"""The tests for the Number component.""" from unittest.mock import MagicMock import pytest from homeassistant.components.number import ( ATTR_MAX, ATTR_MIN, ATTR_STEP, ATTR_VALUE, DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, NumberDeviceClass, NumberEntity, NumberEntityDescription, ) from homeassistant.components.sensor import SensorDeviceClass from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, CONF_PLATFORM, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, State from homeassistant.helpers import entity_registry as er from homeassistant.helpers.restore_state import STORAGE_KEY as RESTORE_STATE_KEY from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from homeassistant.util.unit_system import METRIC_SYSTEM, US_CUSTOMARY_SYSTEM from tests.common import mock_restore_cache_with_extra_data class MockDefaultNumberEntity(NumberEntity): """Mock NumberEntity device to use in tests. This class falls back on defaults for min_value, max_value, step. """ @property def native_value(self): """Return the current value.""" return 0.5 class MockNumberEntity(NumberEntity): """Mock NumberEntity device to use in tests. This class customizes min_value, max_value as overridden methods. Step is calculated based on the smaller max_value and min_value. """ @property def native_max_value(self) -> float: """Return the max value.""" return 0.5 @property def native_min_value(self) -> float: """Return the min value.""" return -0.5 @property def native_unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the current value.""" return "native_cats" @property def native_value(self): """Return the current value.""" return 0.5 class MockNumberEntityAttr(NumberEntity): """Mock NumberEntity device to use in tests. This class customizes min_value, max_value by setting _attr members. Step is calculated based on the smaller max_value and min_value. """ _attr_native_max_value = 1000.0 _attr_native_min_value = -1000.0 _attr_native_step = 100.0 _attr_native_unit_of_measurement = "native_dogs" _attr_native_value = 500.0 class MockNumberEntityDescr(NumberEntity): """Mock NumberEntity device to use in tests. This class customizes min_value, max_value by entity description. Step is calculated based on the smaller max_value and min_value. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize the clas instance.""" self.entity_description = NumberEntityDescription( "test", native_max_value=10.0, native_min_value=-10.0, native_step=2.0, native_unit_of_measurement="native_rabbits", ) @property def native_value(self): """Return the current value.""" return None class MockDefaultNumberEntityDeprecated(NumberEntity): """Mock NumberEntity device to use in tests. This class falls back on defaults for min_value, max_value, step. """ @property def native_value(self): """Return the current value.""" return 0.5 class MockNumberEntityDeprecated(NumberEntity): """Mock NumberEntity device to use in tests. This class customizes min_value, max_value as overridden methods. Step is calculated based on the smaller max_value and min_value. """ @property def max_value(self) -> float: """Return the max value.""" return 0.5 @property def min_value(self) -> float: """Return the min value.""" return -0.5 @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the current value.""" return "cats" @property def value(self): """Return the current value.""" return 0.5 class MockNumberEntityAttrDeprecated(NumberEntity): """Mock NumberEntity device to use in tests. This class customizes min_value, max_value by setting _attr members. Step is calculated based on the smaller max_value and min_value. """ _attr_max_value = 1000.0 _attr_min_value = -1000.0 _attr_step = 100.0 _attr_unit_of_measurement = "dogs" _attr_value = 500.0 class MockNumberEntityDescrDeprecated(NumberEntity): """Mock NumberEntity device to use in tests. This class customizes min_value, max_value by entity description. Step is calculated based on the smaller max_value and min_value. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize the clas instance.""" self.entity_description = NumberEntityDescription( "test", max_value=10.0, min_value=-10.0, step=2.0, unit_of_measurement="rabbits", ) @property def value(self): """Return the current value.""" return 0.5 async def test_step(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test the step calculation.""" number = MockDefaultNumberEntity() number.hass = hass assert number.step == 1.0 number_2 = MockNumberEntity() number_2.hass = hass assert number_2.step == 0.1 async def test_attributes(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test the attributes.""" number = MockDefaultNumberEntity() number.hass = hass assert number.max_value == 100.0 assert number.min_value == 0.0 assert number.step == 1.0 assert number.unit_of_measurement is None assert number.value == 0.5 number_2 = MockNumberEntity() number_2.hass = hass assert number_2.max_value == 0.5 assert number_2.min_value == -0.5 assert number_2.step == 0.1 assert number_2.unit_of_measurement == "native_cats" assert number_2.value == 0.5 number_3 = MockNumberEntityAttr() number_3.hass = hass assert number_3.max_value == 1000.0 assert number_3.min_value == -1000.0 assert number_3.step == 100.0 assert number_3.unit_of_measurement == "native_dogs" assert number_3.value == 500.0 number_4 = MockNumberEntityDescr() number_4.hass = hass assert number_4.max_value == 10.0 assert number_4.min_value == -10.0 assert number_4.step == 2.0 assert number_4.unit_of_measurement == "native_rabbits" assert number_4.value is None async def test_deprecation_warnings(hass: HomeAssistant, caplog) -> None: """Test overriding the deprecated attributes is possible and warnings are logged.""" number = MockDefaultNumberEntityDeprecated() number.hass = hass assert number.max_value == 100.0 assert number.min_value == 0.0 assert number.step == 1.0 assert number.unit_of_measurement is None assert number.value == 0.5 number_2 = MockNumberEntityDeprecated() number_2.hass = hass assert number_2.max_value == 0.5 assert number_2.min_value == -0.5 assert number_2.step == 0.1 assert number_2.unit_of_measurement == "cats" assert number_2.value == 0.5 number_3 = MockNumberEntityAttrDeprecated() number_3.hass = hass assert number_3.max_value == 1000.0 assert number_3.min_value == -1000.0 assert number_3.step == 100.0 assert number_3.unit_of_measurement == "dogs" assert number_3.value == 500.0 number_4 = MockNumberEntityDescrDeprecated() number_4.hass = hass assert number_4.max_value == 10.0 assert number_4.min_value == -10.0 assert number_4.step == 2.0 assert number_4.unit_of_measurement == "rabbits" assert number_4.value == 0.5 assert ( "tests.components.number.test_init::MockNumberEntityDeprecated is overriding " " deprecated methods on an instance of NumberEntity" ) assert ( "Entity None () " "is using deprecated NumberEntity features" in caplog.text ) assert ( "Entity None () " "is using deprecated NumberEntity features" in caplog.text ) assert ( "tests.components.number.test_init is setting deprecated attributes on an " "instance of NumberEntityDescription" in caplog.text ) async def test_sync_set_value(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test if async set_value calls sync set_value.""" number = MockDefaultNumberEntity() number.hass = hass number.set_value = MagicMock() await number.async_set_value(42) assert number.set_value.called assert number.set_value.call_args[0][0] == 42 async def test_set_value(hass: HomeAssistant, enable_custom_integrations: None) -> None: """Test we can only set valid values.""" platform = getattr(hass.components, f"test.{DOMAIN}") platform.init() assert await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, {DOMAIN: {CONF_PLATFORM: "test"}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("number.test") assert state.state == "50.0" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_STEP) == 1.0 await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, {ATTR_VALUE: 60.0, ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "number.test"}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("number.test") assert state.state == "60.0" # test ValueError trigger with pytest.raises(ValueError): await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, {ATTR_VALUE: 110.0, ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "number.test"}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("number.test") assert state.state == "60.0" async def test_deprecated_attributes( hass: HomeAssistant, enable_custom_integrations: None ) -> None: """Test entity using deprecated attributes.""" platform = getattr(hass.components, f"test.{DOMAIN}") platform.init(empty=True) platform.ENTITIES.append(platform.LegacyMockNumberEntity()) entity = platform.ENTITIES[0] entity._attr_name = "Test" entity._attr_max_value = 25 entity._attr_min_value = -25 entity._attr_step = 2.5 entity._attr_value = 51.0 assert await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, {DOMAIN: {CONF_PLATFORM: "test"}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("number.test") assert state.state == "51.0" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MAX) == 25.0 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MIN) == -25.0 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_STEP) == 2.5 await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, {ATTR_VALUE: 0.0, ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "number.test"}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("number.test") assert state.state == "0.0" # test ValueError trigger with pytest.raises(ValueError): await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, {ATTR_VALUE: 110.0, ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "number.test"}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("number.test") assert state.state == "0.0" async def test_deprecated_methods( hass: HomeAssistant, enable_custom_integrations: None ) -> None: """Test entity using deprecated methods.""" platform = getattr(hass.components, f"test.{DOMAIN}") platform.init(empty=True) platform.ENTITIES.append( platform.LegacyMockNumberEntity( name="Test", max_value=25.0, min_value=-25.0, step=2.5, value=51.0, ) ) assert await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, {DOMAIN: {CONF_PLATFORM: "test"}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("number.test") assert state.state == "51.0" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MAX) == 25.0 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MIN) == -25.0 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_STEP) == 2.5 await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, {ATTR_VALUE: 0.0, ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "number.test"}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("number.test") assert state.state == "0.0" # test ValueError trigger with pytest.raises(ValueError): await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, {ATTR_VALUE: 110.0, ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "number.test"}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("number.test") assert state.state == "0.0" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "unit_system, native_unit, state_unit, initial_native_value, initial_state_value, " "updated_native_value, updated_state_value, native_max_value, state_max_value, " "native_min_value, state_min_value, native_step, state_step", [ ( US_CUSTOMARY_SYSTEM, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, 100, 100, 50, 50, 140, 140, -9, -9, 3, 3, ), ( US_CUSTOMARY_SYSTEM, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, 38, 100, 10, 50, 60, 140, -23, -10, 3, 3, ), ( METRIC_SYSTEM, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, TEMP_CELSIUS, 100, 38, 50, 10, 140, 60, -9, -23, 3, 3, ), ( METRIC_SYSTEM, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_CELSIUS, 38, 38, 10, 10, 60, 60, -23, -23, 3, 3, ), ], ) async def test_temperature_conversion( hass, enable_custom_integrations, unit_system, native_unit, state_unit, initial_native_value, initial_state_value, updated_native_value, updated_state_value, native_max_value, state_max_value, native_min_value, state_min_value, native_step, state_step, ): """Test temperature conversion.""" hass.config.units = unit_system platform = getattr(hass.components, f"test.{DOMAIN}") platform.init(empty=True) platform.ENTITIES.append( platform.MockNumberEntity( name="Test", native_max_value=native_max_value, native_min_value=native_min_value, native_step=native_step, native_unit_of_measurement=native_unit, native_value=initial_native_value, device_class=NumberDeviceClass.TEMPERATURE, ) ) entity0 = platform.ENTITIES[0] assert await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, {DOMAIN: {CONF_PLATFORM: "test"}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(entity0.entity_id) assert float(state.state) == pytest.approx(float(initial_state_value)) assert state.attributes[ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT] == state_unit assert state.attributes[ATTR_MAX] == state_max_value assert state.attributes[ATTR_MIN] == state_min_value assert state.attributes[ATTR_STEP] == state_step await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, {ATTR_VALUE: updated_state_value, ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity0.entity_id}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(entity0.entity_id) assert float(state.state) == pytest.approx(float(updated_state_value)) assert entity0._values["native_value"] == updated_native_value # Set to the minimum value await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, {ATTR_VALUE: state_min_value, ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity0.entity_id}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(entity0.entity_id) assert float(state.state) == pytest.approx(float(state_min_value), rel=0.1) # Set to the maximum value await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, {ATTR_VALUE: state_max_value, ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity0.entity_id}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(entity0.entity_id) assert float(state.state) == pytest.approx(float(state_max_value), rel=0.1) RESTORE_DATA = { "native_max_value": 200.0, "native_min_value": -10.0, "native_step": 2.0, "native_unit_of_measurement": "°F", "native_value": 123.0, } async def test_restore_number_save_state( hass, hass_storage, enable_custom_integrations, ): """Test RestoreNumber.""" platform = getattr(hass.components, "test.number") platform.init(empty=True) platform.ENTITIES.append( platform.MockRestoreNumber( name="Test", native_max_value=200.0, native_min_value=-10.0, native_step=2.0, native_unit_of_measurement=TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, native_value=123.0, device_class=NumberDeviceClass.TEMPERATURE, ) ) entity0 = platform.ENTITIES[0] assert await async_setup_component(hass, "number", {"number": {"platform": "test"}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Trigger saving state await hass.async_stop() assert len(hass_storage[RESTORE_STATE_KEY]["data"]) == 1 state = hass_storage[RESTORE_STATE_KEY]["data"][0]["state"] assert state["entity_id"] == entity0.entity_id extra_data = hass_storage[RESTORE_STATE_KEY]["data"][0]["extra_data"] assert extra_data == RESTORE_DATA assert type(extra_data["native_value"]) == float @pytest.mark.parametrize( "native_max_value, native_min_value, native_step, native_value, native_value_type, extra_data, device_class, uom", [ ( 200.0, -10.0, 2.0, 123.0, float, RESTORE_DATA, NumberDeviceClass.TEMPERATURE, "°F", ), (100.0, 0.0, None, None, type(None), None, None, None), (100.0, 0.0, None, None, type(None), {}, None, None), (100.0, 0.0, None, None, type(None), {"beer": 123}, None, None), ( 100.0, 0.0, None, None, type(None), {"native_unit_of_measurement": "°F", "native_value": {}}, None, None, ), ], ) async def test_restore_number_restore_state( hass, enable_custom_integrations, hass_storage, native_max_value, native_min_value, native_step, native_value, native_value_type, extra_data, device_class, uom, ): """Test RestoreNumber.""" mock_restore_cache_with_extra_data(hass, ((State("number.test", ""), extra_data),)) platform = getattr(hass.components, "test.number") platform.init(empty=True) platform.ENTITIES.append( platform.MockRestoreNumber( device_class=device_class, name="Test", native_value=None, ) ) entity0 = platform.ENTITIES[0] assert await async_setup_component(hass, "number", {"number": {"platform": "test"}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(entity0.entity_id) assert entity0.native_max_value == native_max_value assert entity0.native_min_value == native_min_value assert entity0.native_step == native_step assert entity0.native_value == native_value assert type(entity0.native_value) == native_value_type assert entity0.native_unit_of_measurement == uom @pytest.mark.parametrize( "device_class,native_unit,custom_unit,state_unit,native_value,custom_value", [ # Not a supported temperature unit ( NumberDeviceClass.TEMPERATURE, TEMP_CELSIUS, "my_temperature_unit", TEMP_CELSIUS, 1000, 1000, ), ( NumberDeviceClass.TEMPERATURE, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, 37.5, 99.5, ), ( NumberDeviceClass.TEMPERATURE, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_CELSIUS, 100, 38.0, ), ], ) async def test_custom_unit( hass, enable_custom_integrations, device_class, native_unit, custom_unit, state_unit, native_value, custom_value, ): """Test custom unit.""" entity_registry = er.async_get(hass) entry = entity_registry.async_get_or_create("number", "test", "very_unique") entity_registry.async_update_entity_options( entry.entity_id, "number", {"unit_of_measurement": custom_unit} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() platform = getattr(hass.components, "test.number") platform.init(empty=True) platform.ENTITIES.append( platform.MockNumberEntity( name="Test", native_value=native_value, native_unit_of_measurement=native_unit, device_class=device_class, unique_id="very_unique", ) ) entity0 = platform.ENTITIES[0] assert await async_setup_component(hass, "number", {"number": {"platform": "test"}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(entity0.entity_id) assert float(state.state) == pytest.approx(float(custom_value)) assert state.attributes[ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT] == state_unit @pytest.mark.parametrize( "native_unit, custom_unit, used_custom_unit, default_unit, native_value, custom_value, default_value", [ ( TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, TEMP_CELSIUS, 37.5, 99.5, 37.5, ), ( TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, TEMP_CELSIUS, 100, 100, 38.0, ), # Not a supported temperature unit (TEMP_CELSIUS, "no_unit", TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_CELSIUS, 1000, 1000, 1000), ], ) async def test_custom_unit_change( hass, enable_custom_integrations, native_unit, custom_unit, used_custom_unit, default_unit, native_value, custom_value, default_value, ): """Test custom unit changes are picked up.""" entity_registry = er.async_get(hass) platform = getattr(hass.components, "test.number") platform.init(empty=True) platform.ENTITIES.append( platform.MockNumberEntity( name="Test", native_value=native_value, native_unit_of_measurement=native_unit, device_class=NumberDeviceClass.TEMPERATURE, unique_id="very_unique", ) ) entity0 = platform.ENTITIES[0] assert await async_setup_component(hass, "number", {"number": {"platform": "test"}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Default unit conversion according to unit system state = hass.states.get(entity0.entity_id) assert float(state.state) == pytest.approx(float(default_value)) assert state.attributes[ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT] == default_unit entity_registry.async_update_entity_options( "number.test", "number", {"unit_of_measurement": custom_unit} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Unit conversion to the custom unit state = hass.states.get(entity0.entity_id) assert float(state.state) == pytest.approx(float(custom_value)) assert state.attributes[ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT] == used_custom_unit entity_registry.async_update_entity_options( "number.test", "number", {"unit_of_measurement": native_unit} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Unit conversion to another custom unit state = hass.states.get(entity0.entity_id) assert float(state.state) == pytest.approx(float(native_value)) assert state.attributes[ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT] == native_unit entity_registry.async_update_entity_options("number.test", "number", None) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Default unit conversion according to unit system state = hass.states.get(entity0.entity_id) assert float(state.state) == pytest.approx(float(default_value)) assert state.attributes[ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT] == default_unit def test_device_classes_aligned(): """Make sure all sensor device classes are also available in NumberDeviceClass.""" non_numeric_device_classes = { SensorDeviceClass.DATE, SensorDeviceClass.DURATION, SensorDeviceClass.TIMESTAMP, } for device_class in SensorDeviceClass: if device_class in non_numeric_device_classes: continue assert hasattr(NumberDeviceClass, device_class.name) assert getattr(NumberDeviceClass, device_class.name).value == device_class.value