{ "entity": { "sensor": { "electricity_price": { "name": "Electricity price" }, "month_cost": { "name": "Monthly cost" }, "peak_hour": { "name": "Monthly peak hour consumption" }, "peak_hour_time": { "name": "Time of max hour consumption" }, "month_cons": { "name": "Monthly net consumption" }, "average_power": { "name": "Average power" }, "power": { "name": "Power" }, "power_production": { "name": "Power production" }, "min_power": { "name": "Min power" }, "max_power": { "name": "Max power" }, "accumulated_consumption": { "name": "Accumulated consumption" }, "accumulated_consumption_last_hour": { "name": "Accumulated consumption current hour" }, "estimated_hour_consumption": { "name": "Estimated consumption current hour" }, "accumulated_production": { "name": "Accumulated production" }, "accumulated_production_last_hour": { "name": "Accumulated production current hour" }, "last_meter_consumption": { "name": "Last meter consumption" }, "last_meter_production": { "name": "Last meter production" }, "voltage_phase1": { "name": "Voltage phase1" }, "voltage_phase2": { "name": "Voltage phase2" }, "voltage_phase3": { "name": "Voltage phase3" }, "current_l1": { "name": "Current L1" }, "current_l2": { "name": "Current L2" }, "current_l3": { "name": "Current L3" }, "signal_strength": { "name": "Signal strength" }, "accumulated_reward": { "name": "Accumulated reward" }, "accumulated_cost": { "name": "Accumulated cost" }, "power_factor": { "name": "Power factor" } } }, "services": { "get_prices": { "name": "Get energy prices", "description": "Get hourly energy prices from Tibber", "fields": { "start": { "name": "Start", "description": "Specifies the date and time from which to retrieve prices. Defaults to today if omitted." }, "end": { "name": "End", "description": "Specifies the date and time until which to retrieve prices. Defaults to the last hour of today if omitted." } } } }, "config": { "abort": { "already_configured": "[%key:common::config_flow::abort::already_configured_service%]" }, "error": { "timeout": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::timeout_connect%]", "cannot_connect": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::cannot_connect%]", "invalid_access_token": "[%key:common::config_flow::error::invalid_access_token%]" }, "step": { "user": { "data": { "access_token": "[%key:common::config_flow::data::access_token%]" }, "description": "Enter your access token from {url}" } } }, "exceptions": { "invalid_date": { "message": "Invalid datetime provided {date}" }, "send_message_timeout": { "message": "Timeout sending message with Tibber" } } }