"""Common libraries for test setup.""" from __future__ import annotations from asyncio import AbstractEventLoop from collections.abc import Generator import copy import shutil import time from typing import Any from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, patch import uuid import aiohttp from google_nest_sdm import diagnostics from google_nest_sdm.auth import AbstractAuth from google_nest_sdm.device_manager import DeviceManager import pytest from homeassistant.components.application_credentials import ( async_import_client_credential, ) from homeassistant.components.nest import DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.nest.const import CONF_SUBSCRIBER_ID, SDM_SCOPES from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from .common import ( DEVICE_ID, PROJECT_ID, SUBSCRIBER_ID, TEST_CONFIG_APP_CREDS, CreateDevice, FakeSubscriber, NestTestConfig, PlatformSetup, YieldFixture, ) from tests.common import MockConfigEntry from tests.typing import ClientSessionGenerator FAKE_TOKEN = "some-token" FAKE_REFRESH_TOKEN = "some-refresh-token" class FakeAuth(AbstractAuth): """A fake implementation of the auth class that records requests. This class captures the outgoing requests, and can also be used by tests to set up fake responses. This class is registered as a response handler for a fake aiohttp_server and can simulate successes or failures from the API. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize FakeAuth.""" super().__init__(None, None) # Tests can set fake responses here. self.responses = [] # The last request is recorded here. self.method = None self.url = None self.json = None self.headers = None self.captured_requests = [] # Set up by fixture self.client = None async def async_get_access_token(self) -> str: """Return a valid access token.""" return "" async def request(self, method, url, **kwargs): """Capure the request arguments for tests to assert on.""" self.method = method self.url = url self.json = kwargs.get("json") self.headers = kwargs.get("headers") self.captured_requests.append((method, url, self.json, self.headers)) return await self.client.get("/") async def response_handler(self, request): """Handle fake responess for aiohttp_server.""" if len(self.responses) > 0: return self.responses.pop(0) return aiohttp.web.json_response() @pytest.fixture def aiohttp_client( event_loop: AbstractEventLoop, aiohttp_client: ClientSessionGenerator, socket_enabled: None, ) -> ClientSessionGenerator: """Return aiohttp_client and allow opening sockets.""" return aiohttp_client @pytest.fixture async def auth(aiohttp_client: ClientSessionGenerator) -> FakeAuth: """Fixture for an AbstractAuth.""" auth = FakeAuth() app = aiohttp.web.Application() app.router.add_get("/", auth.response_handler) app.router.add_post("/", auth.response_handler) auth.client = await aiohttp_client(app) return auth @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def cleanup_media_storage(hass: HomeAssistant) -> Generator[None]: """Test cleanup, remove any media storage persisted during the test.""" tmp_path = str(uuid.uuid4()) with patch("homeassistant.components.nest.media_source.MEDIA_PATH", new=tmp_path): yield shutil.rmtree(hass.config.path(tmp_path), ignore_errors=True) @pytest.fixture def subscriber() -> YieldFixture[FakeSubscriber]: """Set up the FakeSusbcriber.""" subscriber = FakeSubscriber() with patch( "homeassistant.components.nest.api.GoogleNestSubscriber", return_value=subscriber, ): yield subscriber @pytest.fixture def mock_subscriber() -> YieldFixture[AsyncMock]: """Fixture for injecting errors into the subscriber.""" mock_subscriber = AsyncMock(FakeSubscriber) with patch( "homeassistant.components.nest.api.GoogleNestSubscriber", return_value=mock_subscriber, ): yield mock_subscriber @pytest.fixture async def device_manager(subscriber: FakeSubscriber) -> DeviceManager: """Set up the DeviceManager.""" return await subscriber.async_get_device_manager() @pytest.fixture async def device_id() -> str: """Fixture to set default device id used when creating devices.""" return DEVICE_ID @pytest.fixture async def device_type() -> str: """Fixture to set default device type used when creating devices.""" return "sdm.devices.types.THERMOSTAT" @pytest.fixture async def device_traits() -> dict[str, Any]: """Fixture to set default device traits used when creating devices.""" return {} @pytest.fixture async def create_device( device_manager: DeviceManager, auth: FakeAuth, device_id: str, device_type: str, device_traits: dict[str, Any], ) -> CreateDevice: """Fixture for creating devices.""" factory = CreateDevice(device_manager, auth) factory.data.update( { "name": device_id, "type": device_type, "traits": device_traits, } ) return factory @pytest.fixture def platforms() -> list[str]: """Fixture to specify platforms to test.""" return [] @pytest.fixture def subscriber_id() -> str: """Fixture to let tests override subscriber id regardless of configuration type used.""" return SUBSCRIBER_ID @pytest.fixture def nest_test_config() -> NestTestConfig: """Fixture that sets up the configuration used for the test.""" return TEST_CONFIG_APP_CREDS @pytest.fixture def config( subscriber_id: str | None, nest_test_config: NestTestConfig ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Fixture that sets up the configuration.yaml for the test.""" config = copy.deepcopy(nest_test_config.config) if CONF_SUBSCRIBER_ID in config.get(DOMAIN, {}): if subscriber_id: config[DOMAIN][CONF_SUBSCRIBER_ID] = subscriber_id else: del config[DOMAIN][CONF_SUBSCRIBER_ID] return config @pytest.fixture def config_entry_unique_id() -> str: """Fixture to set ConfigEntry unique id.""" return PROJECT_ID @pytest.fixture def token_expiration_time() -> float: """Fixture for expiration time of the config entry auth token.""" return time.time() + 86400 @pytest.fixture def token_entry(token_expiration_time: float) -> dict[str, Any]: """Fixture for OAuth 'token' data for a ConfigEntry.""" return { "access_token": FAKE_TOKEN, "refresh_token": FAKE_REFRESH_TOKEN, "scope": " ".join(SDM_SCOPES), "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_at": token_expiration_time, } @pytest.fixture def config_entry( subscriber_id: str | None, nest_test_config: NestTestConfig, config_entry_unique_id: str, token_entry: dict[str, Any], ) -> MockConfigEntry | None: """Fixture that sets up the ConfigEntry for the test.""" if nest_test_config.config_entry_data is None: return None data = copy.deepcopy(nest_test_config.config_entry_data) if CONF_SUBSCRIBER_ID in data: if subscriber_id: data[CONF_SUBSCRIBER_ID] = subscriber_id else: del data[CONF_SUBSCRIBER_ID] data["token"] = token_entry return MockConfigEntry(domain=DOMAIN, data=data, unique_id=config_entry_unique_id) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) async def credential(hass: HomeAssistant, nest_test_config: NestTestConfig) -> None: """Fixture that provides the ClientCredential for the test if any.""" if not nest_test_config.credential: return assert await async_setup_component(hass, "application_credentials", {}) await async_import_client_credential( hass, DOMAIN, nest_test_config.credential, "imported-cred" ) @pytest.fixture async def setup_base_platform( hass: HomeAssistant, platforms: list[str], config: dict[str, Any], config_entry: MockConfigEntry | None, ) -> YieldFixture[PlatformSetup]: """Fixture to setup the integration platform.""" if config_entry: config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) with patch("homeassistant.components.nest.PLATFORMS", platforms): async def _setup_func() -> bool: assert await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, config) await hass.async_block_till_done() yield _setup_func @pytest.fixture async def setup_platform( setup_base_platform: PlatformSetup, subscriber: FakeSubscriber ) -> PlatformSetup: """Fixture to setup the integration platform and subscriber.""" return setup_base_platform @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def reset_diagnostics() -> Generator[None]: """Fixture to reset client library diagnostic counters.""" yield diagnostics.reset()