"""Connection session.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Callable, Hashable from contextvars import ContextVar from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal from aiohttp import web import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.auth.models import RefreshToken, User from homeassistant.core import Context, HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError, Unauthorized from homeassistant.helpers.http import current_request from homeassistant.util.json import JsonValueType from . import const, messages from .messages import ( error_message, event_message, message_to_json_bytes, result_message, ) from .util import describe_request if TYPE_CHECKING: from .http import WebSocketAdapter current_connection = ContextVar["ActiveConnection | None"]( "current_connection", default=None ) type MessageHandler = Callable[[HomeAssistant, ActiveConnection, dict[str, Any]], None] type BinaryHandler = Callable[[HomeAssistant, ActiveConnection, bytes], None] class ActiveConnection: """Handle an active websocket client connection.""" __slots__ = ( "binary_handlers", "can_coalesce", "handlers", "hass", "last_id", "logger", "refresh_token_id", "send_message", "subscriptions", "supported_features", "user", ) def __init__( self, logger: WebSocketAdapter, hass: HomeAssistant, send_message: Callable[[bytes | str | dict[str, Any]], None], user: User, refresh_token: RefreshToken, ) -> None: """Initialize an active connection.""" self.logger = logger self.hass = hass self.send_message = send_message self.user = user self.refresh_token_id = refresh_token.id self.subscriptions: dict[Hashable, Callable[[], Any]] = {} self.last_id = 0 self.can_coalesce = False self.supported_features: dict[str, float] = {} self.handlers: dict[str, tuple[MessageHandler, vol.Schema | Literal[False]]] = ( self.hass.data[const.DOMAIN] ) self.binary_handlers: list[BinaryHandler | None] = [] current_connection.set(self) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return the representation.""" return f"" def set_supported_features(self, features: dict[str, float]) -> None: """Set supported features.""" self.supported_features = features self.can_coalesce = const.FEATURE_COALESCE_MESSAGES in features def get_description(self, request: web.Request | None) -> str: """Return a description of the connection.""" description = self.user.name or "" if request: description += " " + describe_request(request) return description def context(self, msg: dict[str, Any]) -> Context: """Return a context.""" return Context(user_id=self.user.id) @callback def async_register_binary_handler( self, handler: BinaryHandler ) -> tuple[int, Callable[[], None]]: """Register a temporary binary handler for this connection. Returns a binary handler_id (1 byte) and a callback to unregister the handler. """ if len(self.binary_handlers) < 255: index = len(self.binary_handlers) self.binary_handlers.append(None) else: # Once the list is full, we search for a None entry to reuse. index = None for idx, existing in enumerate(self.binary_handlers): if existing is None: index = idx break if index is None: raise RuntimeError("Too many binary handlers registered") self.binary_handlers[index] = handler @callback def unsub() -> None: """Unregister the handler.""" assert index is not None self.binary_handlers[index] = None return index + 1, unsub @callback def send_result(self, msg_id: int, result: Any | None = None) -> None: """Send a result message.""" self.send_message(message_to_json_bytes(result_message(msg_id, result))) @callback def send_event(self, msg_id: int, event: Any | None = None) -> None: """Send a event message.""" self.send_message(message_to_json_bytes(event_message(msg_id, event))) @callback def send_error( self, msg_id: int, code: str, message: str, translation_key: str | None = None, translation_domain: str | None = None, translation_placeholders: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> None: """Send an error message.""" self.send_message( message_to_json_bytes( error_message( msg_id, code, message, translation_key=translation_key, translation_domain=translation_domain, translation_placeholders=translation_placeholders, ) ) ) @callback def async_handle_binary(self, handler_id: int, payload: bytes) -> None: """Handle a single incoming binary message.""" index = handler_id - 1 if ( index < 0 or index >= len(self.binary_handlers) or (handler := self.binary_handlers[index]) is None ): self.logger.error( "Received binary message for non-existing handler %s", handler_id ) return try: handler(self.hass, self, payload) except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error handling binary message") self.binary_handlers[index] = None @callback def async_handle(self, msg: JsonValueType) -> None: """Handle a single incoming message.""" if ( # Not using isinstance as we don't care about children # as these are always coming from JSON type(msg) is not dict or ( not (cur_id := msg.get("id")) or type(cur_id) is not int or cur_id < 0 or not (type_ := msg.get("type")) or type(type_) is not str ) ): self.logger.error("Received invalid command: %s", msg) id_ = msg.get("id") if isinstance(msg, dict) else 0 self.send_message( messages.error_message( id_, # type: ignore[arg-type] const.ERR_INVALID_FORMAT, "Message incorrectly formatted.", ) ) return if cur_id <= self.last_id: self.send_message( messages.error_message( cur_id, const.ERR_ID_REUSE, "Identifier values have to increase." ) ) return if not (handler_schema := self.handlers.get(type_)): self.logger.info("Received unknown command: %s", type_) self.send_message( messages.error_message( cur_id, const.ERR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND, "Unknown command." ) ) return handler, schema = handler_schema try: if schema is False: if len(msg) > 2: raise vol.Invalid("extra keys not allowed") # noqa: TRY301 handler(self.hass, self, msg) else: handler(self.hass, self, schema(msg)) except Exception as err: # noqa: BLE001 self.async_handle_exception(msg, err) self.last_id = cur_id @callback def async_handle_close(self) -> None: """Handle closing down connection.""" for unsub in self.subscriptions.values(): try: unsub() except Exception: # If one fails, make sure we still try the rest self.logger.exception( "Error unsubscribing from subscription: %s", unsub ) self.subscriptions.clear() self.send_message = self._connect_closed_error current_request.set(None) current_connection.set(None) @callback def _connect_closed_error( self, msg: bytes | str | dict[str, Any] | Callable[[], str] ) -> None: """Send a message when the connection is closed.""" self.logger.debug("Tried to send message %s on closed connection", msg) @callback def async_handle_exception(self, msg: dict[str, Any], err: Exception) -> None: """Handle an exception while processing a handler.""" log_handler = self.logger.error code = const.ERR_UNKNOWN_ERROR err_message: str | None = None translation_domain: str | None = None translation_key: str | None = None translation_placeholders: dict[str, Any] | None = None if isinstance(err, Unauthorized): code = const.ERR_UNAUTHORIZED err_message = "Unauthorized" elif isinstance(err, vol.Invalid): code = const.ERR_INVALID_FORMAT err_message = vol.humanize.humanize_error(msg, err) elif isinstance(err, TimeoutError): code = const.ERR_TIMEOUT err_message = "Timeout" elif isinstance(err, HomeAssistantError): err_message = str(err) code = const.ERR_HOME_ASSISTANT_ERROR translation_domain = err.translation_domain translation_key = err.translation_key translation_placeholders = err.translation_placeholders # This if-check matches all other errors but also matches errors which # result in an empty message. In that case we will also log the stack # trace so it can be fixed. if not err_message: err_message = "Unknown error" log_handler = self.logger.exception self.send_message( messages.error_message( msg["id"], code, err_message, translation_domain=translation_domain, translation_key=translation_key, translation_placeholders=translation_placeholders, ) ) if code: err_message += f" ({code})" err_message += " " + self.get_description(current_request.get()) log_handler("Error handling message: %s", err_message)