"""Integration with the Rachio Iro sprinkler system controller.""" import asyncio import logging import secrets from typing import Optional from aiohttp import web from rachiopy import Rachio import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.config_entries import SOURCE_IMPORT, ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import CONF_API_KEY, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, URL_API from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import ConfigEntryNotReady from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, device_registry from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from .const import ( CONF_CUSTOM_URL, CONF_MANUAL_RUN_MINS, DEFAULT_MANUAL_RUN_MINS, DEFAULT_NAME, DOMAIN, KEY_DEVICES, KEY_ENABLED, KEY_EXTERNAL_ID, KEY_ID, KEY_MAC_ADDRESS, KEY_MODEL, KEY_NAME, KEY_SERIAL_NUMBER, KEY_STATUS, KEY_TYPE, KEY_USERNAME, KEY_ZONES, RACHIO_API_EXCEPTIONS, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SUPPORTED_DOMAINS = ["switch", "binary_sensor"] CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { DOMAIN: vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_API_KEY): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_CUSTOM_URL): cv.string, vol.Optional( CONF_MANUAL_RUN_MINS, default=DEFAULT_MANUAL_RUN_MINS ): cv.positive_int, } ) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) STATUS_ONLINE = "ONLINE" STATUS_OFFLINE = "OFFLINE" # Device webhook values TYPE_CONTROLLER_STATUS = "DEVICE_STATUS" SUBTYPE_OFFLINE = "OFFLINE" SUBTYPE_ONLINE = "ONLINE" SUBTYPE_OFFLINE_NOTIFICATION = "OFFLINE_NOTIFICATION" SUBTYPE_COLD_REBOOT = "COLD_REBOOT" SUBTYPE_SLEEP_MODE_ON = "SLEEP_MODE_ON" SUBTYPE_SLEEP_MODE_OFF = "SLEEP_MODE_OFF" SUBTYPE_BROWNOUT_VALVE = "BROWNOUT_VALVE" SUBTYPE_RAIN_SENSOR_DETECTION_ON = "RAIN_SENSOR_DETECTION_ON" SUBTYPE_RAIN_SENSOR_DETECTION_OFF = "RAIN_SENSOR_DETECTION_OFF" SUBTYPE_RAIN_DELAY_ON = "RAIN_DELAY_ON" SUBTYPE_RAIN_DELAY_OFF = "RAIN_DELAY_OFF" # Schedule webhook values TYPE_SCHEDULE_STATUS = "SCHEDULE_STATUS" SUBTYPE_SCHEDULE_STARTED = "SCHEDULE_STARTED" SUBTYPE_SCHEDULE_STOPPED = "SCHEDULE_STOPPED" SUBTYPE_SCHEDULE_COMPLETED = "SCHEDULE_COMPLETED" SUBTYPE_WEATHER_NO_SKIP = "WEATHER_INTELLIGENCE_NO_SKIP" SUBTYPE_WEATHER_SKIP = "WEATHER_INTELLIGENCE_SKIP" SUBTYPE_WEATHER_CLIMATE_SKIP = "WEATHER_INTELLIGENCE_CLIMATE_SKIP" SUBTYPE_WEATHER_FREEZE = "WEATHER_INTELLIGENCE_FREEZE" # Zone webhook values TYPE_ZONE_STATUS = "ZONE_STATUS" SUBTYPE_ZONE_STARTED = "ZONE_STARTED" SUBTYPE_ZONE_STOPPED = "ZONE_STOPPED" SUBTYPE_ZONE_COMPLETED = "ZONE_COMPLETED" SUBTYPE_ZONE_CYCLING = "ZONE_CYCLING" SUBTYPE_ZONE_CYCLING_COMPLETED = "ZONE_CYCLING_COMPLETED" # Webhook callbacks LISTEN_EVENT_TYPES = ["DEVICE_STATUS_EVENT", "ZONE_STATUS_EVENT"] WEBHOOK_CONST_ID = "homeassistant.rachio:" WEBHOOK_PATH = URL_API + DOMAIN SIGNAL_RACHIO_UPDATE = DOMAIN + "_update" SIGNAL_RACHIO_CONTROLLER_UPDATE = SIGNAL_RACHIO_UPDATE + "_controller" SIGNAL_RACHIO_ZONE_UPDATE = SIGNAL_RACHIO_UPDATE + "_zone" SIGNAL_RACHIO_SCHEDULE_UPDATE = SIGNAL_RACHIO_UPDATE + "_schedule" async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: dict): """Set up the rachio component from YAML.""" conf = config.get(DOMAIN) hass.data.setdefault(DOMAIN, {}) if not conf: return True hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": SOURCE_IMPORT}, data=conf ) ) return True async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry): """Unload a config entry.""" unload_ok = all( await asyncio.gather( *[ hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_unload(entry, component) for component in SUPPORTED_DOMAINS ] ) ) if unload_ok: hass.data[DOMAIN].pop(entry.entry_id) return unload_ok async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry): """Set up the Rachio config entry.""" config = entry.data options = entry.options # CONF_MANUAL_RUN_MINS can only come from a yaml import if not options.get(CONF_MANUAL_RUN_MINS) and config.get(CONF_MANUAL_RUN_MINS): options_copy = options.copy() options_copy[CONF_MANUAL_RUN_MINS] = config[CONF_MANUAL_RUN_MINS] hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(options=options_copy) # Configure API api_key = config[CONF_API_KEY] rachio = Rachio(api_key) # Get the URL of this server custom_url = config.get(CONF_CUSTOM_URL) hass_url = hass.config.api.base_url if custom_url is None else custom_url rachio.webhook_auth = secrets.token_hex() webhook_url_path = f"{WEBHOOK_PATH}-{entry.entry_id}" rachio.webhook_url = f"{hass_url}{webhook_url_path}" person = RachioPerson(rachio, entry) # Get the API user try: await hass.async_add_executor_job(person.setup, hass) # Yes we really do get all these exceptions (hopefully rachiopy switches to requests) # and there is not a reasonable timeout here so it can block for a long time except RACHIO_API_EXCEPTIONS as error: _LOGGER.error("Could not reach the Rachio API: %s", error) raise ConfigEntryNotReady # Check for Rachio controller devices if not person.controllers: _LOGGER.error("No Rachio devices found in account %s", person.username) return False _LOGGER.info("%d Rachio device(s) found", len(person.controllers)) # Enable component hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] = person # Listen for incoming webhook connections after the data is there hass.http.register_view(RachioWebhookView(entry.entry_id, webhook_url_path)) for component in SUPPORTED_DOMAINS: hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(entry, component) ) return True class RachioPerson: """Represent a Rachio user.""" def __init__(self, rachio, config_entry): """Create an object from the provided API instance.""" # Use API token to get user ID self.rachio = rachio self.config_entry = config_entry self.username = None self._id = None self._controllers = [] def setup(self, hass): """Rachio device setup.""" response = self.rachio.person.getInfo() assert int(response[0][KEY_STATUS]) == 200, "API key error" self._id = response[1][KEY_ID] # Use user ID to get user data data = self.rachio.person.get(self._id) assert int(data[0][KEY_STATUS]) == 200, "User ID error" self.username = data[1][KEY_USERNAME] devices = data[1][KEY_DEVICES] for controller in devices: webhooks = self.rachio.notification.getDeviceWebhook(controller[KEY_ID])[1] # The API does not provide a way to tell if a controller is shared # or if they are the owner. To work around this problem we fetch the webooks # before we setup the device so we can skip it instead of failing. # webhooks are normally a list, however if there is an error # rachio hands us back a dict if isinstance(webhooks, dict): _LOGGER.error( "Failed to add rachio controller '%s' because of an error: %s", controller[KEY_NAME], webhooks.get("error", "Unknown Error"), ) continue rachio_iro = RachioIro(hass, self.rachio, controller, webhooks) rachio_iro.setup() self._controllers.append(rachio_iro) _LOGGER.info('Using Rachio API as user "%s"', self.username) @property def user_id(self) -> str: """Get the user ID as defined by the Rachio API.""" return self._id @property def controllers(self) -> list: """Get a list of controllers managed by this account.""" return self._controllers class RachioIro: """Represent a Rachio Iro.""" def __init__(self, hass, rachio, data, webhooks): """Initialize a Rachio device.""" self.hass = hass self.rachio = rachio self._id = data[KEY_ID] self.name = data[KEY_NAME] self.serial_number = data[KEY_SERIAL_NUMBER] self.mac_address = data[KEY_MAC_ADDRESS] self.model = data[KEY_MODEL] self._zones = data[KEY_ZONES] self._init_data = data self._webhooks = webhooks _LOGGER.debug('%s has ID "%s"', str(self), self.controller_id) def setup(self): """Rachio Iro setup for webhooks.""" # Listen for all updates self._init_webhooks() def _init_webhooks(self) -> None: """Start getting updates from the Rachio API.""" current_webhook_id = None # First delete any old webhooks that may have stuck around def _deinit_webhooks(event) -> None: """Stop getting updates from the Rachio API.""" if not self._webhooks: # We fetched webhooks when we created the device, however if we call _init_webhooks # again we need to fetch again self._webhooks = self.rachio.notification.getDeviceWebhook( self.controller_id )[1] for webhook in self._webhooks: if ( webhook[KEY_EXTERNAL_ID].startswith(WEBHOOK_CONST_ID) or webhook[KEY_ID] == current_webhook_id ): self.rachio.notification.deleteWebhook(webhook[KEY_ID]) self._webhooks = None _deinit_webhooks(None) # Choose which events to listen for and get their IDs event_types = [] for event_type in self.rachio.notification.getWebhookEventType()[1]: if event_type[KEY_NAME] in LISTEN_EVENT_TYPES: event_types.append({"id": event_type[KEY_ID]}) # Register to listen to these events from the device url = self.rachio.webhook_url auth = WEBHOOK_CONST_ID + self.rachio.webhook_auth new_webhook = self.rachio.notification.postWebhook( self.controller_id, auth, url, event_types ) # Save ID for deletion at shutdown current_webhook_id = new_webhook[1][KEY_ID] self.hass.bus.listen(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, _deinit_webhooks) def __str__(self) -> str: """Display the controller as a string.""" return f'Rachio controller "{self.name}"' @property def controller_id(self) -> str: """Return the Rachio API controller ID.""" return self._id @property def current_schedule(self) -> str: """Return the schedule that the device is running right now.""" return self.rachio.device.getCurrentSchedule(self.controller_id)[1] @property def init_data(self) -> dict: """Return the information used to set up the controller.""" return self._init_data def list_zones(self, include_disabled=False) -> list: """Return a list of the zone dicts connected to the device.""" # All zones if include_disabled: return self._zones # Only enabled zones return [z for z in self._zones if z[KEY_ENABLED]] def get_zone(self, zone_id) -> Optional[dict]: """Return the zone with the given ID.""" for zone in self.list_zones(include_disabled=True): if zone[KEY_ID] == zone_id: return zone return None def stop_watering(self) -> None: """Stop watering all zones connected to this controller.""" self.rachio.device.stopWater(self.controller_id) _LOGGER.info("Stopped watering of all zones on %s", str(self)) class RachioDeviceInfoProvider(Entity): """Mixin to provide device_info.""" def __init__(self, controller): """Initialize a Rachio device.""" super().__init__() self._controller = controller @property def device_info(self): """Return the device_info of the device.""" return { "identifiers": {(DOMAIN, self._controller.serial_number,)}, "connections": { (device_registry.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, self._controller.mac_address,) }, "name": self._controller.name, "model": self._controller.model, "manufacturer": DEFAULT_NAME, } class RachioWebhookView(HomeAssistantView): """Provide a page for the server to call.""" SIGNALS = { TYPE_CONTROLLER_STATUS: SIGNAL_RACHIO_CONTROLLER_UPDATE, TYPE_SCHEDULE_STATUS: SIGNAL_RACHIO_SCHEDULE_UPDATE, TYPE_ZONE_STATUS: SIGNAL_RACHIO_ZONE_UPDATE, } requires_auth = False # Handled separately def __init__(self, entry_id, webhook_url): """Initialize the instance of the view.""" self._entry_id = entry_id self.url = webhook_url self.name = webhook_url[1:].replace("/", ":") _LOGGER.debug( "Initialize webhook at url: %s, with name %s", self.url, self.name ) async def post(self, request) -> web.Response: """Handle webhook calls from the server.""" hass = request.app["hass"] data = await request.json() try: auth = data.get(KEY_EXTERNAL_ID, str()).split(":")[1] assert auth == hass.data[DOMAIN][self._entry_id].rachio.webhook_auth except (AssertionError, IndexError): return web.Response(status=web.HTTPForbidden.status_code) update_type = data[KEY_TYPE] if update_type in self.SIGNALS: async_dispatcher_send(hass, self.SIGNALS[update_type], data) return web.Response(status=web.HTTPNoContent.status_code)