"""Tests for IPMA config flow.""" from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from homeassistant.components.ipma import DOMAIN, config_flow from homeassistant.const import CONF_LATITUDE, CONF_LONGITUDE, CONF_MODE from homeassistant.helpers import entity_registry as er from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from . import MockLocation from tests.common import MockConfigEntry, mock_registry async def test_show_config_form(): """Test show configuration form.""" hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.IpmaFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass result = await flow._show_config_form() assert result["type"] == "form" assert result["step_id"] == "user" async def test_show_config_form_default_values(): """Test show configuration form.""" hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.IpmaFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass result = await flow._show_config_form(name="test", latitude="0", longitude="0") assert result["type"] == "form" assert result["step_id"] == "user" async def test_flow_with_home_location(hass): """Test config flow . Tests the flow when a default location is configured then it should return a form with default values """ flow = config_flow.IpmaFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass hass.config.location_name = "Home" hass.config.latitude = 1 hass.config.longitude = 1 result = await flow.async_step_user() assert result["type"] == "form" assert result["step_id"] == "user" async def test_flow_show_form(): """Test show form scenarios first time. Test when the form should show when no configurations exists """ hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.IpmaFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass with patch( "homeassistant.components.ipma.config_flow.IpmaFlowHandler._show_config_form" ) as config_form: await flow.async_step_user() assert len(config_form.mock_calls) == 1 async def test_flow_entry_created_from_user_input(): """Test that create data from user input. Test when the form should show when no configurations exists """ hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.IpmaFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass test_data = {"name": "home", CONF_LONGITUDE: "0", CONF_LATITUDE: "0"} # Test that entry created when user_input name not exists with patch( "homeassistant.components.ipma.config_flow.IpmaFlowHandler._show_config_form" ) as config_form, patch.object( flow.hass.config_entries, "async_entries", return_value=[], ) as config_entries: result = await flow.async_step_user(user_input=test_data) assert result["type"] == "create_entry" assert result["data"] == test_data assert len(config_entries.mock_calls) == 1 assert not config_form.mock_calls async def test_flow_entry_config_entry_already_exists(): """Test that create data from user input and config_entry already exists. Test when the form should show when user puts existing name in the config gui. Then the form should show with error """ hass = Mock() flow = config_flow.IpmaFlowHandler() flow.hass = hass test_data = {"name": "home", CONF_LONGITUDE: "0", CONF_LATITUDE: "0"} # Test that entry created when user_input name not exists with patch( "homeassistant.components.ipma.config_flow.IpmaFlowHandler._show_config_form" ) as config_form, patch.object( flow.hass.config_entries, "async_entries", return_value={"home": test_data} ) as config_entries: await flow.async_step_user(user_input=test_data) assert len(config_form.mock_calls) == 1 assert len(config_entries.mock_calls) == 1 assert len(flow._errors) == 1 async def test_config_entry_migration(hass): """Tests config entry without mode in unique_id can be migrated.""" ipma_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, title="Home", data={CONF_LATITUDE: 0, CONF_LONGITUDE: 0, CONF_MODE: "daily"}, ) ipma_entry.add_to_hass(hass) ipma_entry2 = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, title="Home", data={CONF_LATITUDE: 0, CONF_LONGITUDE: 0, CONF_MODE: "hourly"}, ) ipma_entry2.add_to_hass(hass) mock_registry( hass, { "weather.hometown": er.RegistryEntry( entity_id="weather.hometown", unique_id="0, 0", platform="ipma", config_entry_id=ipma_entry.entry_id, ), "weather.hometown_2": er.RegistryEntry( entity_id="weather.hometown_2", unique_id="0, 0, hourly", platform="ipma", config_entry_id=ipma_entry.entry_id, ), }, ) with patch( "pyipma.location.Location.get", return_value=MockLocation(), ): assert await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, {}) await hass.async_block_till_done() ent_reg = er.async_get(hass) weather_home = ent_reg.async_get("weather.hometown") assert weather_home.unique_id == "0, 0, daily" weather_home2 = ent_reg.async_get("weather.hometown_2") assert weather_home2.unique_id == "0, 0, hourly"