"""Support for interacting with Spotify Connect.""" from datetime import timedelta import logging import random import spotipy import spotipy.oauth2 import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.components.media_player import PLATFORM_SCHEMA, MediaPlayerDevice from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import ( ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID, MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC, MEDIA_TYPE_PLAYLIST, SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK, SUPPORT_PAUSE, SUPPORT_PLAY, SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA, SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK, SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE, SUPPORT_SHUFFLE_SET, SUPPORT_VOLUME_SET, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_NAME, STATE_IDLE, STATE_PAUSED, STATE_PLAYING from homeassistant.core import callback import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) AUTH_CALLBACK_NAME = "api:spotify" AUTH_CALLBACK_PATH = "/api/spotify" CONF_ALIASES = "aliases" CONF_CACHE_PATH = "cache_path" CONF_CLIENT_ID = "client_id" CONF_CLIENT_SECRET = "client_secret" CONFIGURATOR_DESCRIPTION = ( "To link your Spotify account, click the link, login, and authorize:" ) CONFIGURATOR_LINK_NAME = "Link Spotify account" CONFIGURATOR_SUBMIT_CAPTION = "I authorized successfully" DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH = ".spotify-token-cache" DEFAULT_NAME = "Spotify" DOMAIN = "spotify" SERVICE_PLAY_PLAYLIST = "play_playlist" ATTR_RANDOM_SONG = "random_song" PLAY_PLAYLIST_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_RANDOM_SONG, default=False): cv.boolean, } ) ICON = "mdi:spotify" SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=30) SCOPE = "user-read-playback-state user-modify-playback-state user-read-private" SUPPORT_SPOTIFY = ( SUPPORT_VOLUME_SET | SUPPORT_PAUSE | SUPPORT_PLAY | SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK | SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK | SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE | SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA | SUPPORT_SHUFFLE_SET ) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_CLIENT_ID): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_CLIENT_SECRET): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_CACHE_PATH): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_ALIASES, default={}): {cv.string: cv.string}, } ) def request_configuration(hass, config, add_entities, oauth): """Request Spotify authorization.""" configurator = hass.components.configurator hass.data[DOMAIN] = configurator.request_config( DEFAULT_NAME, lambda _: None, link_name=CONFIGURATOR_LINK_NAME, link_url=oauth.get_authorize_url(), description=CONFIGURATOR_DESCRIPTION, submit_caption=CONFIGURATOR_SUBMIT_CAPTION, ) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Spotify platform.""" callback_url = f"{hass.config.api.base_url}{AUTH_CALLBACK_PATH}" cache = config.get(CONF_CACHE_PATH, hass.config.path(DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH)) oauth = spotipy.oauth2.SpotifyOAuth( config.get(CONF_CLIENT_ID), config.get(CONF_CLIENT_SECRET), callback_url, scope=SCOPE, cache_path=cache, ) token_info = oauth.get_cached_token() if not token_info: _LOGGER.info("no token; requesting authorization") hass.http.register_view(SpotifyAuthCallbackView(config, add_entities, oauth)) request_configuration(hass, config, add_entities, oauth) return if hass.data.get(DOMAIN): configurator = hass.components.configurator configurator.request_done(hass.data.get(DOMAIN)) del hass.data[DOMAIN] player = SpotifyMediaPlayer( oauth, config.get(CONF_NAME, DEFAULT_NAME), config[CONF_ALIASES] ) add_entities([player], True) def play_playlist_service(service): media_content_id = service.data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID] random_song = service.data.get(ATTR_RANDOM_SONG) player.play_playlist(media_content_id, random_song) hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_PLAY_PLAYLIST, play_playlist_service, schema=PLAY_PLAYLIST_SCHEMA, ) class SpotifyAuthCallbackView(HomeAssistantView): """Spotify Authorization Callback View.""" requires_auth = False url = AUTH_CALLBACK_PATH name = AUTH_CALLBACK_NAME def __init__(self, config, add_entities, oauth): """Initialize.""" self.config = config self.add_entities = add_entities self.oauth = oauth @callback def get(self, request): """Receive authorization token.""" hass = request.app["hass"] self.oauth.get_access_token(request.query["code"]) hass.async_add_job(setup_platform, hass, self.config, self.add_entities) class SpotifyMediaPlayer(MediaPlayerDevice): """Representation of a Spotify controller.""" def __init__(self, oauth, name, aliases): """Initialize.""" self._name = name self._oauth = oauth self._album = None self._title = None self._artist = None self._uri = None self._image_url = None self._state = None self._current_device = None self._devices = {} self._volume = None self._shuffle = False self._player = None self._user = None self._aliases = aliases self._token_info = self._oauth.get_cached_token() def refresh_spotify_instance(self): """Fetch a new spotify instance.""" token_refreshed = False need_token = self._token_info is None or self._oauth.is_token_expired( self._token_info ) if need_token: new_token = self._oauth.refresh_access_token( self._token_info["refresh_token"] ) # skip when refresh failed if new_token is None: return self._token_info = new_token token_refreshed = True if self._player is None or token_refreshed: self._player = spotipy.Spotify(auth=self._token_info.get("access_token")) self._user = self._player.me() def update(self): """Update state and attributes.""" self.refresh_spotify_instance() # Don't true update when token is expired if self._oauth.is_token_expired(self._token_info): _LOGGER.warning("Spotify failed to update, token expired.") return # Available devices player_devices = self._player.devices() if player_devices is not None: devices = player_devices.get("devices") if devices is not None: old_devices = self._devices self._devices = { self._aliases.get(device.get("id"), device.get("name")): device.get( "id" ) for device in devices } device_diff = { name: id for name, id in self._devices.items() if old_devices.get(name, None) is None } if device_diff: _LOGGER.info("New Devices: %s", str(device_diff)) # Current playback state current = self._player.current_playback() if current is None: self._state = STATE_IDLE return # Track metadata item = current.get("item") if item: self._album = item.get("album").get("name") self._title = item.get("name") self._artist = ", ".join( [artist.get("name") for artist in item.get("artists")] ) self._uri = item.get("uri") images = item.get("album").get("images") self._image_url = images[0].get("url") if images else None # Playing state self._state = STATE_PAUSED if current.get("is_playing"): self._state = STATE_PLAYING self._shuffle = current.get("shuffle_state") device = current.get("device") if device is None: self._state = STATE_IDLE else: if device.get("volume_percent"): self._volume = device.get("volume_percent") / 100 if device.get("name"): self._current_device = device.get("name") def set_volume_level(self, volume): """Set the volume level.""" self._player.volume(int(volume * 100)) def set_shuffle(self, shuffle): """Enable/Disable shuffle mode.""" self._player.shuffle(shuffle) def media_next_track(self): """Skip to next track.""" self._player.next_track() def media_previous_track(self): """Skip to previous track.""" self._player.previous_track() def media_play(self): """Start or resume playback.""" self._player.start_playback() def media_pause(self): """Pause playback.""" self._player.pause_playback() def select_source(self, source): """Select playback device.""" if self._devices: self._player.transfer_playback( self._devices[source], self._state == STATE_PLAYING ) def play_media(self, media_type, media_id, **kwargs): """Play media.""" kwargs = {} if media_type == MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC: kwargs["uris"] = [media_id] elif media_type == MEDIA_TYPE_PLAYLIST: kwargs["context_uri"] = media_id else: _LOGGER.error("media type %s is not supported", media_type) return if not media_id.startswith("spotify:"): _LOGGER.error("media id must be spotify uri") return self._player.start_playback(**kwargs) def play_playlist(self, media_id, random_song): """Play random music in a playlist.""" if not media_id.startswith("spotify:"): _LOGGER.error("media id must be spotify playlist uri") return kwargs = {"context_uri": media_id} if random_song: results = self._player.user_playlist_tracks("me", media_id) position = random.randint(0, results["total"] - 1) kwargs["offset"] = {"position": position} self._player.start_playback(**kwargs) @property def name(self): """Return the name.""" return self._name @property def icon(self): """Return the icon.""" return ICON @property def state(self): """Return the playback state.""" return self._state @property def volume_level(self): """Return the device volume.""" return self._volume @property def shuffle(self): """Shuffling state.""" return self._shuffle @property def source_list(self): """Return a list of source devices.""" if self._devices: return list(self._devices.keys()) @property def source(self): """Return the current playback device.""" return self._current_device @property def media_content_id(self): """Return the media URL.""" return self._uri @property def media_image_url(self): """Return the media image URL.""" return self._image_url @property def media_artist(self): """Return the media artist.""" return self._artist @property def media_album_name(self): """Return the media album.""" return self._album @property def media_title(self): """Return the media title.""" return self._title @property def supported_features(self): """Return the media player features that are supported.""" if self._user is not None and self._user["product"] == "premium": return SUPPORT_SPOTIFY return None @property def media_content_type(self): """Return the media type.""" return MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC