EUR" def update(self) -> None: """Get the current holdings for the account.""" bank = self._client.client self._holdings = bank.get_holdings(self._account) self._attr_native_value = sum(h.total_value for h in self._holdings) @property def extra_state_attributes(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Additional attributes of the sensor. Lists each holding of the account with the current value. """ attributes = { ATTR_ACCOUNT: self._account.accountnumber, ATTR_ACCOUNT_TYPE: "holdings", } if self._client.name: attributes[ATTR_BANK] = self._client.name for holding in self._holdings: total_name = f"{holding.name} total" attributes[total_name] = holding.total_value pieces_name = f"{holding.name} pieces" attributes[pieces_name] = holding.pieces price_name = f"{holding.name} price" attributes[price_name] = holding.market_value return attributes