{ "config": { "error": { "api_error": "An error occured in the pyemoncms API : {details}" }, "step": { "user": { "data": { "url": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::url%]", "api_key": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::api_key%]" }, "data_description": { "url": "Server URL starting with the protocol (http or https)", "api_key": "Your 32 bits API key" } }, "choose_feeds": { "data": { "include_only_feed_id": "Choose feeds to include" } } }, "abort": { "already_configured": "This server is already configured" } }, "entity": { "sensor": { "energy": { "name": "Energy {emoncms_details}" }, "power": { "name": "Power {emoncms_details}" }, "percent": { "name": "Percentage {emoncms_details}" }, "voltage": { "name": "Voltage {emoncms_details}" }, "current": { "name": "Current {emoncms_details}" }, "apparent_power": { "name": "Apparent power {emoncms_details}" }, "temperature": { "name": "Temperature {emoncms_details}" }, "frequency": { "name": "Frequency {emoncms_details}" }, "pressure": { "name": "Pressure {emoncms_details}" }, "decibel": { "name": "Decibel {emoncms_details}" }, "volume": { "name": "Volume {emoncms_details}" }, "flow": { "name": "Flow rate {emoncms_details}" }, "speed": { "name": "Speed {emoncms_details}" }, "concentration": { "name": "Concentration {emoncms_details}" } } }, "options": { "error": { "api_error": "[%key:component::emoncms::config::error::api_error%]" }, "step": { "init": { "data": { "include_only_feed_id": "[%key:component::emoncms::config::step::choose_feeds::data::include_only_feed_id%]" } } } }, "issues": { "remove_value_template": { "title": "The {domain} integration cannot start", "description": "Configuring {domain} using YAML is being removed and the `{parameter}` parameter cannot be imported.\n\nPlease remove `{parameter}` from your `{domain}` yaml configuration and restart Home Assistant\n\nAlternatively, you may entirely remove the `{domain}` configuration from your configuration.yaml, restart Home Assistant, and add the {domain} integration manually." }, "missing_include_only_feed_id": { "title": "No feed synchronized with the {domain} sensor", "description": "Configuring {domain} using YAML is being removed.\n\nPlease add manually the feeds you want to synchronize with the `configure` button of the integration." }, "migrate_database": { "title": "Upgrade your emoncms version", "description": "Your [emoncms]({url}) does not ship a unique identifier.\n\nPlease upgrade to at least version 11.5.7 and migrate your emoncms database.\n\nMore info in the [emoncms documentation]({doc_url})" } } }