""" Helper methods for components within Home Assistant. """ from homeassistant.loader import get_component from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, CONF_PLATFORM, DEVICE_DEFAULT_NAME) from homeassistant.util import ensure_unique_string, slugify def generate_entity_id(entity_id_format, name, current_ids=None, hass=None): """ Generate a unique entity ID based on given entity IDs or used ids. """ name = name.lower() or DEVICE_DEFAULT_NAME.lower() if current_ids is None: if hass is None: raise RuntimeError("Missing required parameter currentids or hass") current_ids = hass.states.entity_ids() return ensure_unique_string( entity_id_format.format(slugify(name.lower())), current_ids) def extract_entity_ids(hass, service): """ Helper method to extract a list of entity ids from a service call. Will convert group entity ids to the entity ids it represents. """ if not (service.data and ATTR_ENTITY_ID in service.data): return [] group = get_component('group') # Entity ID attr can be a list or a string service_ent_id = service.data[ATTR_ENTITY_ID] if isinstance(service_ent_id, str): return group.expand_entity_ids(hass, [service_ent_id.lower()]) return [ent_id for ent_id in group.expand_entity_ids(hass, service_ent_id)] def validate_config(config, items, logger): """ Validates if all items are available in the configuration. config is the general dictionary with all the configurations. items is a dict with per domain which attributes we require. logger is the logger from the caller to log the errors to. Returns True if all required items were found. """ errors_found = False for domain in items.keys(): config.setdefault(domain, {}) errors = [item for item in items[domain] if item not in config[domain]] if errors: logger.error( "Missing required configuration items in {}: {}".format( domain, ", ".join(errors))) errors_found = True return not errors_found def config_per_platform(config, domain, logger): """ Generator to break a component config into different platforms. For example, will find 'switch', 'switch 2', 'switch 3', .. etc """ config_key = domain found = 1 while config_key in config: platform_config = config[config_key] if not isinstance(platform_config, list): platform_config = [platform_config] for item in platform_config: platform_type = item.get(CONF_PLATFORM) if platform_type is None: logger.warning('No platform specified for %s', config_key) continue yield platform_type, item found += 1 config_key = "{} {}".format(domain, found)