"""Support for Wink thermostats and Air Conditioners.""" import logging import pywink from homeassistant.components.climate import ClimateDevice from homeassistant.components.climate.const import ( ATTR_TARGET_TEMP_HIGH, ATTR_TARGET_TEMP_LOW, CURRENT_HVAC_COOL, CURRENT_HVAC_HEAT, CURRENT_HVAC_IDLE, CURRENT_HVAC_OFF, FAN_AUTO, FAN_HIGH, FAN_LOW, FAN_MEDIUM, FAN_ON, HVAC_MODE_AUTO, HVAC_MODE_COOL, HVAC_MODE_FAN_ONLY, HVAC_MODE_HEAT, HVAC_MODE_OFF, PRESET_AWAY, PRESET_ECO, PRESET_NONE, SUPPORT_AUX_HEAT, SUPPORT_FAN_MODE, SUPPORT_PRESET_MODE, SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE, SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE_RANGE, ) from homeassistant.const import ATTR_TEMPERATURE, PRECISION_TENTHS, TEMP_CELSIUS from homeassistant.helpers.temperature import display_temp as show_temp from . import DOMAIN, WinkDevice _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_ECO_TARGET = "eco_target" ATTR_EXTERNAL_TEMPERATURE = "external_temperature" ATTR_OCCUPIED = "occupied" ATTR_SCHEDULE_ENABLED = "schedule_enabled" ATTR_SMART_TEMPERATURE = "smart_temperature" ATTR_TOTAL_CONSUMPTION = "total_consumption" HA_HVAC_TO_WINK = { HVAC_MODE_AUTO: "auto", HVAC_MODE_COOL: "cool_only", HVAC_MODE_FAN_ONLY: "fan_only", HVAC_MODE_HEAT: "heat_only", HVAC_MODE_OFF: "off", } WINK_HVAC_TO_HA = {value: key for key, value in HA_HVAC_TO_WINK.items()} SUPPORT_FLAGS_THERMOSTAT = ( SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE | SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE_RANGE | SUPPORT_FAN_MODE | SUPPORT_AUX_HEAT ) SUPPORT_FAN_THERMOSTAT = [FAN_AUTO, FAN_ON] SUPPORT_PRESET_THERMOSTAT = [PRESET_AWAY, PRESET_ECO] SUPPORT_FLAGS_AC = SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE | SUPPORT_FAN_MODE | SUPPORT_PRESET_MODE SUPPORT_FAN_AC = [FAN_HIGH, FAN_LOW, FAN_MEDIUM] SUPPORT_PRESET_AC = [PRESET_NONE, PRESET_ECO] def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Wink climate devices.""" for climate in pywink.get_thermostats(): _id = climate.object_id() + climate.name() if _id not in hass.data[DOMAIN]["unique_ids"]: add_entities([WinkThermostat(climate, hass)]) for climate in pywink.get_air_conditioners(): _id = climate.object_id() + climate.name() if _id not in hass.data[DOMAIN]["unique_ids"]: add_entities([WinkAC(climate, hass)]) class WinkThermostat(WinkDevice, ClimateDevice): """Representation of a Wink thermostat.""" @property def supported_features(self): """Return the list of supported features.""" return SUPPORT_FLAGS_THERMOSTAT async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Call when entity is added to hass.""" self.hass.data[DOMAIN]["entities"]["climate"].append(self) @property def temperature_unit(self): """Return the unit of measurement.""" # The Wink API always returns temp in Celsius return TEMP_CELSIUS @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the optional device state attributes.""" data = {} if self.external_temperature is not None: data[ATTR_EXTERNAL_TEMPERATURE] = show_temp( self.hass, self.external_temperature, self.temperature_unit, PRECISION_TENTHS, ) if self.smart_temperature: data[ATTR_SMART_TEMPERATURE] = self.smart_temperature if self.occupied is not None: data[ATTR_OCCUPIED] = self.occupied if self.eco_target is not None: data[ATTR_ECO_TARGET] = self.eco_target return data @property def current_temperature(self): """Return the current temperature.""" return self.wink.current_temperature() @property def current_humidity(self): """Return the current humidity.""" if self.wink.current_humidity() is not None: # The API states humidity will be a float 0-1 # the only example API response with humidity listed show an int # This will address both possibilities if self.wink.current_humidity() < 1: return self.wink.current_humidity() * 100 return self.wink.current_humidity() return None @property def external_temperature(self): """Return the current external temperature.""" return self.wink.current_external_temperature() @property def smart_temperature(self): """Return the current average temp of all remote sensor.""" return self.wink.current_smart_temperature() @property def eco_target(self): """Return status of eco target (Is the thermostat in eco mode).""" return self.wink.eco_target() @property def occupied(self): """Return status of if the thermostat has detected occupancy.""" return self.wink.occupied() @property def preset_mode(self): """Return the current preset mode, e.g., home, away, temp.""" mode = self.wink.current_hvac_mode() if mode == "eco": return PRESET_ECO if self.wink.away(): return PRESET_AWAY return None @property def preset_modes(self): """Return a list of available preset modes.""" return SUPPORT_PRESET_THERMOSTAT @property def target_humidity(self): """Return the humidity we try to reach.""" target_hum = None if self.wink.current_humidifier_mode() == "on": if self.wink.current_humidifier_set_point() is not None: target_hum = self.wink.current_humidifier_set_point() * 100 elif self.wink.current_dehumidifier_mode() == "on": if self.wink.current_dehumidifier_set_point() is not None: target_hum = self.wink.current_dehumidifier_set_point() * 100 else: target_hum = None return target_hum @property def target_temperature(self): """Return the temperature we try to reach.""" if self.hvac_mode != HVAC_MODE_AUTO and not self.wink.away(): if self.hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_COOL: return self.wink.current_max_set_point() if self.hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_HEAT: return self.wink.current_min_set_point() return None @property def target_temperature_low(self): """Return the lower bound temperature we try to reach.""" if self.hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_AUTO: return self.wink.current_min_set_point() return None @property def target_temperature_high(self): """Return the higher bound temperature we try to reach.""" if self.hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_AUTO: return self.wink.current_max_set_point() return None @property def is_aux_heat(self): """Return true if aux heater.""" if "aux" not in self.wink.hvac_modes(): return None if self.wink.current_hvac_mode() == "aux": return True return False @property def hvac_mode(self) -> str: """Return hvac operation ie. heat, cool mode. Need to be one of HVAC_MODE_*. """ if not self.wink.is_on(): return HVAC_MODE_OFF wink_mode = self.wink.current_hvac_mode() if wink_mode == "aux": return HVAC_MODE_HEAT if wink_mode == "eco": return HVAC_MODE_AUTO return WINK_HVAC_TO_HA.get(wink_mode) @property def hvac_modes(self): """Return the list of available hvac operation modes. Need to be a subset of HVAC_MODES. """ hvac_list = [HVAC_MODE_OFF] modes = self.wink.hvac_modes() for mode in modes: if mode in ("eco", "aux"): continue try: ha_mode = WINK_HVAC_TO_HA[mode] hvac_list.append(ha_mode) except KeyError: _LOGGER.error( "Invalid operation mode mapping. %s doesn't map. " "Please report this.", mode, ) return hvac_list @property def hvac_action(self): """Return the current running hvac operation if supported. Need to be one of CURRENT_HVAC_*. """ if not self.wink.is_on(): return CURRENT_HVAC_OFF if self.wink.cool_on(): return CURRENT_HVAC_COOL if self.wink.heat_on(): return CURRENT_HVAC_HEAT return CURRENT_HVAC_IDLE def set_temperature(self, **kwargs): """Set new target temperature.""" target_temp = kwargs.get(ATTR_TEMPERATURE) target_temp_low = kwargs.get(ATTR_TARGET_TEMP_LOW) target_temp_high = kwargs.get(ATTR_TARGET_TEMP_HIGH) if target_temp is not None: if self.hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_COOL: target_temp_high = target_temp if self.hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_HEAT: target_temp_low = target_temp self.wink.set_temperature(target_temp_low, target_temp_high) def set_hvac_mode(self, hvac_mode): """Set new target hvac mode.""" hvac_mode_to_set = HA_HVAC_TO_WINK.get(hvac_mode) self.wink.set_operation_mode(hvac_mode_to_set) def set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode): """Set new preset mode.""" # Away if preset_mode != PRESET_AWAY and self.wink.away(): self.wink.set_away_mode(False) elif preset_mode == PRESET_AWAY: self.wink.set_away_mode() if preset_mode == PRESET_ECO: self.wink.set_operation_mode("eco") @property def fan_mode(self): """Return whether the fan is on.""" if self.wink.current_fan_mode() == "on": return FAN_ON if self.wink.current_fan_mode() == "auto": return FAN_AUTO # No Fan available so disable slider return None @property def fan_modes(self): """List of available fan modes.""" if self.wink.has_fan(): return SUPPORT_FAN_THERMOSTAT return None def set_fan_mode(self, fan_mode): """Turn fan on/off.""" self.wink.set_fan_mode(fan_mode.lower()) def turn_aux_heat_on(self): """Turn auxiliary heater on.""" self.wink.set_operation_mode("aux") def turn_aux_heat_off(self): """Turn auxiliary heater off.""" self.wink.set_operation_mode("heat_only") @property def min_temp(self): """Return the minimum temperature.""" minimum = 7 # Default minimum min_min = self.wink.min_min_set_point() min_max = self.wink.min_max_set_point() if self.hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_HEAT: if min_min: return_value = min_min else: return_value = minimum elif self.hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_COOL: if min_max: return_value = min_max else: return_value = minimum elif self.hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_AUTO: if min_min and min_max: return_value = min(min_min, min_max) else: return_value = minimum else: return_value = minimum return return_value @property def max_temp(self): """Return the maximum temperature.""" maximum = 35 # Default maximum max_min = self.wink.max_min_set_point() max_max = self.wink.max_max_set_point() if self.hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_HEAT: if max_min: return_value = max_min else: return_value = maximum elif self.hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_COOL: if max_max: return_value = max_max else: return_value = maximum elif self.hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_AUTO: if max_min and max_max: return_value = min(max_min, max_max) else: return_value = maximum else: return_value = maximum return return_value class WinkAC(WinkDevice, ClimateDevice): """Representation of a Wink air conditioner.""" @property def supported_features(self): """Return the list of supported features.""" return SUPPORT_FLAGS_AC @property def temperature_unit(self): """Return the unit of measurement.""" # The Wink API always returns temp in Celsius return TEMP_CELSIUS @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the optional device state attributes.""" data = {} data[ATTR_TOTAL_CONSUMPTION] = self.wink.total_consumption() data[ATTR_SCHEDULE_ENABLED] = self.wink.schedule_enabled() return data @property def current_temperature(self): """Return the current temperature.""" return self.wink.current_temperature() @property def preset_mode(self): """Return the current preset mode, e.g., home, away, temp.""" if not self.wink.is_on(): return PRESET_NONE mode = self.wink.current_mode() if mode == "auto_eco": return PRESET_ECO return PRESET_NONE @property def preset_modes(self): """Return a list of available preset modes.""" return SUPPORT_PRESET_AC @property def hvac_mode(self) -> str: """Return hvac operation ie. heat, cool mode. Need to be one of HVAC_MODE_*. """ if not self.wink.is_on(): return HVAC_MODE_OFF wink_mode = self.wink.current_mode() if wink_mode == "auto_eco": return HVAC_MODE_COOL return WINK_HVAC_TO_HA.get(wink_mode) @property def hvac_modes(self): """Return the list of available hvac operation modes. Need to be a subset of HVAC_MODES. """ hvac_list = [HVAC_MODE_OFF] modes = self.wink.modes() for mode in modes: if mode == "auto_eco": continue try: ha_mode = WINK_HVAC_TO_HA[mode] hvac_list.append(ha_mode) except KeyError: _LOGGER.error( "Invalid operation mode mapping. %s doesn't map. " "Please report this.", mode, ) return hvac_list def set_temperature(self, **kwargs): """Set new target temperature.""" target_temp = kwargs.get(ATTR_TEMPERATURE) self.wink.set_temperature(target_temp) def set_hvac_mode(self, hvac_mode): """Set new target hvac mode.""" hvac_mode_to_set = HA_HVAC_TO_WINK.get(hvac_mode) self.wink.set_operation_mode(hvac_mode_to_set) def set_preset_mode(self, preset_mode): """Set new preset mode.""" if preset_mode == PRESET_ECO: self.wink.set_operation_mode("auto_eco") elif self.hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_COOL and preset_mode == PRESET_NONE: self.set_hvac_mode(HVAC_MODE_COOL) @property def target_temperature(self): """Return the temperature we try to reach.""" return self.wink.current_max_set_point() @property def fan_mode(self): """ Return the current fan mode. The official Wink app only supports 3 modes [low, medium, high] which are equal to [0.33, 0.66, 1.0] respectively. """ speed = self.wink.current_fan_speed() if speed <= 0.33: return FAN_LOW if speed <= 0.66: return FAN_MEDIUM return FAN_HIGH @property def fan_modes(self): """Return a list of available fan modes.""" return SUPPORT_FAN_AC def set_fan_mode(self, fan_mode): """ Set fan speed. The official Wink app only supports 3 modes [low, medium, high] which are equal to [0.33, 0.66, 1.0] respectively. """ if fan_mode == FAN_LOW: speed = 0.33 elif fan_mode == FAN_MEDIUM: speed = 0.66 elif fan_mode == FAN_HIGH: speed = 1.0 self.wink.set_ac_fan_speed(speed)