""" Integration with the Rachio Iro sprinkler system controller. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/switch.rachio/ """ from datetime import timedelta import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.switch import PLATFORM_SCHEMA, SwitchDevice from homeassistant.const import CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv import homeassistant.util as util REQUIREMENTS = ['rachiopy==0.1.2'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_MANUAL_RUN_MINS = 'manual_run_mins' DATA_RACHIO = 'rachio' DEFAULT_MANUAL_RUN_MINS = 10 MIN_UPDATE_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=30) MIN_FORCED_UPDATE_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=1) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({ vol.Required(CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_MANUAL_RUN_MINS, default=DEFAULT_MANUAL_RUN_MINS): cv.positive_int, }) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Rachio switches.""" from rachiopy import Rachio # Get options manual_run_mins = config.get(CONF_MANUAL_RUN_MINS) _LOGGER.debug("Rachio run time is %d min", manual_run_mins) access_token = config.get(CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN) # Configure API _LOGGER.debug("Configuring Rachio API") rachio = Rachio(access_token) person = None try: person = _get_person(rachio) except KeyError: _LOGGER.error( "Could not reach the Rachio API. Is your access token valid?") return # Get and persist devices devices = _list_devices(rachio, manual_run_mins) if not devices: _LOGGER.error( "No Rachio devices found in account %s", person['username']) return hass.data[DATA_RACHIO] = devices[0] if len(devices) > 1: _LOGGER.warning("Multiple Rachio devices found in account, " "using %s", hass.data[DATA_RACHIO].device_id) else: _LOGGER.debug("Found Rachio device") hass.data[DATA_RACHIO].update() add_devices(hass.data[DATA_RACHIO].list_zones()) def _get_person(rachio): """Pull the account info of the person whose access token was provided.""" person_id = rachio.person.getInfo()[1]['id'] return rachio.person.get(person_id)[1] def _list_devices(rachio, manual_run_mins): """Pull a list of devices on the account.""" return [RachioIro(rachio, d['id'], manual_run_mins) for d in _get_person(rachio)['devices']] class RachioIro(object): """Representation of a Rachio Iro.""" def __init__(self, rachio, device_id, manual_run_mins): """Initialize a Rachio device.""" self.rachio = rachio self._device_id = device_id self.manual_run_mins = manual_run_mins self._device = None self._running = None self._zones = None def __str__(self): """Display the device as a string.""" return "Rachio Iro {}".format(self.serial_number) @property def device_id(self): """Return the Rachio API device ID.""" return self._device['id'] @property def status(self): """Return the current status of the device.""" return self._device['status'] @property def serial_number(self): """Return the serial number of the device.""" return self._device['serialNumber'] @property def is_paused(self): """Return whether the device is temporarily disabled.""" return self._device['paused'] @property def is_on(self): """Return whether the device is powered on and connected.""" return self._device['on'] @property def current_schedule(self): """Return the schedule that the device is running right now.""" return self._running def list_zones(self, include_disabled=False): """Return alist of the zones connected to the device, incl. data.""" if not self._zones: self._zones = [RachioZone(self.rachio, self, zone['id'], self.manual_run_mins) for zone in self._device['zones']] if include_disabled: return self._zones self.update(no_throttle=True) return [z for z in self._zones if z.is_enabled] @util.Throttle(MIN_UPDATE_INTERVAL, MIN_FORCED_UPDATE_INTERVAL) def update(self, **kwargs): """Pull updated device info from the Rachio API.""" self._device = self.rachio.device.get(self._device_id)[1] self._running = self.rachio.device\ .getCurrentSchedule(self._device_id)[1] # Possibly update all zones for zone in self.list_zones(include_disabled=True): zone.update() _LOGGER.debug("Updated %s", str(self)) class RachioZone(SwitchDevice): """Representation of one zone of sprinklers connected to the Rachio Iro.""" def __init__(self, rachio, device, zone_id, manual_run_mins): """Initialize a new Rachio Zone.""" self.rachio = rachio self._device = device self._zone_id = zone_id self._zone = None self._manual_run_secs = manual_run_mins * 60 def __str__(self): """Display the zone as a string.""" return "Rachio Zone {}".format(self.name) @property def zone_id(self): """How the Rachio API refers to the zone.""" return self._zone['id'] @property def unique_id(self): """Return the unique string ID for the zone.""" return '{iro}-{zone}'.format( iro=self._device.device_id, zone=self.zone_id) @property def number(self): """Return the physical connection of the zone pump.""" return self._zone['zoneNumber'] @property def name(self): """Return the friendly name of the zone.""" return self._zone['name'] @property def is_enabled(self): """Return whether the zone is allowed to run.""" return self._zone['enabled'] @property def is_on(self): """Return whether the zone is currently running.""" schedule = self._device.current_schedule return self.zone_id == schedule.get('zoneId') def update(self): """Pull updated zone info from the Rachio API.""" self._zone = self.rachio.zone.get(self._zone_id)[1] # Possibly update device self._device.update() _LOGGER.debug("Updated %s", str(self)) def turn_on(self): """Start the zone.""" # Stop other zones first self.turn_off() _LOGGER.info("Watering %s for %d s", self.name, self._manual_run_secs) self.rachio.zone.start(self.zone_id, self._manual_run_secs) def turn_off(self): """Stop all zones.""" _LOGGER.info("Stopping watering of all zones") self.rachio.device.stopWater(self._device.device_id)