{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "description": "SimpliSafe authenticates users via its web app. Due to technical limitations, there is a manual step at the end of this process; please ensure that you read the [documentation](http://home-assistant.io/integrations/simplisafe#getting-an-authorization-code) before starting.\n\nWhen you are ready, click [here]({url}) to open the SimpliSafe web app and input your credentials. If you've already logged into SimpliSafe in your browser, you may want to open a new tab, then copy/paste the above URL into that tab.\n\nWhen the process is complete, return here and input the authorization code from the `com.simplisafe.mobile` URL.", "data": { "auth_code": "Authorization Code" } } }, "error": { "identifier_exists": "Account already registered", "invalid_auth": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::invalid_auth%]", "invalid_auth_code_length": "SimpliSafe authorization codes are 45 characters in length", "unknown": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::unknown%]" }, "abort": { "already_configured": "This SimpliSafe account is already in use.", "reauth_successful": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::reauth_successful%]", "wrong_account": "The user credentials provided do not match this SimpliSafe account." } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "title": "Configure SimpliSafe", "data": { "code": "Code (used in Home Assistant UI)" } } } }, "entity": { "button": { "clear_notifications": { "name": "Clear notifications" } } }, "services": { "remove_pin": { "name": "Remove PIN", "description": "Removes a PIN by its label or value.", "fields": { "device_id": { "name": "System", "description": "The system to remove the PIN from." }, "label_or_pin": { "name": "Label/PIN", "description": "The label/value to remove." } } }, "set_pin": { "name": "Set PIN", "description": "Sets/updates a PIN.", "fields": { "device_id": { "name": "[%key:component::simplisafe::services::remove_pin::fields::device_id::name%]", "description": "The system to set the PIN on." }, "label": { "name": "Label", "description": "The label of the PIN." }, "pin": { "name": "PIN", "description": "The value of the PIN." } } }, "set_system_properties": { "name": "Set system properties", "description": "Sets one or more system properties.", "fields": { "device_id": { "name": "[%key:component::simplisafe::services::remove_pin::fields::device_id::name%]", "description": "The system whose properties should be set." }, "alarm_duration": { "name": "Alarm duration", "description": "The length of a triggered alarm." }, "alarm_volume": { "name": "Alarm volume", "description": "The volume level of a triggered alarm." }, "chime_volume": { "name": "Chime volume", "description": "The volume level of the door chime." }, "entry_delay_away": { "name": "Entry delay away", "description": "How long to delay when entering while \"away\"." }, "entry_delay_home": { "name": "Entry delay home", "description": "How long to delay when entering while \"home\"." }, "exit_delay_away": { "name": "Exit delay away", "description": "How long to delay when exiting while \"away\"." }, "exit_delay_home": { "name": "Exit delay home", "description": "How long to delay when exiting while \"home\"." }, "light": { "name": "Light", "description": "Whether the armed light should be visible." }, "voice_prompt_volume": { "name": "Voice prompt volume", "description": "The volume level of the voice prompt." } } } } }