"""Config flow for Samsung TV.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Mapping from functools import partial import socket from typing import Any from urllib.parse import urlparse import getmac from samsungtvws.encrypted.authenticator import SamsungTVEncryptedWSAsyncAuthenticator import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.components import dhcp, ssdp, zeroconf from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_MAC, CONF_METHOD, CONF_MODEL, CONF_NAME, CONF_PORT, CONF_TOKEN, ) from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.data_entry_flow import AbortFlow, FlowResult from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import format_mac from .bridge import SamsungTVBridge, async_get_device_info, mac_from_device_info from .const import ( CONF_MANUFACTURER, CONF_SESSION_ID, CONF_SSDP_MAIN_TV_AGENT_LOCATION, CONF_SSDP_RENDERING_CONTROL_LOCATION, DEFAULT_MANUFACTURER, DOMAIN, LOGGER, METHOD_ENCRYPTED_WEBSOCKET, METHOD_LEGACY, RESULT_AUTH_MISSING, RESULT_CANNOT_CONNECT, RESULT_INVALID_PIN, RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED, RESULT_SUCCESS, RESULT_UNKNOWN_HOST, SUCCESSFUL_RESULTS, UPNP_SVC_MAIN_TV_AGENT, UPNP_SVC_RENDERING_CONTROL, ) DATA_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({vol.Required(CONF_HOST): str, vol.Required(CONF_NAME): str}) def _strip_uuid(udn: str) -> str: return udn[5:] if udn.startswith("uuid:") else udn def _entry_is_complete( entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry, ssdp_rendering_control_location: str | None, ssdp_main_tv_agent_location: str | None, ) -> bool: """Return True if the config entry information is complete. If we do not have an ssdp location we consider it complete as some TVs will not support SSDP/UPNP """ return bool( entry.unique_id and entry.data.get(CONF_MAC) and ( not ssdp_rendering_control_location or entry.data.get(CONF_SSDP_RENDERING_CONTROL_LOCATION) ) and ( not ssdp_main_tv_agent_location or entry.data.get(CONF_SSDP_MAIN_TV_AGENT_LOCATION) ) ) class SamsungTVConfigFlow(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Handle a Samsung TV config flow.""" VERSION = 2 def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize flow.""" self._reauth_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry | None = None self._host: str = "" self._mac: str | None = None self._udn: str | None = None self._upnp_udn: str | None = None self._ssdp_rendering_control_location: str | None = None self._ssdp_main_tv_agent_location: str | None = None self._manufacturer: str | None = None self._model: str | None = None self._connect_result: str | None = None self._method: str | None = None self._name: str | None = None self._title: str = "" self._id: int | None = None self._bridge: SamsungTVBridge | None = None self._device_info: dict[str, Any] | None = None self._authenticator: SamsungTVEncryptedWSAsyncAuthenticator | None = None def _base_config_entry(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Generate the base config entry without the method.""" assert self._bridge is not None return { CONF_HOST: self._host, CONF_MAC: self._mac, CONF_MANUFACTURER: self._manufacturer or DEFAULT_MANUFACTURER, CONF_METHOD: self._bridge.method, CONF_MODEL: self._model, CONF_NAME: self._name, CONF_PORT: self._bridge.port, CONF_SSDP_RENDERING_CONTROL_LOCATION: self._ssdp_rendering_control_location, CONF_SSDP_MAIN_TV_AGENT_LOCATION: self._ssdp_main_tv_agent_location, } def _get_entry_from_bridge(self) -> FlowResult: """Get device entry.""" assert self._bridge data = self._base_config_entry() if self._bridge.token: data[CONF_TOKEN] = self._bridge.token return self.async_create_entry( title=self._title, data=data, ) async def _async_set_device_unique_id(self, raise_on_progress: bool = True) -> None: """Set device unique_id.""" if not await self._async_get_and_check_device_info(): raise AbortFlow(RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED) await self._async_set_unique_id_from_udn(raise_on_progress) self._async_update_and_abort_for_matching_unique_id() async def _async_set_unique_id_from_udn( self, raise_on_progress: bool = True ) -> None: """Set the unique id from the udn.""" assert self._host is not None # Set the unique id without raising on progress in case # there are two SSDP flows with for each ST await self.async_set_unique_id(self._udn, raise_on_progress=False) if ( entry := self._async_update_existing_matching_entry() ) and _entry_is_complete( entry, self._ssdp_rendering_control_location, self._ssdp_main_tv_agent_location, ): raise AbortFlow("already_configured") # Now that we have updated the config entry, we can raise # if another one is progressing if raise_on_progress: await self.async_set_unique_id(self._udn, raise_on_progress=True) def _async_update_and_abort_for_matching_unique_id(self) -> None: """Abort and update host and mac if we have it.""" updates = {CONF_HOST: self._host} if self._mac: updates[CONF_MAC] = self._mac if self._model: updates[CONF_MODEL] = self._model if self._ssdp_rendering_control_location: updates[ CONF_SSDP_RENDERING_CONTROL_LOCATION ] = self._ssdp_rendering_control_location if self._ssdp_main_tv_agent_location: updates[ CONF_SSDP_MAIN_TV_AGENT_LOCATION ] = self._ssdp_main_tv_agent_location self._abort_if_unique_id_configured(updates=updates, reload_on_update=False) async def _async_create_bridge(self) -> None: """Create the bridge.""" result, method, _info = await self._async_get_device_info_and_method() if result not in SUCCESSFUL_RESULTS: LOGGER.debug("No working config found for %s", self._host) raise AbortFlow(result) assert method is not None self._bridge = SamsungTVBridge.get_bridge(self.hass, method, self._host) async def _async_get_device_info_and_method( self, ) -> tuple[str, str | None, dict[str, Any] | None]: """Get device info and method only once.""" if self._connect_result is None: result, _, method, info = await async_get_device_info(self.hass, self._host) self._connect_result = result self._method = method self._device_info = info if not method: LOGGER.debug("Host:%s did not return device info", self._host) return result, None, None return self._connect_result, self._method, self._device_info async def _async_get_and_check_device_info(self) -> bool: """Try to get the device info.""" result, _method, info = await self._async_get_device_info_and_method() if result not in SUCCESSFUL_RESULTS: raise AbortFlow(result) if not info: return False dev_info = info.get("device", {}) assert dev_info is not None if (device_type := dev_info.get("type")) != "Samsung SmartTV": LOGGER.debug( "Host:%s has type: %s which is not supported", self._host, device_type ) raise AbortFlow(RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED) self._model = dev_info.get("modelName") name = dev_info.get("name") self._name = name.replace("[TV] ", "") if name else device_type self._title = f"{self._name} ({self._model})" self._udn = _strip_uuid(dev_info.get("udn", info["id"])) if mac := mac_from_device_info(info): self._mac = mac elif mac := await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( partial(getmac.get_mac_address, ip=self._host) ): self._mac = mac return True async def _async_set_name_host_from_input(self, user_input: dict[str, Any]) -> None: try: self._host = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( socket.gethostbyname, user_input[CONF_HOST] ) except socket.gaierror as err: raise AbortFlow(RESULT_UNKNOWN_HOST) from err self._name = user_input.get(CONF_NAME, self._host) or "" self._title = self._name async def async_step_user( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Handle a flow initialized by the user.""" if user_input is not None: await self._async_set_name_host_from_input(user_input) await self._async_create_bridge() assert self._bridge self._async_abort_entries_match({CONF_HOST: self._host}) if self._bridge.method != METHOD_LEGACY: # Legacy bridge does not provide device info await self._async_set_device_unique_id(raise_on_progress=False) if self._bridge.method == METHOD_ENCRYPTED_WEBSOCKET: return await self.async_step_encrypted_pairing() return await self.async_step_pairing({}) return self.async_show_form(step_id="user", data_schema=DATA_SCHEMA) async def async_step_pairing( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Handle a pairing by accepting the message on the TV.""" assert self._bridge is not None errors: dict[str, str] = {} if user_input is not None: result = await self._bridge.async_try_connect() if result == RESULT_SUCCESS: return self._get_entry_from_bridge() if result != RESULT_AUTH_MISSING: raise AbortFlow(result) errors = {"base": RESULT_AUTH_MISSING} self.context["title_placeholders"] = {"device": self._title} return self.async_show_form( step_id="pairing", errors=errors, description_placeholders={"device": self._title}, data_schema=vol.Schema({}), ) async def async_step_encrypted_pairing( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Handle a encrypted pairing.""" assert self._host is not None await self._async_start_encrypted_pairing(self._host) assert self._authenticator is not None errors: dict[str, str] = {} if user_input is not None: if ( (pin := user_input.get("pin")) and (token := await self._authenticator.try_pin(pin)) and (session_id := await self._authenticator.get_session_id_and_close()) ): return self.async_create_entry( data={ **self._base_config_entry(), CONF_TOKEN: token, CONF_SESSION_ID: session_id, }, title=self._title, ) errors = {"base": RESULT_INVALID_PIN} self.context["title_placeholders"] = {"device": self._title} return self.async_show_form( step_id="encrypted_pairing", errors=errors, description_placeholders={"device": self._title}, data_schema=vol.Schema({vol.Required("pin"): str}), ) @callback def _async_get_existing_matching_entry( self, ) -> tuple[config_entries.ConfigEntry | None, bool]: """Get first existing matching entry (prefer unique id).""" matching_host_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry | None = None for entry in self._async_current_entries(include_ignore=False): if (self._mac and self._mac == entry.data.get(CONF_MAC)) or ( self._upnp_udn and self._upnp_udn == entry.unique_id ): LOGGER.debug("Found entry matching unique_id for %s", self._host) return entry, True if entry.data[CONF_HOST] == self._host: LOGGER.debug("Found entry matching host for %s", self._host) matching_host_entry = entry return matching_host_entry, False @callback def _async_update_existing_matching_entry( self, ) -> config_entries.ConfigEntry | None: """Check existing entries and update them. Returns the existing entry if it was updated. """ entry, is_unique_match = self._async_get_existing_matching_entry() if not entry: return None entry_kw_args: dict = {} if self.unique_id and ( entry.unique_id is None or (is_unique_match and self.unique_id != entry.unique_id) ): entry_kw_args["unique_id"] = self.unique_id data: dict[str, Any] = dict(entry.data) update_ssdp_rendering_control_location = ( self._ssdp_rendering_control_location and data.get(CONF_SSDP_RENDERING_CONTROL_LOCATION) != self._ssdp_rendering_control_location ) update_ssdp_main_tv_agent_location = ( self._ssdp_main_tv_agent_location and data.get(CONF_SSDP_MAIN_TV_AGENT_LOCATION) != self._ssdp_main_tv_agent_location ) update_mac = self._mac and not data.get(CONF_MAC) update_model = self._model and not data.get(CONF_MODEL) if ( update_ssdp_rendering_control_location or update_ssdp_main_tv_agent_location or update_mac or update_model ): if update_ssdp_rendering_control_location: data[ CONF_SSDP_RENDERING_CONTROL_LOCATION ] = self._ssdp_rendering_control_location if update_ssdp_main_tv_agent_location: data[ CONF_SSDP_MAIN_TV_AGENT_LOCATION ] = self._ssdp_main_tv_agent_location if update_mac: data[CONF_MAC] = self._mac if update_model: data[CONF_MODEL] = self._model entry_kw_args["data"] = data if not entry_kw_args: return None LOGGER.debug("Updating existing config entry with %s", entry_kw_args) self.hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(entry, **entry_kw_args) if entry.state != config_entries.ConfigEntryState.LOADED: # If its loaded it already has a reload listener in place # and we do not want to trigger multiple reloads self.hass.async_create_task( self.hass.config_entries.async_reload(entry.entry_id) ) return entry @callback def _async_start_discovery_with_mac_address(self) -> None: """Start discovery.""" assert self._host is not None if (entry := self._async_update_existing_matching_entry()) and entry.unique_id: # If we have the unique id and the mac we abort # as we do not need anything else raise AbortFlow("already_configured") self._async_abort_if_host_already_in_progress() @callback def _async_abort_if_host_already_in_progress(self) -> None: self.context[CONF_HOST] = self._host for progress in self._async_in_progress(): if progress.get("context", {}).get(CONF_HOST) == self._host: raise AbortFlow("already_in_progress") @callback def _abort_if_manufacturer_is_not_samsung(self) -> None: if not self._manufacturer or not self._manufacturer.lower().startswith( "samsung" ): raise AbortFlow(RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED) async def async_step_ssdp(self, discovery_info: ssdp.SsdpServiceInfo) -> FlowResult: """Handle a flow initialized by ssdp discovery.""" LOGGER.debug("Samsung device found via SSDP: %s", discovery_info) model_name: str = discovery_info.upnp.get(ssdp.ATTR_UPNP_MODEL_NAME) or "" if discovery_info.ssdp_st == UPNP_SVC_RENDERING_CONTROL: self._ssdp_rendering_control_location = discovery_info.ssdp_location LOGGER.debug( "Set SSDP RenderingControl location to: %s", self._ssdp_rendering_control_location, ) elif discovery_info.ssdp_st == UPNP_SVC_MAIN_TV_AGENT: self._ssdp_main_tv_agent_location = discovery_info.ssdp_location LOGGER.debug( "Set SSDP MainTvAgent location to: %s", self._ssdp_main_tv_agent_location, ) self._udn = self._upnp_udn = _strip_uuid( discovery_info.upnp[ssdp.ATTR_UPNP_UDN] ) if hostname := urlparse(discovery_info.ssdp_location or "").hostname: self._host = hostname self._manufacturer = discovery_info.upnp.get(ssdp.ATTR_UPNP_MANUFACTURER) self._abort_if_manufacturer_is_not_samsung() # Set defaults, in case they cannot be extracted from device_info self._name = self._title = self._model = model_name # Update from device_info (if accessible) await self._async_get_and_check_device_info() # The UDN provided by the ssdp discovery doesn't always match the UDN # from the device_info, used by the other methods so we need to # ensure the device_info is loaded before setting the unique_id await self._async_set_unique_id_from_udn() self._async_update_and_abort_for_matching_unique_id() self._async_abort_if_host_already_in_progress() if self._method == METHOD_LEGACY and discovery_info.ssdp_st in ( UPNP_SVC_RENDERING_CONTROL, UPNP_SVC_MAIN_TV_AGENT, ): # The UDN we use for the unique id cannot be determined # from device_info for legacy devices return self.async_abort(reason="not_supported") self.context["title_placeholders"] = {"device": self._title} return await self.async_step_confirm() async def async_step_dhcp(self, discovery_info: dhcp.DhcpServiceInfo) -> FlowResult: """Handle a flow initialized by dhcp discovery.""" LOGGER.debug("Samsung device found via DHCP: %s", discovery_info) self._mac = discovery_info.macaddress self._host = discovery_info.ip self._async_start_discovery_with_mac_address() await self._async_set_device_unique_id() self.context["title_placeholders"] = {"device": self._title} return await self.async_step_confirm() async def async_step_zeroconf( self, discovery_info: zeroconf.ZeroconfServiceInfo ) -> FlowResult: """Handle a flow initialized by zeroconf discovery.""" LOGGER.debug("Samsung device found via ZEROCONF: %s", discovery_info) self._mac = format_mac(discovery_info.properties["deviceid"]) self._host = discovery_info.host self._async_start_discovery_with_mac_address() await self._async_set_device_unique_id() self.context["title_placeholders"] = {"device": self._title} return await self.async_step_confirm() async def async_step_confirm( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Handle user-confirmation of discovered node.""" if user_input is not None: await self._async_create_bridge() assert self._bridge if self._bridge.method == METHOD_ENCRYPTED_WEBSOCKET: return await self.async_step_encrypted_pairing() return await self.async_step_pairing({}) return self.async_show_form( step_id="confirm", description_placeholders={"device": self._title} ) async def async_step_reauth(self, entry_data: Mapping[str, Any]) -> FlowResult: """Handle configuration by re-auth.""" self._reauth_entry = self.hass.config_entries.async_get_entry( self.context["entry_id"] ) if entry_data.get(CONF_MODEL) and entry_data.get(CONF_NAME): self._title = f"{entry_data[CONF_NAME]} ({entry_data[CONF_MODEL]})" else: self._title = entry_data.get(CONF_NAME) or entry_data[CONF_HOST] return await self.async_step_reauth_confirm() async def async_step_reauth_confirm( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Confirm reauth.""" errors = {} assert self._reauth_entry method = self._reauth_entry.data[CONF_METHOD] if user_input is not None: if method == METHOD_ENCRYPTED_WEBSOCKET: return await self.async_step_reauth_confirm_encrypted() bridge = SamsungTVBridge.get_bridge( self.hass, method, self._reauth_entry.data[CONF_HOST], ) result = await bridge.async_try_connect() if result == RESULT_SUCCESS: new_data = dict(self._reauth_entry.data) new_data[CONF_TOKEN] = bridge.token self.hass.config_entries.async_update_entry( self._reauth_entry, data=new_data ) await self.hass.config_entries.async_reload(self._reauth_entry.entry_id) return self.async_abort(reason="reauth_successful") if result not in (RESULT_AUTH_MISSING, RESULT_CANNOT_CONNECT): return self.async_abort(reason=result) # On websocket we will get RESULT_CANNOT_CONNECT when auth is missing errors = {"base": RESULT_AUTH_MISSING} self.context["title_placeholders"] = {"device": self._title} return self.async_show_form( step_id="reauth_confirm", errors=errors, description_placeholders={"device": self._title}, ) async def _async_start_encrypted_pairing(self, host: str) -> None: if self._authenticator is None: self._authenticator = SamsungTVEncryptedWSAsyncAuthenticator( host, web_session=async_get_clientsession(self.hass), ) await self._authenticator.start_pairing() async def async_step_reauth_confirm_encrypted( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Confirm reauth (encrypted method).""" errors = {} assert self._reauth_entry await self._async_start_encrypted_pairing(self._reauth_entry.data[CONF_HOST]) assert self._authenticator is not None if user_input is not None: if ( (pin := user_input.get("pin")) and (token := await self._authenticator.try_pin(pin)) and (session_id := await self._authenticator.get_session_id_and_close()) ): self.hass.config_entries.async_update_entry( self._reauth_entry, data={ **self._reauth_entry.data, CONF_TOKEN: token, CONF_SESSION_ID: session_id, }, ) await self.hass.config_entries.async_reload(self._reauth_entry.entry_id) return self.async_abort(reason="reauth_successful") errors = {"base": RESULT_INVALID_PIN} self.context["title_placeholders"] = {"device": self._title} return self.async_show_form( step_id="reauth_confirm_encrypted", errors=errors, description_placeholders={"device": self._title}, data_schema=vol.Schema({vol.Required("pin"): str}), )