""" Tellstick Component. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/tellstick/ """ import logging import threading import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.helpers import discovery from homeassistant.const import EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity DOMAIN = 'tellstick' REQUIREMENTS = ['tellcore-py==1.1.2'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_SIGNAL_REPETITIONS = 'signal_repetitions' DEFAULT_SIGNAL_REPETITIONS = 1 ATTR_DISCOVER_DEVICES = 'devices' ATTR_DISCOVER_CONFIG = 'config' # Use a global tellstick domain lock to avoid getting Tellcore errors when # calling concurrently. TELLSTICK_LOCK = threading.Lock() # A TellstickRegistry that keeps a map from tellcore_id to the corresponding # tellcore_device and HA device (entity). TELLCORE_REGISTRY = None CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ DOMAIN: vol.Schema({ vol.Optional(ATTR_SIGNAL_REPETITIONS, default=DEFAULT_SIGNAL_REPETITIONS): vol.Coerce(int), }), }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) def _discover(hass, config, component_name, found_tellcore_devices): """Setup and send the discovery event.""" if not len(found_tellcore_devices): return _LOGGER.info("Discovered %d new %s devices", len(found_tellcore_devices), component_name) signal_repetitions = config[DOMAIN].get(ATTR_SIGNAL_REPETITIONS) discovery.load_platform(hass, component_name, DOMAIN, { ATTR_DISCOVER_DEVICES: found_tellcore_devices, ATTR_DISCOVER_CONFIG: signal_repetitions}, config) def setup(hass, config): """Setup the Tellstick component.""" from tellcore.constants import TELLSTICK_DIM from tellcore.library import DirectCallbackDispatcher from tellcore.telldus import TelldusCore try: tellcore_lib = TelldusCore( callback_dispatcher=DirectCallbackDispatcher()) except OSError: _LOGGER.exception('Could not initialize Tellstick') return False # Get all devices, switches and lights alike all_tellcore_devices = tellcore_lib.devices() # Register devices tellcore_registry = TellstickRegistry(hass, tellcore_lib) tellcore_registry.register_tellcore_devices(all_tellcore_devices) hass.data['tellcore_registry'] = tellcore_registry # Discover the switches _discover(hass, config, 'switch', [tellcore_device.id for tellcore_device in all_tellcore_devices if not tellcore_device.methods(TELLSTICK_DIM)]) # Discover the lights _discover(hass, config, 'light', [tellcore_device.id for tellcore_device in all_tellcore_devices if tellcore_device.methods(TELLSTICK_DIM)]) return True class TellstickRegistry(object): """Handle everything around Tellstick callbacks. Keeps a map device ids to the tellcore device object, and another to the HA device objects (entities). Also responsible for registering / cleanup of callbacks, and for dispatching the callbacks to the corresponding HA device object. All device specific logic should be elsewhere (Entities). """ def __init__(self, hass, tellcore_lib): """Initialize the Tellstick mappings and callbacks.""" # used when map callback device id to ha entities. self._id_to_ha_device_map = {} self._id_to_tellcore_device_map = {} self._setup_tellcore_callback(hass, tellcore_lib) def _tellcore_event_callback(self, tellcore_id, tellcore_command, tellcore_data, cid): """Handle the actual callback from Tellcore.""" ha_device = self._id_to_ha_device_map.get(tellcore_id, None) if ha_device is not None: # Pass it on to the HA device object ha_device.update_from_tellcore(tellcore_command, tellcore_data) ha_device.schedule_update_ha_state() def _setup_tellcore_callback(self, hass, tellcore_lib): """Register the callback handler.""" callback_id = tellcore_lib.register_device_event( self._tellcore_event_callback) def clean_up_callback(event): """Unregister the callback bindings.""" if callback_id is not None: tellcore_lib.unregister_callback(callback_id) _LOGGER.debug("Tellstick callback unregistered") hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, clean_up_callback) def register_ha_device(self, tellcore_id, ha_device): """Register a new HA device to receive callback updates.""" self._id_to_ha_device_map[tellcore_id] = ha_device def register_tellcore_devices(self, tellcore_devices): """Register a list of devices.""" self._id_to_tellcore_device_map.update( {tellcore_device.id: tellcore_device for tellcore_device in tellcore_devices}) def get_tellcore_device(self, tellcore_id): """Return a device by tellcore_id.""" return self._id_to_tellcore_device_map.get(tellcore_id, None) class TellstickDevice(Entity): """Representation of a Tellstick device. Contains the common logic for all Tellstick devices. """ def __init__(self, tellcore_id, tellcore_registry, signal_repetitions): """Initalize the Tellstick device.""" self._signal_repetitions = signal_repetitions self._state = None # Look up our corresponding tellcore device self._tellcore_device = tellcore_registry.get_tellcore_device( tellcore_id) # Query tellcore for the current state self.update() # Add ourselves to the mapping tellcore_registry.register_ha_device(tellcore_id, self) @property def should_poll(self): """Tell Home Assistant not to poll this device.""" return False @property def assumed_state(self): """Tellstick devices are always assumed state.""" return True @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device as reported by tellcore.""" return self._tellcore_device.name @property def is_on(self): """Return true if the device is on.""" return self._state def _parse_ha_data(self, kwargs): """Turn the value from HA into something useful.""" raise NotImplementedError def _parse_tellcore_data(self, tellcore_data): """Turn the value recieved from tellcore into something useful.""" raise NotImplementedError def _update_model(self, new_state, data): """Update the device entity state to match the arguments.""" raise NotImplementedError def _send_tellstick_command(self): """Let tellcore update the device to match the current state.""" raise NotImplementedError def _do_action(self, new_state, data): """The logic for actually turning on or off the device.""" from tellcore.library import TelldusError with TELLSTICK_LOCK: # Update self with requested new state self._update_model(new_state, data) # ... and then send this new state to the Tellstick try: for _ in range(self._signal_repetitions): self._send_tellstick_command() except TelldusError: _LOGGER.error(TelldusError) self.update_ha_state() def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the switch on.""" self._do_action(True, self._parse_ha_data(kwargs)) def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn the switch off.""" self._do_action(False, None) def update_from_tellcore(self, tellcore_command, tellcore_data): """Handle updates from the tellcore callback.""" from tellcore.constants import (TELLSTICK_TURNON, TELLSTICK_TURNOFF, TELLSTICK_DIM) if tellcore_command not in [TELLSTICK_TURNON, TELLSTICK_TURNOFF, TELLSTICK_DIM]: _LOGGER.debug("Unhandled tellstick command: %d", tellcore_command) return self._update_model(tellcore_command != TELLSTICK_TURNOFF, self._parse_tellcore_data(tellcore_data)) def update(self): """Poll the current state of the device.""" from tellcore.library import TelldusError from tellcore.constants import (TELLSTICK_TURNON, TELLSTICK_TURNOFF, TELLSTICK_DIM) try: last_tellcore_command = self._tellcore_device.last_sent_command( TELLSTICK_TURNON | TELLSTICK_TURNOFF | TELLSTICK_DIM ) last_tellcore_data = self._tellcore_device.last_sent_value() self.update_from_tellcore(last_tellcore_command, last_tellcore_data) except TelldusError: _LOGGER.error(TelldusError)