"""Support for NWS weather service.""" from homeassistant.components.weather import ( ATTR_CONDITION_CLEAR_NIGHT, ATTR_CONDITION_SUNNY, ATTR_FORECAST_CONDITION, ATTR_FORECAST_PRECIPITATION_PROBABILITY, ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP, ATTR_FORECAST_TIME, ATTR_FORECAST_WIND_BEARING, ATTR_FORECAST_WIND_SPEED, WeatherEntity, ) from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_LATITUDE, CONF_LONGITUDE, LENGTH_KILOMETERS, LENGTH_METERS, LENGTH_MILES, PRESSURE_HPA, PRESSURE_INHG, PRESSURE_PA, SPEED_KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR, SPEED_MILES_PER_HOUR, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers.entity import DeviceInfo from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from homeassistant.util.distance import convert as convert_distance from homeassistant.util.dt import utcnow from homeassistant.util.pressure import convert as convert_pressure from homeassistant.util.speed import convert as convert_speed from homeassistant.util.temperature import convert as convert_temperature from . import base_unique_id, device_info from .const import ( ATTR_FORECAST_DAYTIME, ATTR_FORECAST_DETAILED_DESCRIPTION, ATTRIBUTION, CONDITION_CLASSES, COORDINATOR_FORECAST, COORDINATOR_FORECAST_HOURLY, COORDINATOR_OBSERVATION, DAYNIGHT, DOMAIN, FORECAST_VALID_TIME, HOURLY, NWS_DATA, OBSERVATION_VALID_TIME, ) PARALLEL_UPDATES = 0 def convert_condition(time, weather): """ Convert NWS codes to HA condition. Choose first condition in CONDITION_CLASSES that exists in weather code. If no match is found, return first condition from NWS """ conditions = [w[0] for w in weather] prec_probs = [w[1] or 0 for w in weather] # Choose condition with highest priority. cond = next( ( key for key, value in CONDITION_CLASSES.items() if any(condition in value for condition in conditions) ), conditions[0], ) if cond == "clear": if time == "day": return ATTR_CONDITION_SUNNY, max(prec_probs) if time == "night": return ATTR_CONDITION_CLEAR_NIGHT, max(prec_probs) return cond, max(prec_probs) async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigType, async_add_entities ) -> None: """Set up the NWS weather platform.""" hass_data = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] async_add_entities( [ NWSWeather(entry.data, hass_data, DAYNIGHT, hass.config.units), NWSWeather(entry.data, hass_data, HOURLY, hass.config.units), ], False, ) class NWSWeather(WeatherEntity): """Representation of a weather condition.""" def __init__(self, entry_data, hass_data, mode, units): """Initialise the platform with a data instance and station name.""" self.nws = hass_data[NWS_DATA] self.latitude = entry_data[CONF_LATITUDE] self.longitude = entry_data[CONF_LONGITUDE] self.coordinator_observation = hass_data[COORDINATOR_OBSERVATION] if mode == DAYNIGHT: self.coordinator_forecast = hass_data[COORDINATOR_FORECAST] else: self.coordinator_forecast = hass_data[COORDINATOR_FORECAST_HOURLY] self.station = self.nws.station self.is_metric = units.is_metric self.mode = mode self.observation = None self._forecast = None async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Set up a listener and load data.""" self.async_on_remove( self.coordinator_observation.async_add_listener(self._update_callback) ) self.async_on_remove( self.coordinator_forecast.async_add_listener(self._update_callback) ) self._update_callback() @callback def _update_callback(self) -> None: """Load data from integration.""" self.observation = self.nws.observation if self.mode == DAYNIGHT: self._forecast = self.nws.forecast else: self._forecast = self.nws.forecast_hourly self.async_write_ha_state() @property def should_poll(self) -> bool: """Entities do not individually poll.""" return False @property def attribution(self): """Return the attribution.""" return ATTRIBUTION @property def name(self): """Return the name of the station.""" return f"{self.station} {self.mode.title()}" @property def temperature(self): """Return the current temperature.""" temp_c = None if self.observation: temp_c = self.observation.get("temperature") if temp_c is not None: return convert_temperature(temp_c, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT) return None @property def pressure(self): """Return the current pressure.""" pressure_pa = None if self.observation: pressure_pa = self.observation.get("seaLevelPressure") if pressure_pa is None: return None if self.is_metric: pressure = convert_pressure(pressure_pa, PRESSURE_PA, PRESSURE_HPA) pressure = round(pressure) else: pressure = convert_pressure(pressure_pa, PRESSURE_PA, PRESSURE_INHG) pressure = round(pressure, 2) return pressure @property def humidity(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" humidity = None if self.observation: humidity = self.observation.get("relativeHumidity") return humidity @property def wind_speed(self): """Return the current windspeed.""" wind_km_hr = None if self.observation: wind_km_hr = self.observation.get("windSpeed") if wind_km_hr is None: return None if self.is_metric: wind = wind_km_hr else: wind = convert_speed( wind_km_hr, SPEED_KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR, SPEED_MILES_PER_HOUR ) return round(wind) @property def wind_bearing(self): """Return the current wind bearing (degrees).""" wind_bearing = None if self.observation: wind_bearing = self.observation.get("windDirection") return wind_bearing @property def temperature_unit(self): """Return the unit of measurement.""" return TEMP_FAHRENHEIT @property def condition(self): """Return current condition.""" weather = None if self.observation: weather = self.observation.get("iconWeather") time = self.observation.get("iconTime") if weather: cond, _ = convert_condition(time, weather) return cond return None @property def visibility(self): """Return visibility.""" vis_m = None if self.observation: vis_m = self.observation.get("visibility") if vis_m is None: return None if self.is_metric: vis = convert_distance(vis_m, LENGTH_METERS, LENGTH_KILOMETERS) else: vis = convert_distance(vis_m, LENGTH_METERS, LENGTH_MILES) return round(vis, 0) @property def forecast(self): """Return forecast.""" if self._forecast is None: return None forecast = [] for forecast_entry in self._forecast: data = { ATTR_FORECAST_DETAILED_DESCRIPTION: forecast_entry.get( "detailedForecast" ), ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP: forecast_entry.get("temperature"), ATTR_FORECAST_TIME: forecast_entry.get("startTime"), } if self.mode == DAYNIGHT: data[ATTR_FORECAST_DAYTIME] = forecast_entry.get("isDaytime") time = forecast_entry.get("iconTime") weather = forecast_entry.get("iconWeather") if time and weather: cond, precip = convert_condition(time, weather) else: cond, precip = None, None data[ATTR_FORECAST_CONDITION] = cond data[ATTR_FORECAST_PRECIPITATION_PROBABILITY] = precip data[ATTR_FORECAST_WIND_BEARING] = forecast_entry.get("windBearing") wind_speed = forecast_entry.get("windSpeedAvg") if wind_speed is not None: if self.is_metric: data[ATTR_FORECAST_WIND_SPEED] = round( convert_speed( wind_speed, SPEED_MILES_PER_HOUR, SPEED_KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR ) ) else: data[ATTR_FORECAST_WIND_SPEED] = round(wind_speed) else: data[ATTR_FORECAST_WIND_SPEED] = None forecast.append(data) return forecast @property def unique_id(self): """Return a unique_id for this entity.""" return f"{base_unique_id(self.latitude, self.longitude)}_{self.mode}" @property def available(self): """Return if state is available.""" last_success = ( self.coordinator_observation.last_update_success and self.coordinator_forecast.last_update_success ) if ( self.coordinator_observation.last_update_success_time and self.coordinator_forecast.last_update_success_time ): last_success_time = ( utcnow() - self.coordinator_observation.last_update_success_time < OBSERVATION_VALID_TIME and utcnow() - self.coordinator_forecast.last_update_success_time < FORECAST_VALID_TIME ) else: last_success_time = False return last_success or last_success_time async def async_update(self): """Update the entity. Only used by the generic entity update service. """ await self.coordinator_observation.async_request_refresh() await self.coordinator_forecast.async_request_refresh() @property def entity_registry_enabled_default(self) -> bool: """Return if the entity should be enabled when first added to the entity registry.""" return self.mode == DAYNIGHT @property def device_info(self) -> DeviceInfo: """Return device info.""" return device_info(self.latitude, self.longitude)