{ "title": "Energy", "issues": { "entity_not_defined": { "title": "Entity not defined", "description": "Check the integration or your configuration that provides:" }, "recorder_untracked": { "title": "Entity not tracked", "description": "The recorder has been configured to exclude these configured entities:" }, "entity_unavailable": { "title": "Entity unavailable", "description": "The state of these configured entities are currently not available:" }, "entity_state_non_numeric": { "title": "Entity has non-numeric state", "description": "The following entities have a state that cannot be parsed as a number:" }, "entity_negative_state": { "title": "Entity has a negative state", "description": "The following entities have a negative state while a positive state is expected:" }, "entity_unexpected_unit_energy": { "title": "Unexpected unit of measurement", "description": "The following entities do not have an expected unit of measurement (either of {energy_units}):" }, "entity_unexpected_unit_gas": { "title": "[%key:component::energy::issues::entity_unexpected_unit_energy::title%]", "description": "The following entities do not have an expected unit of measurement (either of {energy_units} for an energy sensor or either of {gas_units} for a gas sensor):" }, "entity_unexpected_unit_water": { "title": "[%key:component::energy::issues::entity_unexpected_unit_energy::title%]", "description": "The following entities do not have the expected unit of measurement (either of {water_units}):" }, "entity_unexpected_unit_energy_price": { "title": "[%key:component::energy::issues::entity_unexpected_unit_energy::title%]", "description": "The following entities do not have an expected unit of measurement {price_units}:" }, "entity_unexpected_unit_gas_price": { "title": "[%key:component::energy::issues::entity_unexpected_unit_energy::title%]", "description": "[%key:component::energy::issues::entity_unexpected_unit_energy_price::description%]" }, "entity_unexpected_unit_water_price": { "title": "[%key:component::energy::issues::entity_unexpected_unit_energy::title%]", "description": "[%key:component::energy::issues::entity_unexpected_unit_energy_price::description%]" }, "entity_unexpected_state_class": { "title": "Unexpected state class", "description": "The following entities do not have the expected state class:" }, "entity_unexpected_device_class": { "title": "Unexpected device class", "description": "The following entities do not have the expected device class:" }, "entity_state_class_measurement_no_last_reset": { "title": "Last reset missing", "description": "The following entities have state class 'measurement' but 'last_reset' is missing:" }, "statistics_not_defined": { "title": "Statistics not defined", "description": "Some entities currently have no statistics metadata. If these are newly created, it may take up to 5 minutes for this to be generated for the following entities:" } } }