{ "config": { "step": { "pick_implementation": { "title": "[%key:common::config_flow::title::oauth2_pick_implementation%]" }, "reauth_confirm": { "title": "[%key:common::config_flow::title::reauth%]", "description": "The yolink integration needs to re-authenticate your account" } }, "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_account%]", "already_in_progress": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_in_progress%]", "oauth_error": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_error%]", "missing_configuration": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_missing_configuration%]", "authorize_url_timeout": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_authorize_url_timeout%]", "no_url_available": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_no_url_available%]", "reauth_successful": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::reauth_successful%]", "oauth_timeout": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_timeout%]", "oauth_unauthorized": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_unauthorized%]", "oauth_failed": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_failed%]", "missing_credentials": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::oauth2_missing_credentials%]" }, "create_entry": { "default": "[%key:common::config_flow::create_entry::authenticated%]" } }, "device_automation": { "trigger_type": { "button_1_short_press": "Button_1 (short press)", "button_1_long_press": "Button_1 (long press)", "button_2_short_press": "Button_2 (short press)", "button_2_long_press": "Button_2 (long press)", "button_3_short_press": "Button_3 (short press)", "button_3_long_press": "Button_3 (long press)", "button_4_short_press": "Button_4 (short press)", "button_4_long_press": "Button_4 (long press)" } }, "exceptions": { "invalid_config_entry": { "message": "Config entry not found or not loaded!" } }, "entity": { "switch": { "usb_ports": { "name": "USB ports" }, "plug_1": { "name": "Plug 1" }, "plug_2": { "name": "Plug 2" }, "plug_3": { "name": "Plug 3" }, "plug_4": { "name": "Plug 4" } }, "sensor": { "current_power": { "name": "Current power" }, "power_consumption": { "name": "Power consumption" }, "power_failure_alarm": { "name": "Power failure alarm", "state": { "normal": "Normal", "alert": "Alert", "off": "[%key:common::state::off%]" } }, "power_failure_alarm_mute": { "name": "Power failure alarm mute", "state": { "muted": "Muted", "unmuted": "Unmuted" } }, "power_failure_alarm_volume": { "name": "Power failure alarm volume", "state": { "low": "Low", "medium": "Medium", "high": "High" } }, "power_failure_alarm_beep": { "name": "Power failure alarm beep", "state": { "enabled": "[%key:common::state::enabled%]", "disabled": "[%key:common::state::disabled%]" } }, "water_meter_reading": { "name": "Water meter reading" } }, "number": { "config_volume": { "name": "Volume" } }, "valve": { "meter_valve_state": { "name": "Valve state" } } }, "services": { "play_on_speaker_hub": { "name": "Play on SpeakerHub", "description": "Convert text to audio play on YoLink SpeakerHub", "fields": { "target_device": { "name": "SpeakerHub Device", "description": "SpeakerHub Device" }, "message": { "name": "Text message", "description": "Text message to be played." }, "tone": { "name": "Tone", "description": "Tone before playing audio." }, "volume": { "name": "Volume", "description": "Override the speaker volume during playback of this message only." }, "repeat": { "name": "Repeat", "description": "The amount of times the text will be repeated." } } } }, "selector": { "speaker_tone": { "options": { "emergency": "Emergency", "alert": "Alert", "warn": "Warn", "tip": "Tip" } } } }