"""Config flow to configure roomba component.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from functools import partial from roombapy import RoombaFactory from roombapy.discovery import RoombaDiscovery from roombapy.getpassword import RoombaPassword import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries, core from homeassistant.components import dhcp, zeroconf from homeassistant.const import CONF_DELAY, CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME, CONF_PASSWORD from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.data_entry_flow import FlowResult from . import CannotConnect, async_connect_or_timeout, async_disconnect_or_timeout from .const import ( CONF_BLID, CONF_CONTINUOUS, DEFAULT_CONTINUOUS, DEFAULT_DELAY, DOMAIN, ROOMBA_SESSION, ) ROOMBA_DISCOVERY_LOCK = "roomba_discovery_lock" ALL_ATTEMPTS = 2 HOST_ATTEMPTS = 6 ROOMBA_WAKE_TIME = 6 DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {CONF_CONTINUOUS: DEFAULT_CONTINUOUS, CONF_DELAY: DEFAULT_DELAY} MAX_NUM_DEVICES_TO_DISCOVER = 25 AUTH_HELP_URL_KEY = "auth_help_url" AUTH_HELP_URL_VALUE = "https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/roomba/#manually-retrieving-your-credentials" async def validate_input(hass: core.HomeAssistant, data): """Validate the user input allows us to connect. Data has the keys from DATA_SCHEMA with values provided by the user. """ roomba = await hass.async_add_executor_job( partial( RoombaFactory.create_roomba, address=data[CONF_HOST], blid=data[CONF_BLID], password=data[CONF_PASSWORD], continuous=False, delay=data[CONF_DELAY], ) ) info = await async_connect_or_timeout(hass, roomba) if info: await async_disconnect_or_timeout(hass, roomba) return { ROOMBA_SESSION: info[ROOMBA_SESSION], CONF_NAME: info[CONF_NAME], CONF_HOST: data[CONF_HOST], } class RoombaConfigFlow(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Roomba configuration flow.""" VERSION = 1 def __init__(self): """Initialize the roomba flow.""" self.discovered_robots = {} self.name = None self.blid = None self.host = None @staticmethod @callback def async_get_options_flow( config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry, ) -> OptionsFlowHandler: """Get the options flow for this handler.""" return OptionsFlowHandler(config_entry) async def async_step_zeroconf( self, discovery_info: zeroconf.ZeroconfServiceInfo ) -> FlowResult: """Handle zeroconf discovery.""" return await self._async_step_discovery( discovery_info.host, discovery_info.hostname.lower().rstrip(".local.") ) async def async_step_dhcp(self, discovery_info: dhcp.DhcpServiceInfo) -> FlowResult: """Handle dhcp discovery.""" return await self._async_step_discovery( discovery_info.ip, discovery_info.hostname ) async def _async_step_discovery(self, ip_address: str, hostname: str) -> FlowResult: """Handle any discovery.""" self._async_abort_entries_match({CONF_HOST: ip_address}) if not hostname.startswith(("irobot-", "roomba-")): return self.async_abort(reason="not_irobot_device") self.host = ip_address self.blid = _async_blid_from_hostname(hostname) await self.async_set_unique_id(self.blid) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured(updates={CONF_HOST: ip_address}) # Because the hostname is so long some sources may # truncate the hostname since it will be longer than # the valid allowed length. If we already have a flow # going for a longer hostname we abort so the user # does not see two flows if discovery fails. for progress in self._async_in_progress(): flow_unique_id: str = progress["context"]["unique_id"] if flow_unique_id.startswith(self.blid): return self.async_abort(reason="short_blid") if self.blid.startswith(flow_unique_id): self.hass.config_entries.flow.async_abort(progress["flow_id"]) self.context["title_placeholders"] = {"host": self.host, "name": self.blid} return await self.async_step_user() async def _async_start_link(self): """Start linking.""" device = self.discovered_robots[self.host] self.blid = device.blid self.name = device.robot_name await self.async_set_unique_id(self.blid, raise_on_progress=False) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() return await self.async_step_link() async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None): """Handle a flow start.""" # Check if user chooses manual entry if user_input is not None and not user_input.get(CONF_HOST): return await self.async_step_manual() if ( user_input is not None and self.discovered_robots is not None and user_input[CONF_HOST] in self.discovered_robots ): self.host = user_input[CONF_HOST] return await self._async_start_link() already_configured = self._async_current_ids(False) devices = await _async_discover_roombas(self.hass, self.host) if devices: # Find already configured hosts self.discovered_robots = { device.ip: device for device in devices if device.blid not in already_configured } if self.host and self.host in self.discovered_robots: # From discovery self.context["title_placeholders"] = { "host": self.host, "name": self.discovered_robots[self.host].robot_name, } return await self._async_start_link() if not self.discovered_robots: return await self.async_step_manual() return self.async_show_form( step_id="user", data_schema=vol.Schema( { vol.Optional("host"): vol.In( { **{ device.ip: f"{device.robot_name} ({device.ip})" for device in devices if device.blid not in already_configured }, None: "Manually add a Roomba or Braava", } ) } ), ) async def async_step_manual(self, user_input=None): """Handle manual device setup.""" if user_input is None: return self.async_show_form( step_id="manual", description_placeholders={AUTH_HELP_URL_KEY: AUTH_HELP_URL_VALUE}, data_schema=vol.Schema( {vol.Required(CONF_HOST, default=self.host): str} ), ) self._async_abort_entries_match({CONF_HOST: user_input["host"]}) self.host = user_input[CONF_HOST] devices = await _async_discover_roombas(self.hass, self.host) if not devices: return self.async_abort(reason="cannot_connect") self.blid = devices[0].blid self.name = devices[0].robot_name await self.async_set_unique_id(self.blid, raise_on_progress=False) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() return await self.async_step_link() async def async_step_link(self, user_input=None): """Attempt to link with the Roomba. Given a configured host, will ask the user to press the home and target buttons to connect to the device. """ if user_input is None: return self.async_show_form( step_id="link", description_placeholders={CONF_NAME: self.name or self.blid}, ) roomba_pw = RoombaPassword(self.host) try: password = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(roomba_pw.get_password) except OSError: return await self.async_step_link_manual() if not password: return await self.async_step_link_manual() config = { CONF_HOST: self.host, CONF_BLID: self.blid, CONF_PASSWORD: password, **DEFAULT_OPTIONS, } if not self.name: try: info = await validate_input(self.hass, config) except CannotConnect: return self.async_abort(reason="cannot_connect") self.name = info[CONF_NAME] return self.async_create_entry(title=self.name, data=config) async def async_step_link_manual(self, user_input=None): """Handle manual linking.""" errors = {} if user_input is not None: config = { CONF_HOST: self.host, CONF_BLID: self.blid, CONF_PASSWORD: user_input[CONF_PASSWORD], **DEFAULT_OPTIONS, } try: info = await validate_input(self.hass, config) except CannotConnect: errors = {"base": "cannot_connect"} if not errors: return self.async_create_entry(title=info[CONF_NAME], data=config) return self.async_show_form( step_id="link_manual", description_placeholders={AUTH_HELP_URL_KEY: AUTH_HELP_URL_VALUE}, data_schema=vol.Schema({vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): str}), errors=errors, ) class OptionsFlowHandler(config_entries.OptionsFlow): """Handle options.""" def __init__(self, config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry) -> None: """Initialize options flow.""" self.config_entry = config_entry async def async_step_init(self, user_input=None): """Manage the options.""" if user_input is not None: return self.async_create_entry(title="", data=user_input) return self.async_show_form( step_id="init", data_schema=vol.Schema( { vol.Optional( CONF_CONTINUOUS, default=self.config_entry.options.get( CONF_CONTINUOUS, DEFAULT_CONTINUOUS ), ): bool, vol.Optional( CONF_DELAY, default=self.config_entry.options.get( CONF_DELAY, DEFAULT_DELAY ), ): int, } ), ) @callback def _async_get_roomba_discovery(): """Create a discovery object.""" discovery = RoombaDiscovery() discovery.amount_of_broadcasted_messages = MAX_NUM_DEVICES_TO_DISCOVER return discovery @callback def _async_blid_from_hostname(hostname): """Extract the blid from the hostname.""" return hostname.split("-")[1].split(".")[0].upper() async def _async_discover_roombas(hass, host): discovered_hosts = set() devices = [] discover_lock = hass.data.setdefault(ROOMBA_DISCOVERY_LOCK, asyncio.Lock()) discover_attempts = HOST_ATTEMPTS if host else ALL_ATTEMPTS for attempt in range(discover_attempts + 1): async with discover_lock: discovery = _async_get_roomba_discovery() try: if host: device = await hass.async_add_executor_job(discovery.get, host) discovered = [device] if device else [] else: discovered = await hass.async_add_executor_job(discovery.get_all) except OSError: # Socket temporarily unavailable await asyncio.sleep(ROOMBA_WAKE_TIME * attempt) continue else: for device in discovered: if device.ip in discovered_hosts: continue discovered_hosts.add(device.ip) devices.append(device) finally: discovery.server_socket.close() if host and host in discovered_hosts: return devices await asyncio.sleep(ROOMBA_WAKE_TIME) return devices