"""Tests for the telegram_bot integration.""" from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from telegram import User from homeassistant.components.telegram_bot import ( CONF_ALLOWED_CHAT_IDS, CONF_TRUSTED_NETWORKS, DOMAIN, ) from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_API_KEY, CONF_PLATFORM, CONF_URL, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, ) from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component @pytest.fixture def config_webhooks(): """Fixture for a webhooks platform configuration.""" return { DOMAIN: [ { CONF_PLATFORM: "webhooks", CONF_URL: "https://test", CONF_TRUSTED_NETWORKS: [""], CONF_API_KEY: "1234567890:ABC", CONF_ALLOWED_CHAT_IDS: [ # "me" 12345678, # Some chat -123456789, ], } ] } @pytest.fixture def config_polling(): """Fixture for a polling platform configuration.""" return { DOMAIN: [ { CONF_PLATFORM: "polling", CONF_API_KEY: "1234567890:ABC", CONF_ALLOWED_CHAT_IDS: [ # "me" 12345678, # Some chat -123456789, ], } ] } @pytest.fixture def mock_register_webhook(): """Mock calls made by telegram_bot when (de)registering webhook.""" with ( patch( "homeassistant.components.telegram_bot.webhooks.PushBot.register_webhook", return_value=True, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.telegram_bot.webhooks.PushBot.deregister_webhook", return_value=True, ), ): yield @pytest.fixture def mock_external_calls(): """Mock calls that make calls to the live Telegram API.""" test_user = User(123456, "Testbot", True) with ( patch( "telegram.Bot.get_me", return_value=test_user, ), patch( "telegram.Bot._bot_user", test_user, ), patch( "telegram.Bot.bot", test_user, ), patch("telegram.ext.Updater._bootstrap"), ): yield @pytest.fixture def mock_generate_secret_token(): """Mock secret token generated for webhook.""" mock_secret_token = "DEADBEEF12345678DEADBEEF87654321" with patch( "homeassistant.components.telegram_bot.webhooks.secrets.choice", side_effect=mock_secret_token, ): yield mock_secret_token @pytest.fixture def incorrect_secret_token(): """Mock incorrect secret token.""" return "AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFF00009999" @pytest.fixture def update_message_command(): """Fixture for mocking an incoming update of type message/command.""" return { "update_id": 1, "message": { "message_id": 1, "from": { "id": 12345678, "is_bot": False, "first_name": "Firstname", "username": "some_username", "language_code": "en", }, "chat": { "id": -123456789, "title": "SomeChat", "type": "group", "all_members_are_administrators": True, }, "date": 1644518189, "text": "/command", "entities": [ { "type": "bot_command", "offset": 0, "length": 7, } ], }, } @pytest.fixture def update_message_text(): """Fixture for mocking an incoming update of type message/text.""" return { "update_id": 1, "message": { "message_id": 1, "date": 1441645532, "from": { "id": 12345678, "is_bot": False, "last_name": "Test Lastname", "first_name": "Test Firstname", "username": "Testusername", }, "chat": { "last_name": "Test Lastname", "id": 1111111, "type": "private", "first_name": "Test Firstname", "username": "Testusername", }, "text": "HELLO", }, } @pytest.fixture def unauthorized_update_message_text(update_message_text): """Fixture for mocking an incoming update of type message/text that is not in our `allowed_chat_ids`.""" update_message_text["message"]["from"]["id"] = 1234 update_message_text["message"]["chat"]["id"] = 1234 return update_message_text @pytest.fixture def update_callback_query(): """Fixture for mocking an incoming update of type callback_query.""" return { "update_id": 1, "callback_query": { "id": "4382bfdwdsb323b2d9", "from": { "id": 12345678, "type": "private", "is_bot": False, "last_name": "Test Lastname", "first_name": "Test Firstname", "username": "Testusername", }, "chat_instance": "aaa111", "data": "Data from button callback", "inline_message_id": "1234csdbsk4839", }, } @pytest.fixture async def webhook_platform( hass, config_webhooks, mock_register_webhook, mock_external_calls, mock_generate_secret_token, ): """Fixture for setting up the webhooks platform using appropriate config and mocks.""" await async_setup_component( hass, DOMAIN, config_webhooks, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() yield await hass.async_stop() @pytest.fixture async def polling_platform(hass, config_polling, mock_external_calls): """Fixture for setting up the polling platform using appropriate config and mocks.""" await async_setup_component( hass, DOMAIN, config_polling, ) # Fire this event to start polling hass.bus.fire(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START) await hass.async_block_till_done()