{ "config": { "step": { "confirm": { "description": "Do you want to set up Tasmota?" }, "config": { "data": { "discovery_prefix": "Discovery topic prefix" } } }, "abort": { "single_instance_allowed": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::single_instance_allowed%]" }, "error": { "invalid_discovery_topic": "Invalid discovery topic prefix." } }, "issues": { "topic_duplicated": { "title": "Several Tasmota devices are sharing the same topic", "description": "Several Tasmota devices are sharing the topic {topic}.\n\n Tasmota devices with this problem: {offenders}." }, "topic_no_prefix": { "title": "Tasmota device {name} has an invalid MQTT topic", "description": "Tasmota device {name} with IP {ip} does not include `%prefix%` in its fulltopic.\n\nEntities for this devices are disabled until the configuration has been corrected." } } }