rules: # Bronze action-setup: status: done comment: > Only entity services appropriate-polling: done brands: done common-modules: done config-flow-test-coverage: status: todo comment: > We should have every test end in either ABORT or CREATE_ENTRY. test_invalid_api_key should assert the kind of error that is raised. config-flow: done dependency-transparency: done docs-actions: done docs-high-level-description: done docs-installation-instructions: done docs-removal-instructions: todo entity-event-setup: status: exempt comment: > Entities of this integration does not explicitly subscribe to events. entity-unique-id: done has-entity-name: todo runtime-data: done test-before-configure: done test-before-setup: done unique-config-entry: todo # Silver config-entry-unloading: done log-when-unavailable: todo entity-unavailable: status: exempt comment: > There is no state in the TTS platform and we can't check poll if the TTS service is available. action-exceptions: done reauthentication-flow: todo parallel-updates: done test-coverage: todo integration-owner: done docs-installation-parameters: todo docs-configuration-parameters: todo # Gold entity-translations: todo entity-device-class: status: exempt comment: There is no device class for Text To Speech entities. devices: done entity-category: done entity-disabled-by-default: todo discovery: status: exempt comment: > This is not possible because there is no physical device. stale-devices: status: exempt comment: > This is not possible because there is no physical device. diagnostics: todo exception-translations: todo icon-translations: todo reconfiguration-flow: status: todo comment: > I imagine this could be useful if the default voice is deleted from voice lab. dynamic-devices: status: exempt comment: | This is not possible because there is no physical device. discovery-update-info: status: exempt comment: > This is not needed because there are no physical devices. repair-issues: todo docs-use-cases: done docs-supported-devices: status: exempt comment: > This integration does not support any devices. docs-supported-functions: todo docs-data-update: todo docs-known-limitations: todo docs-troubleshooting: todo docs-examples: todo # Platinum async-dependency: done inject-websession: done strict-typing: done